Lin Ke

[Ding! Congratulations on terminating malevolent intent.]

[Vengeance points + 50.]

[Current Vengeance Points: 100]

[Wolf terminated.]

[Initiating Beast Ability: Wolf.]

[Hunter Instinct Acquired – Track Prey for 1 hour.]

[Iron Claws Acquired – Claw Attack with hands for 30 seconds.]

[Leader of the Pack Acquired – Control a person with howl for 5 seconds.]

Before Lin Fan could check out the new abilities, the wolf's body slumped over him like a piece of brick.


Lin Fan pushed the limp body to the side and took deep breaths.

He lay down looking up at the bright blue sky and smiled.

"I did it."

Lin Fan stretched out his hand, then clenched it into a fist and shouted with joy.

He summoned the system's information panel in his mind.

[Current Beast Ability: 1]

[Wild Rabbit Abilities Level: 1]

[Wolf Abilities: 1]

[Current Physique Level: 1 (100 Vengeance Points to upgrade)]

[Current Vengeance Points: 100]

[Upgrade Physique: Y/N]

"Yes, upgrade Physique," Lin Fan thought silently.

A surge of energy came from nowhere; it penetrated his body, creeping into his muscles, organs, and meridian points.

Lin Fan felt his Dantian warm up, this stream of warmth slowly spreading to his whole body.

Pain from his muscles started to hit his nerves, and he twitched uncontrollably.

Just as quickly as the energy came, it disappeared.

Lin Fan felt like he had battled with another wolf.

When he looked at his body, he was no longer thin and frail.

He was now lean and fit and filled with energy.

[Ding! Congratulations on upgrading your Physique.]

[Your Physical strength/endurance x 2.]

[Usage of abilities x 2.]

With his newfound energy and strength, Lin Fan stood up and cleared the wolf's body of its internal organs and intestines.

If he could, he would have separated the wolf's skin right there.

It is much easier to just transport the wolf's skin back without others taking notice.

His axe alone is not enough to do it well.

Lin Fan didn't want to risk damaging the wolf's skin and affecting its price.

So, he lifted the wolf's body, put it on his back, and walked back to the village.

When the wanderers and vagrants saw him, they quickly scurried away.

They could only timidly steal glances at Lin Fan from a distance.

Someone who can kill a wolf is not to be messed with.

"Isn't that Lin Fan? What's that on his back?"

"Wait, is that what I think it is?"

"Damn, it's a wolf! Lin Fan killed it by himself?"

Villagers were astonished when they saw Lin Fan carry the wolf on his back.

What happened?

Lin Fan was on the verge of death just a few days ago.

Among them was Lin Ke, Lin Fan's uncle.

"That Lin Fan. He must have some savings to buy food. How dare he approach me to borrow money previously! Lucky that I didn't fall for his lies."

Lin Ke spat on the ground and cursed at Lin Fan.

As Lin Fan's only relative left, Lin Ke ironically didn't help one bit when Lin Fan needed help the most.

"It's not me. This wolf had already died when I found it," Lin Fan said to the villagers.

Upon hearing this, Lin Ke cursed Lin Fan more.

What a lucky bastard!

Why does such fortune have to befall someone like Lin Fan?

Lin Ke kept going with his nasty thoughts.

All this happened without Lin Fan even noticing.

To Lin Fan, the only family that mattered to him now was Uncle Liu's family.

He wouldn't even want to look Lin Ke in the eyes.


"Daddy, help!"

When Lin Fan arrived at Uncle Liu's house, Liu Han saw the wolf, got scared, and ran in crying for help.

Uncle Liu heard the commotion, quickly picked up a knife, and checked out what happened.

When he saw that it was Lin Fan carrying a wolf carcass, he relaxed and asked, "Lin Fan, you killed this wolf?"

"I got lucky; it was already injured and near death when I saw it. Didn't take much but used my axe to give it a final blow."

Lin Fan put the wolf's body down on the ground and showed Uncle Liu the wound made by his axe.

He didn't want to let Uncle Liu know of his abilities; better to lie low and keep it a secret.

"Thank God you are all right. Next time try not to take too much risk."

"I will, Uncle Liu. I just desperately need the skin to sell; the autumn harvest tax is coming up soon."

Uncle Liu sighed; it's a pain he can empathize with totally.

"I can only offer twenty copper coins for this, but I need to sell it in the hunter's market before I can pay you."

"Deal. I trust you, Uncle Liu."

"Great. Just let me handle the rest." Uncle Liu turned to the house and shouted, "Mei Fong, prepare dinner; Lin Fan will be joining us."

"I'm on it." Mei Fong looked out and gave Lin Fan a smile.

Her impression of Lin Fan had changed.

The past few days of rabbit meat and extra income for her husband selling the rabbit skin made her happy.

Gone were the days of Uncle Liu giving scraps of food to Lin Fan without any return.


When Lin Fan finished dinner and went back home, he couldn't wait to try out the new abilities.


With the Iron Claw ability, his fingers projected out a translucent blue-colored claw.

It was sharp and could cut through iron like tofu.

For the Hunter Instinct ability, he could see illuminated footsteps being shown to him, even when they couldn't be seen with the naked eye.

As for the Leader of the Pack ability, he had no one to try it on, so he would have to find a chance to do so.

"Help! Get away from me!"

A loud scream came from a few houses away.

Lin Fan picked up his axe and went out to check what happened.