More Vengeance Points

In an instant, he killed two more vagrants.

Uncle Liu, with his archery skill, immediately shifted the advantage to the villagers.

His arrows, coming out of nowhere, made the wanderers and vagrants scared.

The wanderers and vagrants stopped tussling with the villagers and retreated fifty meters away.

Both parties then stood staring at each other in a standoff.

"Liu, what took you so long?"

"Thank God you're here. I feel safe already."

"Liu, teach these robbers a lesson they won't forget."

The villagers grumbled at Uncle Liu's late appearance but still appreciated his presence and ability.

"You weren't supposed to start until the village head gave you the order.

"We were on our way to flank from their back and surround them.

"Who let you start the operation?"

Uncle Liu wasn't pleased and wanted to know the answer.

The villagers from the two defense teams took a glance at Lin Ke.

Uncle Liu stared at Lin Ke.

If he could, he would go up to Lin Ke and give him a beating, but right now he had other fish to fry.

He turned and shouted at the wanderers and vagrants, "Give up and leave our village, now."

The wanderers and vagrants didn't say anything.

Those standing at the front retreated, revealing a man standing at the back.

It was obvious this man wasn't like the wanderers and vagrants.

He was well-built and looked healthy, holding a sword in his hand.

"Who are you?"

Uncle Liu armed his bow with an arrow, aiming at the man.

The man wasn't bothered and ran towards Uncle Liu.


Uncle Liu shot his arrow.


To everyone's surprise, the man swiped away the arrow with his sword.

Before Uncle Liu could react, the man leaped and appeared in front of Uncle Liu.

Uncle Liu immediately gave the man a side kick.

The man didn't even dodge and let Uncle Liu's kick land.


"Argh…", Uncle Liu cried out in pain.

He felt like he had kicked a piece of stone.

The pain made Uncle Liu fall to the ground.

When the villagers saw this, their hearts sank.

Uncle Liu was the strongest among them.

If he couldn't deal with this man, then no one could.

They would most probably die if no one came to their rescue.

The villagers held their breath as they saw the man turn his sword downwards and thrust it down onto Uncle Liu.


Out of nowhere Lin Fan appeared.

Lin Fan used his Magnificent Leap and did a flying kick directly at the man.

His kick hit the sword, and the impact made the sword bend.

All the way to the man's chest, and then 'thud', the man went tumbling across the field.

"What happened?"

"Who was that?"

The villagers were surprised at the turn of events.

When they saw who saved Uncle Liu, they were even more surprised.

"Lin Fan?"

"It's really Lin Fan!"

"But wasn't he on the verge of dying a few days back?"

"Who cares? At least now we don't have to die."

The villagers exclaimed with excitement at what they'd witnessed.

"Uncle Liu, are you all right?", Lin Fan asked as he helped Uncle Liu to his feet.

"I'm all right, just a bruise to my shin bone."

Uncle Liu had a lot of questions to ask Lin Fan, but it was not over yet.

The man had stood up and wielded his sword in a circle.

His sword then had a translucent white force surrounding it.

A familiar sound erupted in Lin Fan's mind.


[Detected soul with malevolent intent incoming!]

[Terminate person with malevolent intent for 30 vengeance points.]

Lin Fan took note of the vengeance points, 10 more than those he had dealt with earlier.

"All of you take on the villagers, I will handle the young boy."

The man commanded the wanderers and vagrants.

The wanderers and vagrants looked at him hesitantly.

Seeing that no one moved, he pulled the nearest vagrant to him and his sword sliced through the vagrant's waist.

Then the man was left holding the upper part of the vagrant's body.

Seeing this the wanderers and vagrants had no other choice.

"Ch.. charge!"

The wanderers and vagrants shouted and charged at the villagers.

Both parties clashed again.

Lin Fan didn't get involved.

He'd remembered these villagers' faces earlier.

They were the ones wanting him to go alone to the open field.

The only person that mattered to Lin Fan was Uncle Liu.

"Watch out!", Uncle Liu shouted.

The man with his sword came at Lin Fan, thrusting it at Lin Fan's head.

Lin Fan turned into a white shimmer and appeared again at the man's side.

The Swift Foot ability was too fast for the man.

With the man's side exposed to Lin Fan, Lin Fan plunged one of his hands into the man's waist.


The man cried out in pain as Lin Fan's fingers with the Iron Claw ability went through his waist like tofu.

Lin Fan subsequently plunged the other hand into the man's chest.

He could feel the warmth of the blood, and the throbbing of the man's heart.

Lin Fan held it and tightened his grip.

The pain caused the man to struggle and thrash around aimlessly.

Slowly the thrashing stopped, and the man was lifeless and hung like a piece of meat in Lin Fan's hand.

With the man dead, the wanderers and vagrants couldn't take it anymore.

They dropped their weapons, turned and ran away.

A familiar sound then erupted in Lin Fan's mind.

[Ding! Congratulations on terminating malevolent intent.]

[Vengeance points + 30.]

[Current Vengeance Points: 160]

"We…We did it!" 

The villagers cried out in joy.

While the villagers celebrated, Lin Fan was already busy trying to 'reuse and recycle'.

He picked up the sword and decided to keep it.

The sword's endurance was good; it might be able to fetch a pretty good price.

While Lin Fan was busy scavenging, a familiar voice boomed.

"Why were you so late? Did you know we could have died!"

Lin Ke pointed his fingers at Lin Fan, lashing out at his nephew.

He then turned and looked at the other villagers, expecting them to chime in.

No one bothered with his antics.

They had all seen through this man.

What sort of man would leave his nephew to fend for himself and then blame his nephew?

Lin Fan didn't even look at Lin Ke.

He was busy tending to Uncle Liu's injury.


Suddenly, Lin Ke got slapped.

The slap was so forceful, one of his teeth flew out of his mouth.

"Lin Ke!"