Getting used to it... Maybe? (Revised)

~Alex's Pov~




Ya' know... It gets boring when you don't have much to keep yourself entertained. Sure, I could fish and hunt small animals for food, but after two weeks of doing the same thing, it starts feeling stale.

I slumped down, feeling a tug on my line. With barely any effort, I reeled in another fish.

'That makes 13.' At this point, I was practically overstocked. By some miracle, I'd managed to get myself a decent-sized refrigerator, thanks to the same elder who hooked me up with the fishing rod in the first place. It set me back 420 bucks, but now I could store food without worrying about it spoiling which was a good thing.

Plus, mowing lawns for the elderly around here really paid off. There were plenty of them, and I lucked out with the amount of work. Sure, it was a pain to fork over the cash, but it was well worth it. Now I had a surplus of food and even bought some much-needed clothing, especially since I'd been bulking-up from training.

But the best news wasn't just the food or the new clothes. I recently discovered that this new body of mine came with a pretty sharp mind. My memory had improved a lot, it's not exactly photographic, but if felt damn near close enough from what I realized. Plus, I've even gotten a bit more used to my situation, and I could confidently say I've fully adapted my predicament... I think...

That aside, my training had been paying off over the past two weeks, I tried pushing myself just as much as I did the week prior, and I had gotten the same boost, being roughly a 10% increase in all my physical stats... And that was another thing I was realizing about myself. I instinctively knew how strong my body has gotten from my training... Maybe a self-analytical power? Or maybe I just have something akin to an insane amount of body I.Q...

Though, I don't think my rate of training will last much longer, and I don't know if this body had limits, but based on my progress so far, it didn't seem like it did either. Which was a good thing, definitely a good thing. I could keep making steady progress as long as I don't hit a ceiling.

Not only that, despite being on the slimmer side before I started training, I've been seeing some decent muscle formations already. And I I've gotten around and inch of two taller, likely the latter. So, growth spurts for the win! Typically it isn't normal for someone to grow two inches taller within two weeks, it more so felt like my body was accommodating for the training I was doing... But, I wasn't sure about that aspect just yet.

Sadly, this is where my lucky streak was ending... Being that the Tennyson family was going to leave today, at dawn, and I had no way of following them or keeping track of them after this. What makes this worse, was that I couldn't say I wanted to come; Maxwell was already, and still is suspicious about the fact if I had parents in the first place.

I slumped down even further, 'Damn... I'm really screwed in every sense... I didn't remember much of this universe to navigate it on my own, nor was I old enough to get around freely...' 

I knew one thing though, and that was to get away from this place. The city would likely be much better to live in since aliens targeted areas like these that had little populations, so they could form stronger foundation before they targeted bigger areas. At this point, I didn't know what to do. I had done too many things to just leave behind.

'No, maybe my best bet is to just stick it out until something actually happens, I have a better chance at keeping a ready supply of what I needed packed away on the go, and I can just book it on foot from there.' If I keep training a few more months, and assuming I'd keep the same progress rate. I should be as fast as a car... Potentially.

'I guess I'll stay for now and get a bit more prepared...' I dragged myself off the stump to say one final good bye.


~Omniscient Pov, a few hours Later~




"Alright, I think that's everything..." Max said, securing the last of his equipment in the back of the Rust-bucket. Ben and Gwen were taking their time, slowly packing up their own belongings as they glanced around, soaking in the last few moments.

Max paused, his eyes distant for a moment, his face shifting into a contemplative frown. He glanced back at his grandchildren before clearing his throat. "I need you both to stay here for a minute. There's something I need to settle before we go." His tone was calm but carried a weight behind it, leaving no room for questions whilst he walked off.

Ben and Gwen exchanged glances, both catching the strange shift in their grandfather's demeanor. Ben was the first to break the silence, scratching the back of his neck. "Uh... I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks that was weird... Right?" His voice trailed off, searching Gwen's expression for some kind of confirmation.

