Fighting Fossilman

I walked out into the streets of city Z, well i was not at ghost town that is for sure this side of the city doesn't look that runned down but there also wasn't that much people here.

Withouth wasting anymore time i went my way to explore this city and try to test my new abilities i also haven't gotten used to this new body too, it feels natural yet i feel like my mind needs to be attuned with it in order to take full control over it.

There is also the fact i sense deep resentment deep within myself at this moment, it could just be HATE but we can never be to sure about that.

Wait…did i just say we?, ehm whatever i'll ignore it instead, it's probably my mind playing tricks with me the moment i reincarnated into this world.

The streets were silent and i quite liked it, no stupid noises to try and annoy me and no cars anywhere i could get used to this but sadly at the moment my original goal was to find a stray monster and kill it.

I continued my path down City-z, eventually i came across a few broken buildings i was closer to the ghost town than i thought originally but it wasn't a problem.

I then stopped, something was here i could vaguely sense which could have been due to my soul manupilation ir just the fact that my senses are sensitive to the surroundings but they are still not fully attuned as i said earlier my mind and probably soul isn't fully attuned to this body, how i know that…i don't really know how.

Suddenly a small barely noticeable tremor appeared on the surrounding area and then from the ground emerged a dark oily claw and then the rest of the body of whatever it is appeared.

A dark, hulking figure clawed its way up from the ground, its body covered in a thick, oily substance that shimmered unnaturally under the faint city lights. Its form was humanoid, but grotesque, with elongated limbs and sharp, jagged claws dripping with the same dark liquid that coated its skin. Its face or what passed for one was twisted and featureless, except for two glowing, empty eyes that locked onto me.

"Ugh disgusting" I said looking at the revolting figure, it smelled like tar.

"Hahah,Foolish human i am Fossilman the culmina of fossil that have become tar over the centuries, i will consume you and become even more Tar" it said with a raspy laugh.

Fossilman?" I raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "That's… not exactly the most terrifying name."

The creature let out a gurgling, raspy laugh, clearly unfazed by my lack of enthusiasm. Its form shifted, the oily tar seeping off its body and splashing onto the ground, where it bubbled ominously. Fossilman's voice grew more distorted, as if coming from deep within the dark, viscous substance.

"I don't need your fear, human. Your flesh and bones will do nicely."

I could feel the HATE inside me respond, stirring again, more viciously this time. That familiar feeling of resentment, anger, and desire for destruction was growing stronger, pulling me deeper into its grip. Part of me wanted to let it loose, to tear this disgusting thing apart without holding back.

And i was honestly tempted, but patience is key, i have to adapt to this body's way of doing things, i brought out the [True Knife] which was a long kitchen knife with a black handle and a normal silver blade.

"Ok Fossilman, My name is Chara and ia m determined to wipe your ugly face off the face of the earth!!!" i said with enthusiasm.

Fossilman let out another gurgling laugh, its oily body bubbling in response. "Determined, huh? That'll make you all the more delicious."

I rolled my eyes as i charged forward closing the distance between us within a second, i swinged my knife at it slashing through its arm.

I could feel the knofe pass through the tar on its arm as it got severed, i jumped back dodging a downward slam that was about to hit me with his other arm.

i watched as it grew a new one. "that hurts but i am immortal?!"

Well that was very untrue, Fossipman isn't Immortal as it could easily be washed down by a latge bosy of water,Lightning it on fire or in the much simpler way was to keep slashing until it gets smaller.

i unknowingly smiled as the silver on the knofe slowly gained a red tint, if i could see my eyes at the moment it was probably red.

Fossilman threw its tar straight towards me i slashed at it as a red arc accompanied my ateack cutting the initial projectile in half and watched as it dissolved onto the ground.

"Wow, you have a big weakness huh, You can gather tar but as soon at it leaves you, it disappears and you lose your biomass," I taunted, feeling a surge of confidence. The knife felt more like an extension of my will with each successful strike, and I relished the thought of tearing this creature apart piece by piece.

