I recoiled at the vile sensation of Richard’s cold tongue upon my neck. I kicked and punched his chest with all my might, but it was about as effective as hitting a brick wall.
“Let me go!” I screamed, terrified. My heart threatened to rip itself from my chest.
But Richard did not relent in his grip. I felt the sharpness of his fangs next. I was not ready. I did not want to die, not like that.
Suddenly, something slammed into Richard and knocked him to the ground. The vampire roared in pain and rage. A pale, wooden stake protruded from his chest, barely an inch from his heart.
Abner knelt over him, his fist white-knuckled as he gripped the base of the stake, keeping it in place with all his strength.
Hyperventilating, I grasped my neck and saw only two tiny droplets of blood. Richard had barely managed to bite me.
I had to run, but my head and heart pounded so violently that everything was blurry and disorientated. My legs were like jelly.