Gwen nodded slowly, her brow furrowing. "Yeah, something did seem a little off... What do you think he's up to?"

Gwen's question hung in the air while Ben glanced toward the direction Max had walked off. "No idea," he mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "But, he has been acting kind of strange, don't you think? Maybe we should—"

Before he could finish, Gwen shot him a look. "We're not spying on Grandpa, Ben. He said he'd be right back."

Ben rolled his eyes, already halfway through a protest, "Oh come on! We've literally fought aliens together, and you're telling me this is where you're drawing the line?"

Gwen sighed but didn't argue further, knowing Ben wouldn't let it go so easily. "Fine, but if we get caught, I'm blaming you."

"Deal." Ben smirked, already creeping toward the path Max had taken, with Gwen reluctantly following behind.




They kept a safe distance, careful not to alert Max as he disappeared behind a cluster of trees near the campsite's edge. Once they were close enough, they crouched down behind some bushes, peeking through the foliage. What they saw next surprised both of them.

Max wasn't alone...

Standing a few feet from him was Alex, looking a bit stiff and awkward as Max spoke in a hushed, serious tone. They couldn't make out all the words, but something about the way Max's hand rested on Alex's shoulder seemed… off.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Ben asked.

Gwen bit her lip, her brow furrowed as she tried to make sense of the scene. "I don't know, but it feels... weird. Grandpa doesn't usually get this serious with people he barely knows."

Ben squinted, trying to catch a few stray words of their conversation, but no luck. "You think he's in trouble or something?"

"Maybe," Gwen whispered back. "But Grandpa wouldn't just go out of his way to talk to him if it wasn't important..."

The air around them seemed to grow with some tension. Max's voice carried faintly over the distance, though still unintelligible. Alex, meanwhile, looked a bit uneasy, shifting from foot to foot like he was uncomfortable with whatever Max was telling him...

Ben's curiosity got the better of him, and he nudged Gwen. "Let's get a little closer."

Gwen was about to protest but sighed instead. "Fine, but be careful."

They moved quietly, staying low as they crept closer, still trying to remain unseen. Just as they got a few feet closer, they heard Max say, "You need to be careful from here on out. I don't know exactly what's going on with you, but it's certainly dangerous... Listen Alex... I can't just leave you like this."

Alex's face grew more serious as he nodded slowly, "I understand. But what am I supposed to do? I don't even know what's happening either..."

Ben's eyes widened, and he glanced at Gwen. "Did you hear that?!" he whispered excitedly. "Alex doesn't even know what's happening—this is like, some next-level secret mission stuff."

Gwen rolled her eyes but couldn't help feeling a bit concerned. "Yeah, but it sounds like Grandpa knows something. Why didn't he tell us?" Gwen acted as if she didn't care much, but she was feeling the most concern at the moment...

Before they could pry any further, Max straightened up and patted Alex on the back. "Listen, I know someone who can help you... They'll come by later today and he'll help you with whatever you're going through..." Max added.

Alex on the other hand, had a pensive look to him, before he slowly nodded.

"No... I don't like this," Gwen muttered, her eyes narrowing as she watched the two. "Grandpa keeping secrets? It's not like him, not anymore."

Ben, on the other hand, was all in. "Are you kidding? This is awesome... It's like we've got our own mystery to figure out."

Gwen shot him a look. "This isn't a game, Ben. Alex looks really freaked out, and if Grandpa's worried, then it's serious."

Ben deflated a little at her tone, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah." He sighed, "You're right... But still, we should try and help, right?"

Before Gwen could answer, Max finished his conversation with Alex and started walking back toward the Rust Bucket. Ben and Gwen quickly ducked behind some nearby trees, hearts racing as they tried not to get caught. They watched as Alex stayed behind, staring at the ground for a moment before finally turning to leave.

"Alright, let's get back before Grandpa sees us," Gwen whispered, tugging on Ben's sleeve.

