Sign the Contract

When we come home, Abhi starts playing the prank again, trying to scare me with his ghostly noises.

Mom hears the commotion and comes into the room, her eyes twinkling with amusement. She watches us for a moment before speaking up. "Alright, that's enough," she says, her voice filled with warmth.

I hand over the contract to her with trembling hands. "Mom, they want to pay me for my ideas," I explain, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

Her eyes widen as she takes the paper, scanning it quickly. "Let me show this to my friend who's a lawyer," she says, her expression serious. "You finish your homework, and we'll talk about this later."

"Yes mom," I nod, feeling a mix of relief and trepidation. I know she'll look out for us.

"But, what about me?" Abhi asks, feeling left out.

Mom laughs and kisses his forehead. "You're my strongest son," she says.

We both laugh at Abhi's attempt at a six-pack, which only makes him puff out his chest more.

"Thanks, Mom," I say, feeling a warmth spread through me.

The status window flickers open, displaying another update: [Interpersonal Skill Increased]. It seems that even in moments of tension, our family bond remains unbreakable.

As we sit down to dinner, the aroma of Mom's cooking fills the air. She looks at me, her eyes filled with pride. "My genius son," she says, placing a warm hand on my forehead.

I blush, feeling a sense of accomplishment that's unmatched. "Thanks, Mom," I murmur, reaching for the chapati.

The conversation turns to the contract and the potential of my thesis. She's cautious but optimistic, reminding me that education is still a priority.

"But Mom," I protest, "This could be my ticket to a better future."

"And it will be," she says, her voice firm. "But not at the cost of your education. You're still my little boy, and I want the best for you."

We continue to discuss the offer, the candlelight flickering across our faces, casting shadows on the walls. It's a moment that feels both monumental and intimate.

The next day, after much consideration and discussion with Mom, she decides to take the contract to her friend who's a lawyer. She tells us that she's proud of me, but we need to make sure everything's fair and legal.

Abhi is bouncing with excitement, his eyes glued to the TV, but I can see the curiosity in his glances towards me and Mom. "What's going on?" he whispers during a commercial break.

"Mom's just being careful," I explain, trying to keep my voice calm.

He nods, his expression a mix of admiration and envy. "You're going to be so cool," he says.

"Cooler than you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"No way," he laughs, throwing a pillow at me.

Jasmin, Jain's mother, reflects on the recent changes in Jain's behavior. She notices his newfound maturity and responsibility, especially towards his younger brother, Abhi. She's surprised by his sudden interest in renewable energy and the way he's been handling situations with a wisdom beyond his years.

His dedication to his studies and his blog is admirable. However, the unexpected contract from the company has her feeling a mix of emotions. She wants to support her son's dreams but also knows the importance of caution. As a single parent, Jasmin has worked tirelessly to provide for her children and wants to ensure they are protected and set for success. She decides to consult a legal friend to review the contract, ensuring that it is in Jain's best interest and that he isn't being taken advantage of. Her ultimate goal is to nurture Jain's talent while keeping their family's well-being at the forefront.

Jasmin called her friend Maya, who is also a single mother and lawyer, to share the amazing news about Jain. "Hey, Maya," Jasmin began, her voice filled with excitement and a hint of disbelief. "You won't believe what happened to Jain!"

Maya cut the call, her voice was warm and welcoming. "Sorry for the call. What's going on?"

Jasmin couldn't hold back her smile. "Lately, Jain has been taking care of everything at home," she said, her voice filled with pride. "He's been helping me so much with the chores, and even looking after Abhi when I'm busy with work."

Maya's tone was filled with delight. "Your Jain is always the best," she exclaimed, her laughter echoing over the line.

Jasmin's eyes gleamed with happiness as she continued, "And he's started this blog, you know, about renewable energy? It's incredible, Maya. People at my work who check his blog, and they're all talking about it."

Maya was silent for a moment, then spoke with admiration. "Wow, Jasmin, that's so amazing. What's the blog called?"

"It's called 'Revolutionizing Energy in Delhi,'" Jasmin replied, her chest swelling with pride. "He's even had a meeting with a company that wants to invest in his ideas."

"What? That's incredible!" Maya exclaimed. "But be careful, okay? You know how these things can be."

"Of course," Jasmin assured her. "That's why I asked you today, Please check it for me."

Jasmin handed the contract to Maya with a hopeful look. Maya, an experienced lawyer and a trusted friend, began to read through it meticulously. She had seen the excitement in Jasmin's eyes and knew this was a big moment for the family. After a thorough examination, she looked up from the paper and nodded. "This seems fine," she said. "They're offering a good amount for the initial rights to his work and a generous share of the profits if the project takes off. It's clear they value his ideas."

Jasmin felt a weight lift from her shoulders. "Wow," she murmured, her eyes scanning the document one more time. "But what if it doesn't work out?"

Maya placed a reassuring hand on Jasmin's arm. "Then they've paid a fair price for the intellectual property, and Jain can still continue his education without the burden of regret or debt," she said, her voice calm and rational. "It's a win-win situation for him. It's a good opportunity, but remember, education is still the priority."

