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Before the Storm

With Jason's permission, the mansion was packed. Inquisitors filled the mansion, using it as a temporary base due to the destruction of their own. For the first time since Chase's arrival, the building felt alive. He wandered around the courtyard, seeing them as they crafted and blessed their weapons, made Holy Water and researched their enemies, "Pretty big party huh?" Jason asked, flying down and stumbling beside him, "These wings are such a pain. How do you deal with them?"

"You get used to them," Chase answered with a chuckle. While they acted friendly, Chase could feel the tension from their previous argument resonating in the air, "Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you and Sarah...I..."

"You were just worried, right?" Jason interrupted with a sigh, "I get it. Honestly, so am I, especially after what Godwyn did. But we can't help it. So let's make the most of it"

Worried. Right. It was more than that but if that's what made them cool again, that was enough, "So when were you gonna tell me I had a sister and you two were-!" he started but was interrupted by a gunshot which he dodged, immediately firing a crossbow bolt at Melanie

"Wanna meet her?" Jason joked while Melanie approached

"So you're father's other child?" She asked with contempt in her voice. Still, she tried to remain professional, "It's a pleasure to meet you I suppose"

"So formal. Between you and Eli, I sound like a damn country bumpkin," Chase joked 

"Ah yes, Elijah. A traitor to his own people. Why am I not surprised?" She said, surprising Chase. Before he could ask, she walked away before her composure could be regained

"What's her problem?"

"Well, your dad did leave her for your mom. I can't blame her for being mad, even if I did plan to do the same thing to-Ow!" Jason started to admit before grabbing his head in stinging pain

"Are you alright?!" Chase asked with obvious concern

"Yeah...Sorry, Uriel loves to give me a migraine if I say something the man upstairs doesn't like," He explained, "Anyway, what are you gonna do today?"

"School," He answered simply, "Elijah promised he'd try spending time as a human"

"You're still trying?"

"Of course. I'm not going to give up on him and we still need time to prepare with you guys prepping," he answered as he entered the mansion, only looking back to smile, "Then maybe I can start reconnecting with my other sibling" he half joked before navigating the now busy mansion down into the caves were the tactical magic happened. Jason's Father, Boss and Victoria all stood around a makeshift war table, a map of the world spread across with Romania, Canada and Russia all marked with red fanged skulls

"We need to be on our utmost vigilance. Between Victoria's spies and the Inquisitors, we may be prepared but no one knows what Urien is plotting" Boss advised as he marked down Germany

"None of my spies have been captured yet but I've taken precautions," Victoria noted, pulling a Jiang Shi over. He opened his mouth, revealing a mark on his tongue, "All spies, including myself have this marking. Should we be captured, we need only think and bite down hard enough to draw blood. The user is turned into a bomb with their remaining blood"

"Quite the scary thing, that blood magic" The Commander muttered, "Regardless, we've informed our other branches and requested aid. That's all we can really do" He finished before looking to Chase, surprised before his face sinking in, "It would seem that your apprentice wishes to speak with you"

"It won't be long. Just wanted to let him know, I'm off to school with Eli," Chase responded, causing an awkward feeling in the air. Boss stared at him before letting out a sigh

"I know I said I would trust you so if that's what you wish, so be it. But are you sure it will go okay? I can send Phil or Marie with you"

"That may put him on edge," Chase explained, "I want to save him if I can. He is my brother after all"

"Fair enough. But if anything happens, come flying back, okay?"

"There is something else, I'd like to talk with you about though. Privately, if that's okay," The fledgling insisted and sure enough, Victoria and the Commander stepped away to see to their own, "I've been thinking ever since you told me how you knew my dad, We've never really talked to each other. It's always been either training or missions. I want to know my God Father"

Boss seemed shocked, his bloodshot eyes widened at his words. He did recover though and smiled, "Very well. Then how about we start with my name before you go. My name is Charles More"

Chase blinked before letting out a hearty laugh "I'm sorry! It's just that I was expecting you to say you were George Washington or something! For some reason every story has important people being involved in these grand conspiracy type things"

"Well, this isn't a story, boy. Though I will have you know, I did serve under the General before my death and rebirth," Charles replied, unable to shake the joy that came with the boy's bright fanged smile, even if he could sense insecurity behind it. They could discuss it later, "Go have fun. We can handle things from here"