Ben sighed, but nodded. "Fine, but we are going to figure this out, right?"

Gwen glanced back at Alex, her mind racing with possibilities. "Yeah," she said softly. "We'll figure it out..."


~Omniscient Pov, Flashback~




Maxwell walked through the forestry, gathering his thoughts on what he had learned recently. as his mind wondered, he thought of Alex, shaking his head, not in disappointment, but of empathy and understanding.

As he did so, he heard the the creaks of the leaves being crushed, and looking ahead, he saw the boy no older than his own grandchildren, before he could say anything, the boy had given him a small smile, "Hey Max, what a coincidence, right?"

"Yeah," Max replied with a small nod, his voice steady. "Quite the coincidence." Alex had picked up on the tone... But, decided it was best to brush it off for now, "Anyways, I was just coming by to say goodbye and a thank you for helping me out."

However, Max hasn't respond immediately, causing Alex to wonder what was happening... And just as he was about to ask, Maxwell finally spoke up, with two words... "I know, Alex..."

Alex had paused immediately. He didn't why, but he instantly knew what Max was referring to, 'He found out about me lying...' Multiple things ran through Alex's mind about how he could go about this situation...

However, he had to ask one thing... "How long... How long since you've realized?" Alex said, feeling a bit guilty for lying like he had did. Normally this wouldn't be the case, but Maxwell was a good man, getting lied to was the last thing he deserved...

"I've known for the past few days... But, that doesn't matter son..." Max added.

Alex sighed... "I didn't mean to… I just—" Alex stammered slightly, but Max held up a hand, cutting him off.

"I'm not here to grill you, Alex," he said, his voice softer now, but still serious. "I get it. Whatever's going on with you, you're scared, confused... but you can't keep hiding it. Not from me, and not from yourself... It isn't your fault."

Alex looked down, feeling relief that the elder he had gotten somewhat close with wasn't here for that. Max wasn't angry—just concerned. "I didn't want to drag anyone else into it," Alex admitted. "I don't even understand half of what's happening, I didn't think it mattered much." He told the half truth. He didn't want Max to find out about his predicament. Someone like Max meant he couldn't ignore him.

Which was both a good thing, and a bad thing...

Max on the other hand sighed, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder. "It matters, Alex. More than you think. And trust me, you're not alone in this. I've seen enough to know when something's bigger than one person can handle. You need help. And I'm going to make sure you get it."

Alex nodded, the tension in his body easing just slightly, "So... what now?"

Max gave a firm look, saying "Seeing your particular situation..." He paused, looking back at Alex which didn't go unnoticed, "You need to be careful from here on out... I don't know exactly what's going on with you, but it's certainly dangerous... Listen Alex... I can't just leave you like this.

Alex nodded, "I understand. But what am I supposed to do? I don't even know what's happening either..." He said truthfully.

Alex already knew this to an extent too, but it wouldn't be maxwell that would be responsible for him... Not only that, 'He knows something more...' Alex had picked up the tone, and the pause with Max. There was something Maxwell knew about him that even he didn't.

Max continued, "Listen, I know someone who can help you... They'll come by later today and he'll help you with whatever you're going through..." Max added, "So, I need you to stay put and wait on his arrival. He'll be in a blue van, you can't miss it. Trust me." With that, Max gave Alex one final look.

While Alex was contemplating his current predicament. Wondering how things would go from here on, where would they take him, who was he going to go with? What kind of organization would he end up in? All of these questions were floating around in his mind.

'Of course... Barely two weeks and I'm blown... Should... Should I just leave? No... If Max trusts the person, I might be able to live a better life than I am now... Ah fuck...' At this point, Alex didn't know what to do...









  1. BODY-IQ: Refers to an individual's ability to understand, listen to, and effectively respond to the signals and needs of their body. It involves being in tune with physical sensations, such as hunger, fatigue, stress, and pain, and knowing how to interpret these signals to maintain physical and emotional well-being.