When Ho Jie was asleep, Lin Fan took out the imperial seal.
He tried injecting his Qi into the imperial seal.
What he expected to see didn't happen.
His Qi got sucked into the imperial seal, but it didn't glow.
Things weren't as simple as they seemed.
Lin Fan tried several times, but the result was the same.
His Qi didn't do anything with the imperial seal.
He had to seek advice from an expert.
The best person to ask about artifacts would be Sima Liang.
Lin Fan decided to pay him a visit.
After all, their last meeting hadn't been under the best circumstances.
So, he went to visit Sima Liang in Hong Feng City the next day.
This time he was disguised as 'Guo He Ru', the middle-aged man with a beard again.
Along the way, Lin Fan saw that Hong Feng City was undergoing reconstruction.
Houses, streets, and parts of the city that were damaged had workers busy repairing them.