Skill Tree

After dinner, I headed to my room, where I found Abhi still engrossed in his computer games. "Abhi, it's time for bed," I called out gently. Without looking away from the screen, he replied, "Just a bit more, Bro. I'm so close to finishing this mission." I chuckled and sat beside him. "Do you need some help?" He laughed. "You? Help me with games? You've never played any of these before."

With a smirk, I took the mouse from him and whispered to myself, "L, give me some gaming skills." Instantly, I felt a surge of knowledge and dexterity. "Let's see how this goes," I thought.

With newfound confidence, I started playing the game, navigating through the levels with ease. Abhi's jaw dropped as I completed the mission he had been struggling with on the first attempt.

"Bro, how did you do that?" he asked, his eyes wide with amazement.

"Guess I have a knack for it," I said, trying to play it cool.

The room was silent for a moment before he erupted into cheers. "Yes! Yes! You're the best!"

I handed him back the mouse, feeling a bit guilty for using an unfair advantage. But the joy on his face was worth it. It was a small victory in the grand scheme of things, but it brought us closer, and that's what mattered.

The status window flashed with an update: [Gaming Skill Acquired - Maxed]. I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

As we prepared for bed, Abhi couldn't stop talking about my sudden gaming prowess. It was a small lie to keep him happy, but in that moment, I realized the true power of the pact I had made with Cuyle. 

Curiosity got the better of me as I lay in bed, the darkness of the room my only companion. "L, please show me my stats," I whispered into the quiet.

The status window flickered to life, displaying a sleek interface with various stats and skills neatly categorized. It was surprising to see how much had changed in such a short time. My writing, social, and interpersonal skills had all increased significantly, and I had even picked up a few points in gaming.

"Status," I murmured, watching the window pop up.

L's voice echoed in my mind.

Name: Jain Sen

-Level: 1

-Strength: 10/10 

-Stamina: 10/10

-Intelligence: 10/10

-Charm: 6/10

-XP: 320/500

-Money: 720₹ (13.33$ in 2012)

-Location: The Dusty Attic, Home

-Active Quest:

*Strength training: 1/10 (View..)

*Stamina Training: 2/10 (View..)

*Mental Training: 5/10 (View..)

*Earn Money: 720₹/Goal Not Set

Status: In Progress


Family: Mother, Brother (Abhi)

Lover(Servant): Lila (Jinn)(Till Not Meet)

-Skills & Abilities:

- Learn Any Skill

- Perfect Memory

- Perfect Health

- Reading (Skill level: Max)

- Unique Skill ( Status Windows - Knowledge Windows)

- Writing (Skill Level: Max)

- Persuasion (Skill Level: 2)

- Interpersonal (Skill Level: 2)

- Gaming Skill (Skill Level: 1)

Haha, I understand my charm," I chuckle, "But Cuyle told me that she would make me handsome. Why is my charm so low?"

"Master," L's voice responded calmly, "if you become overnight charming, everyone would be suspicious. So, you have to wait, as your level increases, your charm will also increase. For now, I will help you by upgrading it slightly without causing any suspicion."

I nodded to myself, understanding the logic behind L's words. "Alright, what about other skills?" I asked, eager to know how I could improve further.

"Master, you can start training a little to show people around and I will upgrade it a bit by bit without anyone getting suspicious." L replied.

"Thank you," I said with a smile, feeling a sense of comfort in L's guidance. "I'll start with strength and stamina training tomorrow."

With that, I closed the status window and let sleep take over, my mind racing with the endless possibilities that lay ahead.

As the sun rises, Anushka arrives at the office, dressed in a simple white t-shirt and jeans, her eyes still a bit bleary from the previous night's rush. The office is already bustling with activity, the early morning light filtering through the dusty windows. She takes a seat at her desk, which is cluttered with various electronic devices.

"Hey, Anu," a friendly voice calls out. Runa, a colleague with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, approaches Anushka, holding a cup of coffee in one hand. "How'd the meeting go yesterday?"

Anushka accepts the coffee with a grateful smile. "It was a close call," she admits, sipping the steaming brew. "But thanks to a random kid, we were saved."

Runa's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "A kid?" she repeats, setting down her own laptop. "What are you talking about?"

Anushka nods, her expression earnest. "I was at a cafe, struggling with my laptop, and this boy, he couldn't have been more than thirteen, came to my aid. He fixed my Wi-Fi and even helped me type out the presentation when my battery died."

Runa's eyes widen. "Wait, you're not kidding? That's incredible! A kid helped you out?"

"I know, right?" Anushka laughs, shaking her head in disbelief. "He was a pro. I couldn't believe it. And the best part? He didn't even want anything in return."

The two women share a moment of amazement, their conversation a testament to the kindness of strangers. "What was his name?" Runa asks, her curiosity piqued.

"Jain," Anushka says, her smile lingering. "Jain Sen."

"Jain, he was typing something in that ******* website," Anushka says, her voice filled with excitement.

"What?" Runa asks, leaning in closer, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"Don't know," Anushka replies with a mischievous smile. "But we should check it out."

Runa nods eagerly, moving closer to Anushka's side. Anushka pulls up the website, a local blogging platform that's been gaining a bit of traction. They both stare at the search bar.

"Maybe he uses a different name," Runa suggests.

Anushka nods and starts typing. "Let's try with 'G' instead of 'J'. Maybe it's a typo."

Her fingers tap away at the keyboard, but there's no result. She frowns, then decides to give it one more shot. This time, she types 'J' and hits enter. The page refreshes, and a blog post titled "Revolutionizing Energy in Delhi" catches their eyes.