Fossilman snarled, its form shuddering as it attempted to regain its composure. "You think you've won, human? This is just the beginning! My tar is endless!"

"Is it?" I shot back, dodging another wild swing. "You're losing it faster than you can regenerate it!"

With a burst of speed, I lunged forward again, my knife glinting in the dim light. I aimed for Fossilman's torso, but it twisted its body, bringing one of its arms up to block. The knife sank into the tar, but instead of losing more mass, Fossilman roared and flung me back with a powerful sweep of its arm.

I hit the ground hard, but the pain was nothing compared to the exhilaration of the fight. Rolling to my feet, I quickly assessed my surroundings, eyeing the scattered debris of the broken buildings. I could use them to my advantage.

As Fossilman began to lumber toward me, I darted behind a crumbling wall, feeling the vibrations of its steps through the ground. I could hear it cackling, clearly enjoying the chase.

"Come out, little human! You can't hide forever!" it bellowed, its voice echoing through the empty streets.

I crouched low, formulating a plan. I needed to lure it into a more open space. The tar seemed to lose cohesion when separated from its body, so if I could get it to throw more projectiles, it would weaken itself further.

"Hey! Over here!" I shouted, throwing a piece of rubble to my left, watching as it clattered to the ground.

Fossilman paused, its head twisting toward the sound. "What trickery is this?"

With a sudden burst, I leaped out from behind the wall and sprinted in the opposite direction, my heart racing as I beckoned it to follow. Fossilman took the bait, lunging after me with surprising agility, its tar splattering behind it.

I led it into an open area where the remnants of a long-abandoned plaza spread out before us. The ground was littered with broken tiles and debris, the perfect battlefield for my plan. As Fossilman closed in, I spun around to face it, knife raised.

It hurled another glob of tar at me, but I was ready this time. With a swift upward slash, I redirected the projectile upward, watching as it splattered harmlessly against a nearby building. I could feel the energy within me surging,fueled by HATE, by anger, and by the thrill of the hunt.

"You see, Fossilman?" I taunted, taking a step forward. "Every time you throw that stuff, you lose your power. You're only digging your own grave!"

Fossilman's eyes glowed brighter, a mixture of rage and desperation. "Enough! You will pay for your insolence!"

With that, it lunged again, but this time I was prepared. As it rushed toward me, I feigned a retreat, leading it right into the heart of the debris-laden plaza. Just as it committed to the attack, I dove to the side, allowing it to crash into a pile of rubble.

The tar splattered everywhere, but it was no longer under control. I could see it struggling to reabsorb the mass, but I seized the opportunity. I lunged forward, slashing at the monster's body again and again, focusing on the newly exposed areas that were slowly losing cohesion.

Fossilman let out a shriek of frustration, and I could feel the energy within me bubbling to the surface. The blade glowed with a fierce light as I poured my will into it, determined to finish this.

"Let's end this!" I shouted, unleashing a final flurry of strikes that tore through its form. The [True Knife] sang with each cut, carving through the darkness as Fossilman began to disintegrate before my eyes.

"NO! I AM NOT DONE!" it screamed, but its voice was growing weaker, more frantic.

With one last, decisive stab, I plunged the knife into the heart of its tarry mass. There was a moment of resistance before the entire creature erupted in a burst of dark mist, dissipating into the air. I stood there, panting, the remnants of Fossilman swirling away like smoke.

"That felt good and also refreshing" I said shrugging at the fact that i didn't feel anything for my first kill ever.

Well now that i have gotten a vague sense of my abilities, i haven't actually used the souls now that i realized it nor did i use soul manipulation which means i was holding back…sort of.

I went back to my apartment after walking back there with no problem at all, i locked the door behind me and directly decided to lay on th the couch and look back that i now have a new life.

But the problem is that most beings in this world are very op, Saitama,Cosmic gorou i could probably just kill garou right now so he doesn't become cosmic garou but that probably won't work so i immediately scrapped that idea..