Super Saiyan

"Slow," Vegeta said as he blocked the attacks of both Goten and Trunks.

"As expected of the prince of all Saiyans," Goten said.

"Hey, Goten our attacks are not even landing. What should we do?" Trunks asked Goten.

"You two are surprisingly strong for your age. You might be able to beat up the Nappa but you are still not as strong as me." Vegeta said as he mocked Goten and Trunks.

"I can't believe he is saying those words to literally children," Bulma said as she looked disappointed at Vegeta.

She was observing Vegeta and the two boys from the outside of Vegeta's training room.

She then holds her stomach as she regains her smile.


"It looked like we have to use everything we got. Are you ready Goten?" Trunks asked.

"Right," Goten replied.

"Full power ki blast."

"Double Buster."

Goten and Trunks used their strongest attacks at that time against Vegeta.

Vegeta swipes away Goten's full-power ki blast. Avoids Trunk's double busters and appears behind the two of them.

Then knocked out the two of them without any difficulty.

"Hmm. These kids are improving very fast." Vegeta said as he looked at the hand that he used to swipe away Goten's attack and realized that there was a small bruise there.


"What happened?" Goten said as he got up.

He realised that he was on a bed.

Right near him was another bed where Trunks was sleeping.

"Oh, you got up." A curly-haired blonde woman said as she arrived at the place where he and Trunks were sleeping.

She was holding a tray that had two glasses of orange juice and some cookies.

Her name was Panty Brief and she was the mother of Bulma and the grandmother of Trunks.

"Are you boys Okay? I heard that Vegeta didn't go easy on you boys this time." She asked Goten.

"He is still holding back. He didn't even go super-saiyan. And he still only used his left hand." Goten said.

"Do you want some juice and cookies?" Mr brief asked.

"I will take the juice," Goten said.

Then he chugged the orange juice in one go.

"Thanks," Goten said as he went out of the room.

"Ara. Where are you going?" She asked.

"To train," Goten replied.

At that time Trunks is still asleep.


"Vegeta. I am going to increase it to 450 times." Bulma is said to Vegeta as he trains in his personal training room called the gravity chamber by himself.

She was outside controlling the gravity for him outside the room as he trained.

"Stupid woman. This is why you should have put the control inside instead of outside where I cannot reach." Vegeta complained.

He was in his super saiyan form. Moving inside the rooms while throwing punches and kicks occasionally.

"Amazing," Goten said as he arrived near Bulma.

"You are awake," Bulma asked.

"Is he always training like that?" Goten asked.

"Well, he said he wanted to surpass Son Kun and Gohan. If he really wanted to achieve that he can't slack off." Bulma said to Goten.

"Hey. Do you want to try training under the gravity chamber?" Bulma asked.

"I will pass. I doubt my body would be able to take the amount of stress that Vegeta was put under." Goten replied.

"Of course, I am not gonna let you train with the amount of gravity that Vegeta was training under. I am only going to do it ten times. Veegeta said it was the gravity of the planet that the planet born." Bulma said while laughing.

"!" Vegeta noticed that Goten after he heard Bulma's laugh.

He stopped training. As he reverted to his base form.

"Bulma. Stop the machine." Vegeta said.

"Oh. You finished?" She said as she pulled the lever that was in front of her that stopped the gravity chamber.

He then walked out of the gravity chamber and looked at Goten.

"Where is Trunks?" Vegeta asked.

"Still sleeping." He followed.

Goten nodded.

"Get in," Vegeta said to Goten.

"Excuse me?" Goten asked.

"Since he is still sleeping I am going to give you a special one-on-one training session," Vegeta said.

"Bulma. Set the gravity to 50 times that of earth." Vegeta said to Bulma.

"50! Vegeta. Goten is still a child." Bulma said to Vegeta.

"So? He is a Saiyan. He will be fine." Vegeta replied.

"But still." Bulma does not want Goten to train under such harsh conditions.

"Don't your planet have magic beans and magic dragons that can heal him of any injuries if something happens," Vegeta said.

"Fine. But if something happens you have to go and get it yourself. I am not helping." Bulma said to Vegeta.

"Fine," Vegeta replied.

"Follow me," Vegeta said to Goten.

When Goten entered the gravity room his body was already feeling a tremendous amount of pressure.

"Try to hit a land on me once, I will stop the training if you manage to land a hit on me or if Trunks wakes up," Vegeta said to Goten.

"That is a terrible deal," Goten said.

"How so? It's not like I am asking for anything in return if you fail." Vegeta asked.

"How about this? You teach me one of your special techniques if I manage to land a hit on you." Goten asked Vegeta.

"Arrogant bastard. Fine. I will not only teach you my Galick Gun but also teach you how to make a power ball." Vegeta replied.

"You are not going to ask me something back if I fail?" Goten asked.

"It's not like you are going to succeed," Vegeta said while smirking.

"You said it, so no taking it back," Goten said as he tried to move under the intense gravity.

At first, it was tiring and he was barely able to move.

But a few minutes later Goten's body started to adapt to the gravity to the point where Goten could move almost as fast as when he was under the normal gravity.

He is adapting very fast. Vegeta thought while smiling as he blocked all of Goten's punches and kicks with just his left arm.

"Haaaaa." Then Suddenly Goten's hair turned blonde and transformed into a super saiyan while attacking Vegeta.


Because of this his speed and strength increased by leaps and bounds.

Vegeta would be able to block Goten's attack even without having to transform but Goten's super Saiyan transformation caught him off-guard as he was hit in the face by Goten's punch.