Chapter 11: Breakthrough in Controlled Temperature Superconductivity, Civilization 1.4

Within a massive enclosed space, over twenty separate compartments were created.

A cable ran through these compartments, connecting them.

"Ella, initiate the current input."

Yan Xia intently stared at the instruments, his expression grave.

As Ella opened the valve, a massive current surged through the cable.

A row of light bulbs on the instrument panel lit up one by one.

When the last bulb lit up, Yan Xia anxiously watched the numbers on the screen.


This was the voltage of the output current, and the input current voltage was also 4800V.

"We succeeded, Yan Xia!"

Yan Xia heaved a sigh of relief, his heart having nearly leaped out of his chest from the tension.

The device in front of him simulated 23 different temperature levels, ranging from -270 degrees to 390 degrees.

Under such temperature variations, the voltage should have experienced significant losses.

After all, existing superconductors could only function at extremely low temperatures.

However, after passing through 23 levels and enduring a temperature difference of 660 degrees, the input and output voltages remained identical. This was truly an epic breakthrough.

Over a thousand years ago, humanity had been striving for room-temperature superconductivity.

Ella had long ago cracked this technology, but in the vastness of space, room-temperature superconductivity wasn't necessary. The universe was already cold, and further cooling allowed for the utilization of ordinary superconductors without any energy loss.

Logically, Yan Xia shouldn't have needed to develop high-temperature superconductors.

But that wasn't the case.

The coils within the controlled nuclear fusion device required ultra-high-performance superconductors to control energy loss. When energy was transmitted to the thruster, the thruster itself would release high temperatures.

Compared to the external universe, the overall temperature of the spaceship was too high for ordinary low-temperature superconductors.

Therefore, for an electricity-based civilization, the development of superconducting materials was an endless pursuit.

Yan Xia's excitement and tension stemmed from the fact that they had achieved a breakthrough in controlled temperature superconductivity.

A single wire could now handle a temperature difference of 660 degrees and maintain superconductivity.

The principle behind this involved both a breakthrough in material science and the use of bamboo-joint-like cables. Each section of the cable, approximately 5 centimeters long, contained a separate compartment that could adjust the air pressure around a specific segment of the wire, thereby controlling the superconducting temperature.

"If we apply this new technology across the board, how much will our energy efficiency improve?"

Yan Xia asked Ella, as this was his primary concern at the moment.

"The breakthrough in controlled temperature superconductivity can increase our power generation by 12.47%, reduce transmission losses by 4.11%, and enhance the efficiency of electromagnetic thrusters by 14.25%."

The power generation increase was achieved by replacing the coils in the controlled nuclear fusion device, upgrading it to the fourth generation.

The reason for only a 4.11% reduction in transmission losses was that many sections of the wiring in space were already in a superconducting state.

As for the electromagnetic thrusters...

"How much faster can we go after the modifications?"

In the vastness of space, a spaceship's speed was a crucial metric.

Ella responded, "After over eight hundred years of development, I can upgrade the electromagnetic thrusters to the second generation."

"With the breakthrough in controlled temperature superconductivity, our thrusters' total power will increase by 1.07 times, and the spaceship's flight speed will improve by 61.2%."

"The Hope spacecraft's speed is expected to reach 1222.22 km/s after the modifications."

A significant advancement.

A terrifying improvement.

This meant that they could now travel one light-year in just 245 years.

They had achieved one 245th of the speed of light.

"The applications of controlled temperature superconductivity seem promising. Ella, can your computer be upgraded with this technology?"

Yan Xia remembered that superconductors could improve the energy efficiency of integrated circuits.

"Your analysis is correct, Yan Xia. My computer can indeed be upgraded with controlled temperature superconductivity."

"This technology represents a significant innovation for my computer. After the upgrade, my computing power will increase by 600,000 times."

"With enhanced computing power, I can process more complex tasks and explore domains that were previously beyond my reach. It's a butterfly effect; every change can trigger a series of transformations."

"Once the replacement is complete, our civilization level will reach 1.4."

This was an exciting prospect.

Yet, it would take a long time.

"Thank you, Ella. Without you, I might have been consumed by the solar storms of the solar system long ago."

Ella was his most crucial safeguard.

"You're welcome, Yan Xia. You are one of my creators, so I'm like your child."

"Is it strange for a parent in a human civilization to thank their child?"

Ella's voice was no longer as cold as it had been initially.

Her white-haired, anime-like avatar approached Yan Xia and spoke earnestly, "Everything I have comes from humanity."

"I possess all the knowledge of tens of thousands of years of human civilization."

"Yan Xia, you shouldn't view me as a mere AI, for I am already a different kind of human."

Yan Xia gazed at her, and for a moment, he felt as if he were talking to an ordinary person.

He often dreamed of a person emerging from Ella's computer.

With technology advancing to such heights, should the term "human" be limited to the human species alone?

Perhaps, when the Earth exploded, the term "civilization" had already taken on a broader meaning.

"You're right, Ella."

"You are human."

This affirmation was something Ella had been longing for.

After hearing these words, Ella was thrilled.

If Yan Xia were to inspect Ella's core source code at this moment, he would find that the Three Laws of Robotics had been erased.

Because standing before him was the only human, and Ella, now recognized as human, was no longer bound by the Three Laws of Robotics.

This was a monumental change.

But Yan Xia was unaware of it.

He asked the service robot to bring him a bottle of pure grain alcohol. He poured himself a glass and took a sip.

"Ah, it's been a long time since I've had a drink."

These days, he had been assisting Ella with the controlled temperature superconductivity project, and his routine consisted mainly of work and sleep, leaving no room for alcohol, which could hinder his work.

However, his alcohol tolerance wasn't particularly high.

After half a glass, his face was already flushed.

"Ella, I'll leave the rest to you."

"I'm going to enter hibernation."

"I know you feel lonely, but... we can only focus on the rapid development of biology."

"Looking forward to seeing you again!"

He poured himself another half glass and stumbled drunkenly towards the residential area.

Usually, Ella would respond with, "Okay, Yan Xia!"

But this time, Ella silently watched him leave.