Jasmin nodded, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. "Thank you, Maya," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "You don't know how much this means to us."

Maya's smile was warm. "You're like family to me, Jasmin. Now, go tell Jain the good news. Just make sure he doesn't neglect his studies, okay?"

Jasmin nodded, her mind racing with the possibilities ahead. "I will," she promised. "Thank you again."

With the contract safely tucked away in her bag, Jasmin left Maya's office, feeling a sense of optimism for the future.

The door to our apartment swings open, and Mom steps inside, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She's holding a bag of sweets, which she opens immediately. "Maya said it's a good contract," she announces, her voice bubbling over with happiness.

Mom walks over and gives Abhi and me each a sweet. "Congratulations on your first successful work," she says, her voice filled with pride.

Abhi's eyes light up as he takes the sweet, and he nudges me playfully. "Looks like we're going to be living the high life," he jokes.

I laugh, feeling a rush of excitement and relief. "Thanks, Mom," I say, popping the sweet into my mouth. It tastes like a celebration, sweet and slightly tangy.

"But remember," Mom adds, her expression turning serious. "Your education is still the most important thing. This is just a stepping stone."

I nod, feeling a sense of responsibility settle over me. "I won't forget,"

"We're going to make sure everything we do makes a positive impact, right?"

Mom nods, her eyes shining. "That's my boy," she says.

After that night, I started to focus intensely on completing the thesis. Abhi looked at me with sleepy eyes, his curiosity piqued by the late-night activity.

"What are you working on, Bro?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep.

"Just the thesis," I replied, not looking up from my laptop. "It's due tomorrow, remember?"

He rubbed his eyes, trying to stifle a yawn. "But why so late?"

I glanced over at him, noticing the hint of admiration in his gaze. "It takes some time to perfect," I said with a smile. "Why don't you go to bed?"

"I'm not sleepy," Abhi protested, his voice small.

"You should rest," I insisted gently. "It's important to stay healthy."

Finally, with a sigh, Abhi crawled into bed. For a moment, there was silence, the only sound the tap-tap of the keyboard as I typed away. Then, out of the blue, he spoke up again. "Big Bro, what do you think of Ratika?"

I blinked, surprised by the question. I knew Ratika from school, a bright girl with a quick smile. "I think she's pretty and kind," I said, the words coming more easily than I expected. It was almost as if I had suddenly acquired an "Embarrassing Skill: Love Talk."

Abhi's cheeks flushed a deep red. "Yeah, I like her," he mumbled into his pillow.

I felt a twinge of something I hadn't felt in a long time—a bond, a shared secret. "Just be yourself, Abhi," I said, trying to offer advice despite my own inexperience in love. "That's the best thing you can do."

He nodded, his eyes drifting shut. "Okay," he murmured.

The room grew quiet as I continued to work, the only sound the rhythmic breathing of my sleeping brother. It was moments like these that made me realize just how much had changed—and how much I had to live up to.

As I finished my work and turned off the light, climbing into bed, Abhi was still awake.

"Big bro..." His voice was barely a whisper, cutting through the quiet of the night. "Do you like someone?"

His question made me cough in surprise. "What?" I asked, trying to keep my voice low.

"You know, like I do with Ratika," Abhi said shyly.

"Not really," I said, a smile playing on my lips. "I'm not as good looking as you." I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

But Abhi sat up suddenly, protesting with surprising vehemence. "Who said that?" he demanded. "You've just got to get a good haircut and keep up with your exercise. You're going to be handsome in no time."

I chuckled, feeling a warmth spread through me. "Thanks, Abhi," I said, ruffling his hair. "But let's get some sleep, okay?"

He settled back down, and we lay there in the darkness, the quiet punctuated by the distant sounds of the city.

It was moments like these that made me realize just how much I cared for him, and how much he looked up to me. As his breathing evened out, and I knew he had finally fallen asleep, I made a silent promise to always be there for him—to be the role model he deserved.

And as I drifted off to sleep, the status window flickered open one last time with another embarrassing stat: [Brotherly Bond Increased]. It was a small victory in the grand scheme of things, but in that moment, it felt like the most important thing in the world.

In my dreams that night, I found myself in a college setting, the air thick with the scent of old books and the chatter of students. There she was, standing in the corridor—my first crush, Shreya. She looked just as I remembered her from school, with her shy smile and those piercing eyes that could make my heart skip a beat.

We talked, we laughed—things that had never happened in reality. It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing that this was all a figment of my imagination, but the warmth of the dream was undeniable.

And then, the scene shifted. I saw Abhi and Ratika together, their smiles wide and their hearts full. They had been dating for years, their love a constant in an ever-changing world. But the shadow of our family's struggles loomed over them, threatening to tear them apart.

I watched, helpless, as the events unfolded. The pain of their separation was palpable, a knife to my soul. This time, I told myself, it would be different. I would make sure that their love didn't end in heartache.

The dream ended with a jolt as I woke up to the sound of my alarm, the sweet and bitter taste of the night lingering in my mouth. It was time to face the day and continue my quest to rewrite our futures for the better. With newfound resolve, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, ready to tackle whatever lay ahead.