What I Wish for..

The room is suddenly filled with warmth, an unexpected and welcome reprieve from the cold that had settled into my bones. I realize it's not from the fever, but rather from the presence of Cuyle. She stands before me, a beacon of light in the inky darkness.

My eyes widen with fear as I see her, and the scream that tears from my throat is raw and primal. "AHHHHH, Ghost!" I shout, the word echoing through the empty apartment.

"I am not a ghost," Cuyle replies calmly, her eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement. "I am a genie."

The warmth of the room is suffocating now, a stark contrast to the cold air that seems to pull at my spine like an icy hand. "What do you want?" I demand, my voice trembling.

"I need a soul," she says, her tone unwavering. "Every 100th year, I require one to survive."

"Why me?" I choke out, the words barely audible.

"Because your soul is pure," Cuyle explains, her voice a gentle caress in the silence. "But fear not, for I will grant your wishes in exchange."

The room seems to swirl around me as I try to comprehend the surreal situation. "Wishes?"

"But I can't," I protest, the words barely leaving my trembling lips. "You don't understand. I'm not pure. I've done things..."

Cuyle's laughter is like the tinkling of a thousand wind chimes, and it fills the room with an unexpected warmth. "Ah, but I do understand," she says, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "You're human, with human desires and imperfections."

"But what if I don't have any wishes?" I ask, the doubt in my voice as thick as the shadows that cling to the corners of the room.

"Everyone has wishes," Cuyle insists, her gaze unyielding. "Even the most jaded heart holds onto hope. Tell me, Jain Sen, what do you wish for?"

"What use of wishes," I reply, my voice cracking with a mix of anger and despair, "if you're just going to take my soul in the end?"

The room seems to hold its breath, waiting for her response. Cuyle tilts her head to the side, considering my words. "The wishes are yours," she says, her smile fading slightly. "But the cost is also yours to bear."

I stare at her, my heart racing. This can't be real. It must be a fever dream brought on by the cruel words of the internet and the relentless grip of my solitude. "What do you mean?"

"With great power comes great responsibility, have you Watched Spider-Man??" she chuckles and continues, her eyes boring into mine. "Your wishes can change your life."

"Well, I did take your soul, but in a way that's like what happens in the films," she said, smiling playfully.

"What do you mean?"

"I transferred your memories to a parallel universe, a lot like the ones in the movies you enjoy. Everything's the same over there, but the twist is, your wishes can only be used in that alternate reality."

"So you are jinn like in Aladdin?" I ask, my voice filled with skepticism and a hint of hope.

"In a way," Cuyle replies, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "But unlike in the storybooks, I do not come from a lamp, and I am not bound to grant you three wishes."

I sit up in bed, the gravity of the situation finally sinking in. "So, what can I wish for?"

"I don't know," I admit, my voice filled with uncertainty. "I guess I'd like to be able to experience love, to feel connected to someone. And maybe, just maybe, to find a little happiness."

"But what if that's not enough?" Cuyle asks, her gaze searching. "What if your heart yearns for more?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your wishes, Jain, they can shape your destiny in ways you can't even imagine. Think carefully before you make them," she warns, the mirth in her voice replaced by a solemn tone.

"Do not fret, dear Jain," Cuyle says with a gentle smile. "You are not bound by the constraints of traditional lore. You may ask for as many wishes as your heart desires, so long as they do not seek to alter the fundamental laws of nature or bring harm to the balance of the universe."

Her eyes, pools of midnight stars, bore into my soul as she adds, "Your desires are a tapestry that weaves your fate. Choose the threads wisely, for they will shape the fabric of your existence in both this realm and the parallel one."

Her words hang in the air like a melody, leaving me to ponder the immensity of what she's offering. "But what is the cost?" I ask, unable to shake the feeling that there's always a catch.

"The price you pay," she whispers, "is the responsibility that comes with wielding such power. For with every wish granted, there will be consequences, some foreseeable, others not. The universe is a delicate dance, and even the smallest step can send ripples through the fabric of reality."

Her gaze holds mine, challenging me to look within and discover what I truly desire. "Your soul," she says with a nod. "Is the currency of this pact. But fear not, for in granting these wishes, I too am bound to you, to ensure they are honored until the end of your days in this realm and beyond."

"But why do you need my soul, Cuyle?" I ask, still struggling to fully grasp the situation. "What does taking it achieve for you?"

"Ah, the age-old question," she replies, a twinkle in her eye. "My kind feeds on the essence of souls, but not in the way you might think. When I take your soul, I am not stealing it, but rather preserving it, allowing you to live out your life in this realm while I draw sustenance from the echoes of your existence in the other."

I nod slowly, trying to make sense of it all. "So, I'm already dead?"

Cuyle laughs, the sound like the chiming of bells. "Not quite," she corrects me. "Your soul is safe with me. You are simply... displaced, experiencing life in a way that is both real and not."

