I, Alone

"Lin Fan, what are you doing out here?"

"It's not safe for a teenager like you."

"Let the adults take care of everything."

When the villagers noticed Lin Fan, they advised him to stay back home.

What was this Lin Fan thinking, they thought to themselves silently.

Lin Fan just shrugged and replied, "I just wanted to check out what the commotion is all about. Thank God Granny Lim is all right."

"Everyone, nothing more to see here.

"Go back to your homes and be alert.

"You two take care of the bodies and you there, help Granny Lim back to her place."

Ho Fu shooed everyone away, turned to Lin Fan and said, "I'll try to team you up with Liu for the team roster. That's the least I can do for Lin Ye."

"It's all right, village head. I'm already a pretty good hunter by myself; I can handle the vagrants."

Lin Fan didn't want to make things difficult for Ho Fu.

He is someone who appreciates the goodwill from others.

"Don't worry. Just let me handle everything tomorrow."

Ho Fu took a puff off his pipe and bid farewell to Lin Fan.

"Guess it's going to be a long day tomorrow," Lin Fan said to himself as he watched Ho Fu slowly getting further away.

Next day.

Everyone had gathered outside the village head's house.

All except for the Tan family; they'd only sent a representative, Housekeeper Lee.

The Tan family refused to contribute their house guards to the defense team.

With their power and influence, Ho Fu couldn't do much.

Ho Fu stood in front of everyone.

He had organized all the able-bodied males in the village into three teams.

Each team consisted of ten people.

As Ho Fu had promised, Lin Fan was put into the same team with Uncle Liu.

"All right, if there's no objection, let's get to work and drive the wanderers and vagrants away from our village."

"I object," Lin Ke, Lin Fan's uncle, raised his voice.

"Why did you put Lin Fan into the same team as Liu? So that he can leech off Liu and not put in any effort?"

Lin Ke continued with his complaints, on and off stealing glances at Housekeeper Lee.

Lin Fan noticed this action of Lin Ke.

Just as he thought, this Housekeeper Lee was up to something.

"I agree, village head. We shouldn't burden our best," Housekeeper Lee chimed in.

"No, I don't agree with you and Lin Ke. Lin Fan is as capable as all of you," Ho Fu refuted.

"Huh, capable? Who was the one coming to me begging for food a few days ago? I'm his uncle; I know what he is made of," Lin Ke lifted his chin, as if he was proud of himself for not having helped Lin Fan.

"Lin Ke has a point…"

"I remember Lin Fan was on the verge of dying."

"Let him out of the team; I wouldn't want to get him out of trouble when the action begins."

"Maybe he is fitter now?"

"In a few days? Stop kidding yourself."

The villagers started to discuss among themselves.

Most of them didn't want anything to do with Lin Fan.

In their minds, Lin Fan was still that thin and frail teenager.

Housekeeper Lee, seeing things going his way, stroked his long mustache and said, "Even though Master Tan can't spare the manpower to contribute to the defense team.

"His heart is with everyone; he is willing to pay everyone five copper coins for your help.

"However, I might not be able to get him to pay up if the team is not at its best."

Upon hearing this, the villagers got riled up.

The notion of getting five copper coins had made them lose their minds.

With the autumn harvest tax pending, any money helps a lot.

"Ho Fu, I think a wise man like you would make the right choice. As the saying goes, never offend or go against the majority," Housekeeper Lee said with a sneer.

Ho Fu looked at Lin Fan apologetically.

Lin Fan shook his head at Ho Fu, then turned to the villagers, smiled and said out loud, "I thank everyone who is so concerned about my fate, especially my dear uncle Lin Ke.

"I assure you I'll repay in kind.

"Lastly, I'm all for going out there and dealing with the wanderers and vagrants alone."

He looked at all the villagers, burning the faces of those who'd ridiculed him and wanted him out into his mind.

Lin Fan always pays back; it's just a matter of when.

"Are you sure about it?" Uncle Liu came beside Lin Fan and asked him.

"Don't worry, Uncle Liu. I can take care of myself; I've become stronger with my experience these few days hunting," Lin Fan looked Uncle Liu in the eyes and replied with the utmost serious look.

"All right then, since you are so sure about it. Remember, if anything happens, run and come looking for me," Uncle Liu said.

"That settles it then. The kid says so himself. Ho Fu, I think the open field is familiar to the kid; maybe it's best for him to go and clear the area there," Housekeeper Lee said.

"You…cough…cough…" Ho Fu got so angry that he choked on his pipe.

Lin Fan walked up to Ho Fu and patted him on the back.

He whispered something to Ho Fu, then assured Ho Fu that the open field was his playground.

Ho Fu squinted his eyes and then nodded his head.

With that, the teams picked up sickles, sticks, and knives, and went on their way to drive the wanderers and vagrants away from the village.

Lin Fan stared at Housekeeper Lee as he left with all his minions.

This troublemaker must be dealt with soon.

But first, he had the open field to deal with.

Lin Fan went back home and picked up whatever weapons he had.

His bow and arrows, axe, and knife.

Any idiot would know that this Housekeeper Lee had something waiting for him at the open field.