Reach Out When You're Struggling

Ryan Collins leaned back in his office chair, fingers steepled under his chin as he pushed aside the week's reports. The bright fluorescent lights overhead hummed softly, but to Ryan, the office felt like a pressure cooker. His patience had worn thin, and the mounting issues within his team had finally reached a breaking point.

Ryan glanced at the clock on his table. It was nearly 2 PM, and he could feel the tension tightening in his chest.i don't know what to do with Ben,once again he has failed me.

Immediately Ben worked into his office,Ben was his personal assistant 

As Ben worked into the office, Ryan gestured for him to sit. The younger man shuffled his feet awkwardly, his eyes darting around the room, betraying a blend of anxiety and avoidance. Ryan took a deep breath, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Ben why are there no improvement in the sales report, you promised a week ago about doing something about this how come your performance over the last few months has dropped drastically

We missed the last deadline, and it's having a ripple effect on the entire team. Our sales figures are down, and we need everyone pulling their weight to turn things around."

"I know, and I've been trying!" Ben replied trying to avoid the hard glare coming from Ryan . "its so hard to keep up with everything boss,I promise to work on my self.

Ryan felt a wave of frustration wash over him. "We all have busy schedules Ben. You have a team,I still don't know why you won't cooperate with them. It's your responsibility to communicate when you're overwhelmed. Ignoring deadlines affects the whole team."

This is a warning Ben,my eyes are fixed on you, any silly performance I notice you'll be fired 

Tom shifted in his seat and sighed, looking down at his hands. "I get it boss,I promise to work on the issue.

"It's not about handling everything alone," Ryan replied, his tone firm and hard gaze "You need to reach out when you're struggling. We have resources, reach out to the rest teams to support you. 

The silence hung heavy between them, punctuated only by the quiet hum of the office outside. Ryan could see Ben cheeks flush with embarrassment, Holding a demure look as he gazed away.

Tom nodded quickly, finally meeting Ryan's gaze. "You're right. I should have communicated better. I'm really sorry about the reports. I'll do better boss,I promise to give it my best 

Ryan felt a swell of relief mixed with lingering frustration. "I want to see real improvements in the next two weeks. Focus on your core tasks and reach out if you need assistance. I'll check in with you regularly 

"Yes Boss" Ben said, his voice steadying. "

Holding a serious expression on his face Ryan looked away signaling with his hands for Ben to leave 

As Ben left, Ryan turned back to his desk, staring at the overwhelming paperwork that still lay ahead. The job of a manager was often a balancing act confrontation intermingled with support.

Picking up his phone from the table he dialed a number.

Hello don't bother waiting for me I won't be coming home tonight for dinner.

Ryan hunged up immediately on the call, picking of his suit he walked out elegantly with his hands on his pocket.