Chapter 34: How Many Wives Do You Have?

Fu Hanye's icy glare left Ji Yunchuan in shock.

"She's just a delivery girl! Why are you giving me the death stare over this?" Ji Yunchuan protested, his face full of aggrieved indignation.

"She's my wife," Fu Hanye replied in a steady, firm tone.

This was the second time he'd acknowledged Gu Yining as his wife in front of Ji Yunchuan.

"What? How many wives do you have?" Ji Yunchuan blurted out, stunned.

Fu Hanye had always been as immovable as an old iron tree, never showing the slightest interest in romance. Now, suddenly, he seemed to be flourishing with romantic entanglements, nearly as flirtatious as Ji Yunchuan himself.

"Just one."

"Wait—what???" Ji Yunchuan's confusion deepened.

"The woman you just saw and the one at the party are the same person."

"What the... I'm floored. Does she have some kind of disguise fetish?" Ji Yunchuan, suddenly weak at the knees, collapsed dramatically at Fu Hanye's feet.

He'd just called his sister-in-law an ugly freak. Worse, he'd gone on to complain about her face right to Fu Hanye.

Damn it! Why was he always this clueless?

Meanwhile, Gu Yining had made her way to the elevator, only to be hit by a wave of curiosity. She backtracked and returned to the office to see what Ji Yunchuan was there to discuss with Fu Hanye.

The walls of the office were glass, and the blinds happened to be open, allowing her a clear view inside.

She arrived just in time to see Ji Yunchuan slump down in front of Fu Hanye with a thud.

Fu Hanye sat in his chair, his imposing figure leaning back with a lazy elegance. His sharp gaze narrowed, watching Ji Yunchuan on the floor. The desk blocked their lower bodies from view.

From her vantage point, she could only see Ji Yunchuan's head moving up and down as he knelt in front of Fu Hanye. Although she couldn't hear a word, the scene was enough to lead her to some wild conclusions.

The implication seemed unmistakable.

Ji Yunchuan was serving Fu Hanye.

"Oh my god." Gu Yining gasped, quickly covering her mouth, then hurriedly fled the scene with a wave of nausea.

She had thought she could handle it if Fu Hanye was gay. Even if he swung both ways, it wouldn't bother her. After all, their marriage was one of convenience; she hadn't married him for love.

But seeing it happen made her stomach turn, as if a weight pressed on her chest, making it hard to breathe. Feeling a sudden urge to escape, she turned on her heel, only to collide with Li Feng, who was heading to the CEO's office.

"Madam, what are you doing here?" Li Feng asked, halting his steps to look at her with concern.

"Oh, nothing. I was just leaving," Gu Yining replied, quickly masking her turmoil and brushing past him to step into the elevator.

Li Feng watched her hasty departure, then turned to glance at the office. Inside, Ji Yunchuan and Fu Hanye were positioned in a way that, from this angle, did seem a bit too intimate for comfort.

So… did the madam misunderstand?

Back in the office, Ji Yunchuan was on the floor, pounding his chest and begging for forgiveness, his demeanor utterly submissive. 

Now, Ji Yunchuan's cowardice in Fu Hanye's presence was an old story. It went back to their high school days, during a martial arts competition. Ji Yunchuan had challenged Fu Hanye to a fight after his girlfriend at the time had fallen for Fu Hanye. Ji Yunchuan was determined to defend his honor in front of the whole school.

But it had not gone well for him. Fu Hanye had beaten him soundly, and Ji Yunchuan had nearly ended up calling him "daddy" in front of everyone. From then on, Ji Yunchuan earned the nickname "Coward Ji."

Ironically, the fight had only cemented their friendship, and they became close buddies afterward. As for that ex-girlfriend, her name had long faded from memory.

Just as Ji Yunchuan picked himself up from the floor, Li Feng entered the office after a knock.

"Sir, I just ran into Madam at the door. It seems she might have misunderstood something."