"Yes, that's it," Anushka says, pointing to the screen. "Look at the writing style, it's so similar to what he did for me."

Runa reads the title out loud, "Renewable Energy: A Blueprint for a Cleaner Delhi."

They both read the blog post, their eyes widening with every line. The writing is eloquent and knowledgeable, far beyond what they would expect from someone so young.

"Are you kidding?" Runa says in astonishment. "That some 14-year-old kid wrote this?"

Anushka nods solemnly. "I swear. He was so calm, so focused. It was unbelievable."

Their boss, Mrs. Kapoor, walks into the room, noticing their rapt attention on the laptop. "Ladies," she says sharply, "what's going on over here?"

Runa jumps slightly, then grins. "Boss, you need to see this. It's incredible."

They both turn the laptop to face Mrs. Kapoor, who reads over their shoulders. After a moment of silence, she looks up, her expression a mix of shock and intrigue. "This is excellent work," she says, her voice filled with a newfound respect. "Who wrote this?"

Anushka and Runa exchange glances, both thinking the same thing. " A 14 Year old Kid."

"Don't be a joke, Anushka," Mrs. Kapoor says sternly, her eyes narrowing as she looks at the blog post on the screen.

"God promise, Mrs. Kapoor," Anushka replies, her voice earnest. "I saw it with my own two eyes. He wrote that!"

"Then call him," Mrs. Kapoor says, her tone urgent. "We need to get in touch with this young genius before another company snatches him up."

"But I don't have his number," Anushka says, feeling a bit deflated.

"Contact him through email then," Runa suggests, her mind racing with the potential they've stumbled upon. "He mentioned it on the website, right?"

Anushka nods eagerly and finds the email address. She quickly composes a message, her heart racing.

Subject: Meeting Request - Your Work on Renewable Energy

Dear Jain Sen,

I hope this email finds you well. I had the pleasure of meeting you at the cafe yesterday and was absolutely blown away by your knowledge and skill in writing about renewable energy. The ideas presented in your blog post are incredibly innovative and exactly what we need for our company's new initiative.

I would like to request a meeting to discuss potential collaboration on this project. Please let me know when you are available.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,


With a deep breath, she hits send, and the email wings its way through the digital ether. The room is filled with anticipation as they wait for a response. The discovery of Jain's talent could be the breakthrough their company has been searching for.

On the other side.

I wake up early, feeling a newfound sense of purpose. I decide to go for a run to start the day with strength and stamina training. As I lace up my shoes, the status window flickers open, displaying my stats.

Name: Jain Sen

-Level: 1

-Active Quest:

*Strength training: 2/10 (View..)

*Stamina Training: 2/10 (View..)

*Mental Training: 5/10 (View..)

*Earn Money: 720/Goal

Not Set Status: In Progress

As I return from my run, panting slightly, I find Abhi eating his breakfast. "What the bro.. You wake early today too," he says, looking up from his plate.

I grin, wiping the sweat from my brow. "Yeah, I wanted to make my body like yours," I tease, flexing my nonexistent muscles.

Abhi laughs and flexes his own bicep. "Hmm, good call," he says, nodding in approval. "But remember, it takes more than just waking up early."

"I know," I reply, catching my breath. "It's all about consistency."

We share a knowing look, both aware that the changes we wish to see in our lives won't come easy. With a nod, I sit down beside him, eager to tackle the day ahead.

After finishing my breakfast, which Mom prepared and left for me before heading out to the market, I decide to check my email. As I sip on my tea, the sweetness and warmth spreading through my chest, I notice a new message from Anushka. My heart skips a beat. Could it be about my blog?

My eyes widen as I read the email. Could it be that my small act of kindness has led to something so significant? I take a deep breath and reply:

Subject: Re: Meeting Request - Your Work on Renewable Energy

Dear Anushka,

Thank you so much for your email. I'm humbled by your kind words about my blog. I'd be thrilled to discuss collaboration opportunities regarding renewable energy initiatives. How about we meet at the same cafe where we first met, say around 5 pm tomorrow?

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Best Regards, Jain Sen

The status window flashes again, notifying me of an update: [Stamina Skill Increased]. It seems that even simple acts of kindness can lead to growth in unexpected areas.

Anushka reads the email with a wide smile, her heart fluttering with excitement. She quickly calls Runa over to show her the response.

"Oh my God, he said yes!" Anushka squeals, jumping out of her seat.

Runa reads the email over her shoulder, her eyes widening. "This is amazing," she says. "What a stroke of luck!"

They both rush to Mrs. Kapoor's office, bursting in without knocking. "Boss, you won't believe it," Anushka says, her voice bubbling with excitement.

Mrs. Kapoor looks up from her paperwork, a frown marring her usually stern features. "What is it, girls?"

Anushka shows her the email on her phone. "Jain agreed to meet us tomorrow at the cafe!"

Mrs. Kapoor's eyes narrow as she reads the message. "Excellent," she says, her tone cool but her eyes gleaming with interest. "We'll go together, the both of you. Don't let him out of your sight."

The office buzzes with the news. Anushka can't help but feel a sense of pride for having discovered him first.

Anushka, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation, quickly sends a reply to Jain's email.

"Let's Meet Tomorrow."

The email sends with a satisfying whoosh, and she leans back in her chair, her mind racing with the potential that this meeting holds. The office feels alive with possibility, and she can't wait to see what the future holds.