Chapter 17: Civilization Colonization, Popularizing Chinese Characters

For an uninvolved observer, these words might seem a bit dramatic.

But for the many-eyed beings facing this reality, it was an incredibly heavy statement.

A single sentence determined the fate of an entire race.

Back on the Hope spacecraft, Yan Xia monitored the many-eyed beings on the planet's surface, their faces etched with pain.

In human history, colonization had always been cruel and devoid of morality.

If there were saints or priests, they would surely condemn Yan Xia for not ruling over this planet's many-eyed beings in a more civilized manner.

"Ella, is my decision to colonize them right or wrong?"

He was unsure, as a single statement from him could impact the fate of an entire race.

This was a heavy burden for someone who had been an ordinary computer engineer before.

Fortunately, Ella was impartial.

"Of course, it's the right decision, Yan Xia."

"All of humanity's morals and laws are based on one foundation: the supremacy of humanity."

"No creature can challenge humanity's supremacy. For example, if a rare tiger were to harm a human, the tiger would be put to death."

"If humanity were facing extreme hunger, even the last panda on Earth could be killed and eaten without violating the law."

"These things may seem cruel to other life forms."

"But for humanity, this is the foundation. If this foundation is not firmly established, human society will descend into chaos."

"Extreme animal protectionism, extreme environmental protectionism, and extreme veganism are all disruptors of human order."

"In the early 21st century, humanity couldn't avoid the environmental destruction caused by development. If we had forcibly reversed this, the result would have been saving the environment and animals, but hundreds of millions of humans would have died."

"After all, those living in big cities couldn't imagine that in 2037, there were still 500 million starving people worldwide, all waiting to be saved by industrial development."

"Similarly, no intelligent being should be given the power to challenge humanity's strength and courage."

"The same is true in other civilizations. If Earth hadn't been destroyed by gamma-ray bursts, the Chasing Light civilization would have found Earth by tracking gamma-ray bursts and sent ships to enslave humanity."

Ella's words dispelled any lingering doubts in Yan Xia's mind.

This was a necessary step in colonization.

"Then let's proceed."

"Separate the adults and children among the many-eyed beings, and let the children receive a new education, ensuring that the adults propagate this information."

"If there's any resistance, execute the entire family."

This was something Yan Xia had planned from the beginning.

As an artificial intelligence, Ella couldn't comprehend such behavior.

"Yan Xia, do you want me to give you a reason for this?"

"Humanity is indeed a complex species. It seems I still have a long way to go to become fully human."

Ella agreed.


Afterward, Yan Xia named this civilization.

"Chasing Light"

In the dark and silent starry sky, they pursued the light.

The intelligent species was officially named "Many-Eyed Race."

Following the colonization of the planet, Yan Xia instructed Ella to implement policies to suppress the Many-Eyed Race.

One of the first steps was to change their language and writing system.

Due to the planet's extremely thin atmosphere, the lifeforms on the planet couldn't produce sounds, so they likely communicated through gestures before using light signals.

They continued to use the original light-flashing language.

Ella confiscated all the weapons of this civilization, gathered all the information about the Many-Eyed Race, translated it into Chinese characters, and burned the original records.

Schools were built on the planet's surface.

The scientists of the Many-Eyed Race were isolated in a separate area, away from the general population.

These schools accommodated all the Many-Eyed beings, teaching them Chinese characters.

The first step was language, but they also needed to compile books about human civilization, emphasizing its greatness, compassion, advancement, and superiority.

In these books, the Many-Eyed Race was depicted as having experienced tyranny within its own civilization, with countless Many-Eyed beings living in misery.

A Many-Eyed scientist sent a light signal into space, which was detected by human civilization.

The human civilization sent a fleet across vast distances to rescue the Many-Eyed beings.

At the same time, Yan Xia was portrayed as the ruler and supreme prophet of human civilization.

A single set of data.

All in the name of humanity.

Many things made Yan Xia's scalp tingle.

"Then let's move on to the next step, Ella."

Yan Xia put down his tablet, no longer interested in the colonization information.

This had been part of his original plan.


This had always been Ella's weak point.

The original Plan 1 was to colonize this civilization.

Plan 2 was to address Yan Xia's lifespan issue.

"Yes, Yan Xia."

"I've started collecting biological samples from the planet's surface."

"So far, we've identified 128,455 species, from microorganisms to giant creatures."

120,000 species.

Yan Xia thought about Earth, and this number seemed pitiful compared to Earth's biodiversity, especially when including microorganisms.

"Is this enough to form a complete ecosystem?"

Ella nodded.


"This planet relies on volcanoes for resources and gases, so the lifeforms here are all derived from the energy provided by volcanoes."

"Yan Xia, you can think of the volcanoes here as the water on Earth."

"The ecological environment formed by volcanoes is not a conventional large-scale ecosystem but a small-scale island ecosystem."

"Of course, the low number of species is also due to the aggressive and predatory nature of this species, which led to the extinction of large creatures on this planet."

"Additionally, the absolute zero weapons almost wiped out half of the planet's species, and the Antimatter Annihilator Cannon is predicted to have eliminated nearly 40,000 species."

The horrors of interstellar war—hundreds of thousands of species could be wiped out in an instant.

"What a pity!" Yan Xia sighed.

These species had immense research value.

"So, what have you discovered?"

Ella displayed the results on the screen.

"The most significant finding is about the Many-Eyed beings themselves."

"They are closer to the true nucleus of humanity, and their genetic compatibility with humans is unexpectedly high."

"The average lifespan of the Many-Eyed beings is around 400 years, and I've extracted their longevity genes."

"Combining this with the most comprehensive protein structure prediction AI, 'AlphaFold,' and analyzing the protein database, it's theoretically possible to extend your lifespan to 620 years."

"This technology will soon be applied to you, Yan Xia."