Chapter 9: Rumours

The rumors about the Ruin of Tirath spread through Eldrida like a storm.

At first, they were merely subtle whispers, but soon transformed into lively conversations in the markets and taverns. What was once just a curiosity became the main topic among the citizens: who could possibly have cleared the ruin all by themselves?

The voices in the market grew louder than usual as vendors exchanged speculations while setting up their stalls.

— Have you heard? The Ruin of Tirath has been cleared! exclaimed a merchant, his eyes shining with excitement.

— Cleared? You must be joking! replied a woman, arranging a basket of fruits. — That place is a real battleground! It has to be some Golden adventurer.

— But just one? questioned a young man, shaking his head. — That's almost impossible!

— Impossible, no, but extremely difficult! retorted an older man with a mischievous smile.

The conversation flowed lightly, as if the citizens were trying to downplay the seriousness of what might have occurred. Yet deep down, they all shared the same curiosity—a desire to know more about who could have accomplished such a feat.

The idea that someone could have ventured so deep into a dangerous place and emerged unscathed was, at the very least, intriguing.

Meanwhile, in the castle, King Haldebrand observed the city from the window of his office. 

Now in his forties, the king displayed a vibrant energy and determination that defied his age. His presence was imposing, with broad shoulders and an upright posture that conveyed authority. He has short hair, a mix of gray and dark brown strands, was neatly styled.

His silver eyes, bright and piercing, reflected the wisdom gained over the years, while the lines around his mouth and eyes revealed both the wisdom and the challenges he had faced throughout his life.

— Why has no one brought me the real story? he murmured to himself, his eyes scanning the bustling markets below. — Someone must have cleared the Ruin, and if that person is as skilled as they say, I should know who they are.

With a slight smile on his lips, he turned toward the door just as Lysandra, the leader of the Mage Guild, entered the room.

Her long black hair shimmered under the sunlight streaming through the window, enhancing her slender and elegant figure.

With golden eyes, shimmering with intense and enigmatic brilliance, seemed to penetrate the layers of anyone who dared to meet her gaze.

Lysandra was tall and imposing, dressed in a flowing dark grey robe that gracefully wrapped around her body, adorned with magical symbols that pulsed with subtle power.

The combination of her beauty and authority emanated an aura of respect that filled the space, as if the air around her were charged with anticipation.

— It seems the news is flying, Lysandra said with a conspiratorial smile. — What do you think about the story of a lone hero clearing the Ruin of Tirath?

— I'd love to know who this "hero" is, Haldebrand replied, laughing, — but I'm starting to think the city is more interested in fantasies than in reality.

— And who wouldn't be? Lysandra pondered, leaning a bit closer to the table, clearly intrigued. — It's a captivating story, not just for the citizens, but for us as well. It could be the opportunity the Eldria Mage Guild needs for the tournament among realms.

— But what do you think really happened? Haldebrand asked, looking at her with genuine curiosity. — It's a difficult task, and the idea of a single adventurer accomplishing such a feat is, at the very least, impressive.

— Impressive, but also dangerous, Lysandra replied, her expression shifting slightly to seriousness.

— If someone was successful, there may be consequences. Golden adventurers are powerful, but alone they can be even more unpredictable.

At that moment, a group of guards entered the room, interrupting the conversation. The leader, a burly man with a serious demeanor, approached.

— My king, the rumors have escalated in the streets. Some believe it was a lone mage who cleared the Ruin.

Haldebrand looked at Lysandra, a playful expression on his face.

— A lone mage? he commented, leaning forward, intrigued.

— But we must act with caution. I don't want to alarm anyone, but I can't ignore the possibility of a new threat emerging in our kingdom.

The voices of the city echoed from afar, but the atmosphere in the castle was one of anticipation. The king and the leader of the Mage Guild exchanged knowing glances, both aware that if there was a hero behind the clearing of the Ruin, it was only a matter of time before that story unfolded before them.

