Beast Abilities

An Xiang Village.

In the still of the night, few villagers ventured out onto the dirt street.

Fear of being attacked by beasts from the nearby mountains had kept the villagers in the safety of their houses.

At the end of the street, outside the dilapidated wooden hut, a soft murmur could be heard.

A teenage boy lay down outside the hut.

Even though he was skinny and frail, the teenage boy still retained hints of the handsome appearance he might have had if he were healthy and well.

"What happened... I was saving that kid from drowning..." Lin Fan opened his eyes and tried to make sense of what he was experiencing.


His head suddenly throbbed with pain; flashes of unfamiliar memory invaded his mind.

When it all subsided, Lin Fan realized he had transmigrated.

He, a successful businessman from Earth, had transmigrated to this world with powerful sects and demonic beasts into a fourteen-year-old teenager with the same name.

This teenager lived in this village with his dad, but his dad had died recently, and he wasn't able to find food and money to survive.

From the teenager's memories, Lin Fan could still feel how cold the teenager's relatives were to him.

No one had offered to help him.

Lin Fan felt anger at the indifference.

But there was no belly of fire.

He could only feel hunger.

The teenager hadn't eaten for days and passed away from hunger.

That's when Lin Fan transmigrated and took over.

"I need to find something to eat..."

To thrive in this world, he must first survive.

He got up with much effort and slowly staggered back into his wooden hut.

Inside the wooden hut was nothing but a table and chair.

Lin Fan rummaged through all corners of the hut but there was nothing.

Not a single grain of rice.

"Maybe I can borrow some food from the neighbors."

Lin Fan thought about it but didn't do so.

His neighbor, Uncle Liu, had tried to help him as much as he could.

However, Uncle Liu wasn't doing great himself, as he had his own family to take care of.

"Liu, if you dare try to help that kid again, don't ever come back! Your son needs the food."

"But Lin Fan is helpless and alone, all by himself..."

Just as Lin Fan was thinking about it, he could hear Uncle Liu quarreling with his wife about helping him.

This affirmed Lin Fan's decision not to borrow food from the neighbors.

The only option left for him was to go hunting for food.

Lin Fan looked out through the window and saw that it was near dawn.

If he was lucky, he might be able to catch some wild rabbit or other small prey coming out for food before the sun rose.

Lin Fan picked up the axe used for chopping wood before venturing off into the woods.

It was the only form of weapon he had in the hut.

He wielded the axe and hacked into thin air to familiarize himself with it.

Lin Fan had always believed in being cautious and being prepared.

When he felt comfortable enough with the axe, he left the hut.

As he set foot out of his hut, a mechanical sound rang inside his mind.


[System detected the host's courage and determination to survive and thrive.]

[Congratulations on activating the Beast Ability System.]

[Kill any beasts and you will be rewarded with their ability.]

[Earn vengeance points by killing any malevolent forces who want to harm you.]

[Use vengeance points to upgrade your abilities and physique.]

[Current Beast Ability: 0]

[Current Physique Level: 1 (100 Vengeance Points to upgrade)]

[Current Vengeance Points: 0]

Lin Fan was intrigued by the system's reward.

What does it mean to have a beast's ability?

What about upgrading the physique?

"Guess there's only one way to find out." Lin Fan held the axe tighter as he said to himself.

He then slowly made his way to the edge of the woods, a few kilometers away.

On his way there, fellow villagers starting their day were surprised when they saw Lin Fan.

Most of them thought he wouldn't make it through the night and were prepared for the worst.

He didn't bother with them, smiled and nodded, carrying on with his journey.

"Is he going to the woods to hunt?"

"I think so. It's dangerous with beasts roaming around at this time of the year."

"Yes, Liu had a near miss with a fire wolf last month. I haven't dared to hunt for food for the past few weeks."

"Look at him, so thin and frail. I don't think he has any other choice."

Villagers gossiped about Lin Fan's journey to hunt as they saw him heading towards the woods.

When he reached his hunting ground, an open field by the woods, he lay prone and waited for his prey.

He patiently waited.

A few moments passed before he saw any wild rabbits.

At first, when he tried to get close and pounce onto the wild rabbits coming out of their rabbit hole for food, the rabbits would always run away before he got close.

The result was the same as he tried several times with the same tactic.

The next thing he tried was to throw the axe at the wild rabbits.

The speed of the axe thrown wasn't fast enough against the rabbits with their enhanced hearing and speed.

"There must be another way." Lin Fan sighed and looked up at the sky.

A falcon was soaring in circles.

It was also hunting for rabbits.

That gave Lin Fan an idea.

Wait for the falcon to strike and he can prey on those wild rabbits being stunned by the attack.

So, he followed the falcon as it circled.


The falcon then came down like a bullet and pounced onto the unfortunate wild rabbit.

Other wild rabbits nearby scattered and ran for their lives.

One of them came towards Lin Fan and then Splat.

Lin Fan's axe hacked into the wild rabbit's head.

The wild rabbit twitched its legs for a moment before it lay motionless on the ground.

A familiar sound then erupted in his mind.


[Wild rabbit terminated.]

[Initiating Beast Ability: Wild Rabbit.]