With that, Chase rushed down to the garage and took one of the cars to Graham Stoker University. He been attending as normal and found it to be a good break away from his life as a Vampire. Maybe it would do just as much good for Elijah. He parked in place and wandered around the school. It didn't take long to find Elijah as people surrounded him, bludgening him with questions like 'Where are you from', 'How old are you' and 'Is that white hair natural or did you just dye it'. Sensing his irritation, Chase quickly stepped in, "Yo, Eli! You're early"

"Quite to contrary, big brother. You're the one who's late" Eli countered as he stood up from the bench, "Let's get this over with. I take no revelry in this but a promise is a promise"

"Can you at least try to talk like someone your own age?" Chase mumbled, a bit nervous that his brother's mannerisms would cause more questions. Regardless, the tour of the school began, starting with the cafeteria. The multiple different bars, each containing different salads, meats, fruits, vegetables and desserts of all kinds, "Go ahead. Take your pick"

"What good does this do me? I gain no sustenance from mortal food"

"Neither do I but its the taste that matters. Also, ease up on the 'mortal' talk. As far as these people know, we're just as human as anyone else. Got it?" Chase asked and Eli reluctantly began picking different foods he found visually appealing, making sure none of them ever touched, "Come to think of it, if you know it's pointless, why'd you offer to take us out to eat in Romania?"

"I had assumed, you weren't quite adapted to your new life"

"Well, I'd say I'm pretty adapted. But normal food tastes so good that I can't simply let it go!"

"Is this part of your odd delusions about 'Still being human'?"

"I guess so," he answered before taking a massive bite from his self-made burger, "Being human is more than just what you're made of. Whether or not you have to drink blood to live doesn't matter. I want this little trip to show you that" he explained. Once their meals were finished, he moved on to the SFX lab. Inside was Sarah, working on another one of her projects among the other students, "And this here is our SFX lab. From pyrotechnics to holographic tech, students are coming up with new and inventive ways to frighten someone"

As if on queue, Sarah rushed to them, "Oh hey, you two!"

"Hello um...Sarah, was it?" Eli asked, struggling to remember her name

"That's right. Welcome back, Eli. No special parties like last time right?" She asked, trying to dance around her words in case her peers heard. God forbid they hear the word 'Vampire' and think she's crazy

"Not today. Me and Eli made a deal. Anyway, what are y'all working on?"

"Well, me Tanya are working on a project that'll use holographic technology to make the most realistic blood and gore all without need for props. But I'm mostly just taking a break. I need to find a new phone" She explained, pouting as she played with her glasses, "I lost mine when I met Jason's parents" she said, continuing to dance around what really happened as to not give away too much information. Truth be told, she didn't trust Eli much either. Brother or not, how could she trust someone who threw himself in with a monster like Godwyn. To her shock though, Eli rummaged through his pockets, eventually pulling out a pink smartphone. When he pressed the power button, it showed the same wallpaper it always had of her younger self on her first date with Jason. Her face flashed red with embarrassment and snatched it away, "How did you get this!?"

"Uncle had it. I don't know why but when I suggested we give it back, he agreed" Eli answered, hiding his lies with just enough truth to seem believable. Still, Sarah smiled and hugged him

"Thank you so much! Most of my ideas are stored in this thing!" She exclaimed, before running to get back to work. It was strange. His cold body felt warm in her embrace and he felt a strange feeling in his chest. He wasn't injured, yet felt his chest tighten

"Oh wow! It seems like someone's feeling all warm and fuzzy. Don't get any ideas though. She's got a boyfriend," Chase reminded, snapping him back to reality

"Cease your prattling. Is there anywhere else we need to go?"

"Just one. Follow me," Chase insisted, dragging Eli by the wrist out of the building into a large neighboring one. Inside was more of a recreational center, where students could stay in shape and have fun "A lot of actors come here as well so they've gotta stay in shape," he told his brother before sitting down, just watching

"You have no wish to get involved?"

"Nah. If we did, we could keep going for hours. It's not fair. Now c'mon. Sit"

Reluctantly, he complied and the two brothers simply watched the various games, "What's the point of all this? Is this how you spend your days?"

"It used to be"

"But why!? It's so...so boring! So simple..."