The room seems to spin around me as I try to comprehend the gravity of her words. "But if I'm already dead here, why bother with wishes?"

"Because, Jain," she says with a knowing smile, "even in death, you crave the richness of life. And I, as your devoted servant, am here to ensure you experience that richness to the fullest extent possible within the confines of this agreement."

The room falls silent, the weight of the conversation pressing down on me like a heavy blanket. "Alright," I murmur, the words barely escaping my dry throat. "I wish to feel love and connection and to find happiness. But I also wish to maintain my free will, to choose my path and face the consequences of my actions."

Cuyle's smile widens, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Very well," she says, her hand raising to touch my forehead. "Your first wish is granted. I send you someone that loves you, no matter what you do. She is always devoted to you, I make her as you lewd desire want, Now tell me your other wishes."

"Then let me start from my past, intact with my current memory," I say, taking a deep breath. "I wish to relive my life from the moment I was in school, with the knowledge and wisdom I have now. I want to make different choices, to forge a new path filled with love and connection. And through this journey, I hope to find happiness without losing the essence of who I truly am."

The room is bathed in a soft light as Cuyle nods, the shimmer of her dress casting an otherworldly glow across the walls. "Your second wish is granted," she says, her voice filled with the echoes of a thousand whispers. "But remember every time you change your future, the butterfly effect will work, Future will be change from here. The more you change the future becomes more unstable and different."

Her hand lingers on my forehead, the warmth spreading through me like wildfire. "What other wishes do you have, Jain?"

"I have not much a talent, I wish to learn everything I ever desired," I say, the hope in my voice growing stronger.

Cuyle nods thoughtfully, her gaze distant as if considering the vastness of my request. "Very well," she murmurs. "Your third wish is to be granted the ability to learn and master any skill or knowledge you seek. But beware, with this gift comes the responsibility to wield it wisely, for knowledge without understanding is a double-edged sword."

The warmth from her touch fades, and the room snaps back to its previous state. "But remember, Jain," she warns, her tone serious. "Wishes come with consequences, and the path you choose will shape not just your life, but the lives of those around you. Choose carefully, for once a wish is made, it cannot be easily undone."

Her final words hang in the air like a question unasked, a gentle reminder of the gravity of the pact we've entered. I nod, the weight of her words sinking into my soul. "I understand," I say, my voice firm with determination. "I will not let this power corrupt me."

Cuyle nods in understanding, her gaze softening. "The parallel universe will not be altered by your actions in any way," she clarifies. "It's a separate plane of existence, a reflection of this one. But remember, as in any world, your decisions will shape your fate."

Her hand moves to the side, and a translucent, glowing rectangle appears, floating in the air. "This is your status window," she says. "It will be your guide through this new life. Check your stats, skills, and even your history. It's a tool for you to navigate the path you've chosen."

"Now, for your third wish," she continues, her eyes twinkling. "You shall have perfect health and never fall ill, and a mind that retains every memory and piece of information you encounter. This gift comes with the responsibility to use it wisely, for knowledge without empathy is a cold, unfeeling weapon."

"And lastly," she says, her smile enigmatic. "You shall have a jinn of your own to assist you in your endeavors. Her name is Priyatama. She will not know of me, and you must keep her existence a secret from all. She also doesn't know that you are regressed, she helps you with all your needs without making you realize that she has power. But she will be bound by the same rules, and she will help you within the boundary of the law of Nature."

"But remember, Jain," she adds, her voice a soft whisper that seems to echo through the fabric of reality. "You are already living in the future of the life you knew. The path before you is uncharted. Take care, and may your journey be filled with the warmth of love and the light of happiness."

"But how did I find her?"

"She finds you, But make sure she doesn't know that you know her."

"Thank You."

"Take care! I see you soon."

And with that, the mind goes dark, and I am left with nothing but the echo of her voice in my ears. But before I can ask any other questions, the world around me starts to spin, my vision blurring into a whirl of colors. The last thing I feel is a strange, disorienting sensation, and then everything goes black.

"Wake Up." A slap on my back wakes me up.

My mother stood there and scolded me, She took the clothes from the ground and started to fix them. 

"Wake Up already, it's past 8, You will be late, and you too Abhi." I turn my face and show my little brother Abhi also sleeping next to me.

I Pinching my cheek, "It's Reality." I murmur. I jump and hug my mother.

"What's wrong with you, Hugging does not help you from scolding." another small slap on my back made it really emotional for me.

"Haha, True," I said and pulled the blanket out of my brother.

"Agh! Let me sleep, bro." He said with the Annoying voice that I miss the most.

"It's a blessing! It's Reality." 

"Mom, Bro become crazy hold him." 

"Stop both of you and get ready for school."

Really Thank You Cuyle. This time I will make everything correct and live happily with my family. This time I will not let them die