— If there really is a hero, I imagine they won't be able to resist a good opportunity to show off, Haldebrand commented, laughing.

— And when they do, I'll be ready to find out who had the audacity to challenge the Ruin of Tirath.

With that, the curiosity surrounding the identity of the supposed hero only intensified, as Eldrida eagerly awaited the revelation of a new chapter in its history.

What had started as a simple rumor had now become an enigma that drew the attention of everyone, from humble merchants to powerful leaders of the realm. The city, vibrant and curious, prepared for the possibility of a new legend being born among them.

In the Eldrida Guild, the atmosphere pulsed with rumors about the Ruin of Tirath. Elara was at her post, listening attentively as adventurers animatedly discussed the latest news.

— You won't believe it, said a tall man with a scar on his face, gesturing enthusiastically. — They say a single adventurer cleared the Ruin of Tirath!

Elara frowned, unable to contain her curiosity.

— One person? How bold! Who would have the courage to face that alone?

Galdor, a laid-back guild member always ready with a joke, approached, waving his hand dismissively.

— One person? Oh, that's an exaggeration. Either someone is trying to sell a story, or it's just too difficult. But I heard someone signed up for the mission alone.

Elara shook her head, reflecting.

— So you think it's all just a rumor?

Galdor laughed.

— That's what it seems! A single adventurer defeating the Ruin? That sounds more like a plot from a storybook. The last time I saw a dungeon like that, there were more than one group trying.

Just then, Lysandra, the respected guild leader, entered the room. Her presence immediately commanded attention, and all eyes turned to her. The respect and admiration were palpable, but there was a touch of relaxation in the air.

Elara straightened up, a smile on her face.

— Leader Lysandra! We were discussing the Ruin of Tirath. It seems someone cleared it all alone!

Lysandra raised an eyebrow, her expression revealing a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

— And who would this "heroic" adventurer be?

Galdor interjected with an air of sarcasm.

— How about that young man who came here that day? He seemed different but didn't have the local look, if you know what I mean.

Elara chimed in, trying to inject more enthusiasm into the conversation.

— A young man with a Silver Rank! His name is Aslam. Just imagine, if it really was him, it would be an incredible story. But alone? That's tough.

Lysandra, observing the two, sensed the subtle tension between them. Something wasn't entirely clear.

— Silver Rank? Alone? You're joking with me, Lysandra said.

Galdor shrugged, but Elara looked visibly intrigued.

— Who knows? Maybe this young man has something special. We can wait to see if he returns.

Lysandra watched the exchange between the two, noting their glances and the subtle tension. Although Galdor and Elara were trying to keep the conversation light, there was an undercurrent that intrigued her.

— And what else do you know about him?

Galdor and Elara exchanged knowing looks, but soon Galdor answered with a smile.

— Just rumors, Leader. But who knows if this "hero" really returns? The city will stir even more.

Galdor crossed his arms, restless. The skeptical tone he usually used seemed to lose strength as he pondered the situation more deeply. Aslam was his friend, someone he trusted, but even so… the Ruin of Tirath was another story.

— If he really went alone... Galdor murmured, a visible expression of concern crossing his face.

— Maybe something went wrong. Maybe... he paused, thoughtful, before shaking his head. — That idiot might be hurt in there.

Elara, equally worried, moved closer to Lysandra. Her normally cheerful face showed a seriousness she rarely exhibited.

— I agree with Galdor. If Aslam really went in there alone, he could be in trouble now. The Ruin of Tirath is far too dangerous for anyone, even someone as skilled as he is.

Lysandra, who until then had been assessing the situation with skepticism, seemed to reconsider the gravity. She knew that while she was impressed by the rumors, the ruins could be treacherous. Aslam, from what she had heard, was not from Eldria, and any outsider might have underestimated the local dangers.

— Let's send a rescue team, Lysandra said, making the decision firmly. — We can't ignore this. If he's still in there, we need to act fast.

Before Elara could respond, a calm, almost casual voice came from the entrance of the guild, surprising everyone.