"That's the point," Chase answered, "When I was a kid, and even now, I never had a lot of friends. I was too shy. Vicky and Jason both approached me and Sarah, well we just ran into her by coincidence. But just watching people have fun, eating together, working together on a project they love. All of that and the fond memories that come from that. They make me feel happy. Those memories make me feel human. Even if some of them have been tainted," He explained, mumbling the last part. Elijah heard perfectly though, and with a sigh, continued to watch, not arguing for another second

Back at the manor, Jason relaxed in the greenhouse, planting Vervain for the coming war. It was quiet and gave him time to think. He couldn't tell what, but he knew something was wrong with Chase. He was no fool and as someone who's lied for years, he could tell when he was being lied to in turn. He snapped out of his trance for a moment when he heard the rackety door open and Victoria step through, "Hey..."

"Hey, Vicky," Jason answered quickly before continuing to tend to the plants. Vicky sat down, helping him, "What do you want to talk about?"

"How did you-?"

"In my line of work, being able to read someone is a good skill to have," He explained, "Now tell me what's up"

Victoria, initially dumbfounded, sighed before responding "I'm worried about Chase... He's learned so much in so little time about his family. You think it may get to him?"

"I was wondering the same thing," Jason admits, pausing his work to look at her "Yesterday, before I went to recruit the Inquisitors, he snapped at me and Sarah. That's not normal for him. He says he was just worried and I'm sure that's part of it but...I dunno. I feel like there's something else. When Chase and I first talked about this, he said something along the lines of his memories made him human. But what if those memories are tainted. His parents are dead because his Vampire God Father tried to kill yours and they were caught in the middle"

"Is that what you think it is?"

"I don't know but I'm worried. He's already a lost his human form because of me. I don't want him to lose his human soul too..." He answered. Vicky looked a bit guilty herself. She gently patted his back to comfort him

"If it helps, I'm not entirely blameless either. I am the one who turned him after all"

"I know and it infuriates me. But I'm trying to stay professional," he admitted, "Choice makes someone human as well. You and I made him this without giving him any. Had I just been honest with him about me and Sarah, he wouldn't have left and..."

Vicky just giggled in response. She couldn't help but find it amusing, "Look at us, trying so hard to one up each other. We both screwed up. But what's done is done. So let's try to do better, starting with talking to him when he gets back"

"You're right. Um...by the way, shouldn't you be in pain right now with all the Vervain?" Jason asked, nervously chuckling. When he finally looked her in the face, it was clear she was holding back the stinging pain before running out. Did she really fight off that pain just to have a chat? He could see where chase got his resilience from

In the kitchen, Marie was helping to prepare a meal alongside a few other Vampires, Ghouls and Inquisitors. The kitchen was small and cramp but they needed to make it work so that they could feed the army they now housed. It was beyond exhausting but she was doing a fine job directing them. Melanie had been asked to help, to which she accepted though clearly she was struggling. Taking note of this, Marie nudged her aside and began to assist her "You're doing it wrong. Have you never made eggs a day in your life? You don't want them so...so goopy" she explained, struggling to find the words

Melanie didn't respond, instead pushing back and trying to do it herself. She made no effort to hide her disdain for the situation. Her zealous hatred for vampires and personal hate for her half brother made this assignment an agonizing experience and now she was helping cook? It was beyond demeaning in her eyes, "I can handle it. I'd just be better suited to combat"

"And you'll be there when the time comes, but an army marches on its stomach"

"Says the blood addict"

Marie rolled her eyes with one hand, easily chucked her out of the kitchen. Everyone turned to the two, expecting a fight but Marie simply continued her work, even as a swarm of locus came in before shaping being shaped into the mummy butler, "I know. I shouldn't be so rough"

"I've been telling you that for years so I won't tell you again," Phil assured, "Frankly, I'm surprised it took you this long to get fed up with her"

"Agreed. But if you don't mind, I need to cook so out with you now. Shoo!" she insisted and Phil complied. When he stepped out, he immediately checked on Melanie, bandaging her bruises

"There. Now get back to work"

"I didn't need your help, monster" Melanie argued as she stood up

"Perhaps not. But it is my job to do so"

The Inquisitor scoffed, looking at him with a heavy dose of skepticism, "You're a mummy right? That must mean you were some big shot back when you were alive. Why bother helping people now?"

"A fine question but answer mine first. Why are you so opposed to me helping?" He countered, resulting in silence. It was a good counter argument. She couldn't exactly pinpoint why she thought that way without seeming weak to her supposed enemy. However, Phil didn't pry beyond that, instead patting her shoulder, "Not all 'big shots' as you call them are like your father or Jason, especially the lucky few who have another chance at life. I know all too well" he assured before walking away. He doubt any of what he was saying got through but he had to try. Still, it got her thinking what he meant. Was she resentful of her father and husband? Of course but she had never thought about why she felt such a way. She would need to ponder these things and as such wandered aimlessly around the mansion, before bumping into a blank faced young woman, no older than her

"Sorry about that," She muttered, briefly snapped out of her thought process as the two stared at each other

"You're Chase's sister right?" The girl simply asked but before Melanie could deliver a response, she was swiftly dragged outside, around the massive house to a cliff facing the Jubokko Forest, "Nice view, huh?" she inquired, sitting down right on the edge of the cliff, "You know that's not a normal forest right? They're essentially Vampire trees. If anything gets pass the veil, they'll need to get through them too without being eaten. Even if you break them up, they'll still reach our for you"

"Is that meant to be some sort of threat?"

"Nope, I just thought it would interest you," Alexis assured, motioning for her to sit, "I wanted to talk. You looked like you had something on your mind"

"And why does it matter to you?"

"Because I know Chase would bug you about it if he were here. It's about time I do something for him for once," She explained and immediately, Melanie's mind started to be filled with ideas. Was this his Ghoul? Could a Vampire even feel...that anymore? Maybe it was just her inner romantic overthinking things. Surely a monster couldn't. She finally managed to contain her thoughts before looking away

"Your mummy friend just got me thinking about something"

"Yeah, he has the tendency to do that," Alexis admitted with a sigh, "I guess when you're a literal walking corpse from ancient times, you've seen enough to know what you're talking about. What did he tell you?"

"Just that not everyone is like my father and Jason. It seemed like a fairly nothing statement but it got me thinking, why did I resent them. They both left me, sure. But I lose people all the time. It's to be expected when your job is hunting down monsters who are physically superior to you and it's not like I feel any real love for either of them. Me and Jason got together out of tradition so I got over the girlfriend thing easily enough"

Alexis just tapped her finger against her chin, thinking about what it could be. Having had her own family issues, she thought maybe she could relate but it is certainly odd, "Could it be envy? They had something you never got?"

Melanie seemed dumbstruck by that assertion. The nerve of her to just come out and say that! With a glare that could strike down lesser beings, she questioned, "And what do you think it is that I never got that they did? We all came from the same place"

"If I had to guess? Love. Real love. Not the kind your holy book says you need to show unconditionally or one you fake to make an arranged marriage more bearable. They got to have real friends and family they truly value for reasons beyond circumstances because they spent time outside of your order" Alexis elaborated and much to her shock, Melanie seemed to think on it. She put herself in a Thinker position as she looked blankly into the forest. After few minutes of silent thought, she spoke

"You may be onto something. If I have any further questions, can I ask? I should get back to work" She requested, slowly standing back up. Alexis simply nodded and the two parted ways. However with a sly smirk crossing her lips, Melanie asked one final question, "You seem to know an awful lot about love though. Is that how you feel about my brother?". The two just stared at each other and Alexis smiled as she gave her answer.

Back at Graham Stoker, the two brothers made their way out of the gym, "So, did ya have fun? Not so bad to get out of that castle do humany things right?" Chase asked, stretching after people watching for so long

"It was good, but I doubt I would have had nearly as much fun if you weren't there," Eli admits, "I don't think I can ever truly understand. I've been a Vampire longer than I was ever human after all"

"Aw, c'mon baby bro! Did you not get the point? There's more to being human than whether you drink blood or not!" Chase tried to assure when he suddenly heard something. They footsteps, loud ones and very fast. Quickly, Chase made a blood shield and held it over them both as Godwyn slammed down onto it from the air, "Not even trying to hide now, you overgrown mutt!?"

"I'm sick of that!" Godwyn retorted and kept beating on the shield, which was barely holding. But while he was busy holding it, he felt a sudden puncture in his neck. It felt like all the blood he had stocked up to keep him going was slowly drained as he pushed Godwyn off him just before the shield faded into a crimson puddle. Looking around though his blurry vision, he saw Eli holding a syringe

"I'm sorry brother..." He said softly but it echoed through as his enhanced senses went haywire. His blurred vision caused him to stumble as he didn't even see people anymore, just their veins, hearts and the succulent blood that flowed through them. He tried to resist but he could feel his fangs inching out as he saw all the students roaming the campus. Despite his best efforts, with an animalistic roar, he lunged in to feed...