Chapter 65: The Five-Star Construction, The Capital Takes Shape

This sleep lasted 700 years.

During this time, Ella did not immediately start constructing the capital but instead focused on building more warships.

Their top priority remained eliminating the remnants of the Purple Thorn civilization, recruiting civilizations, and gathering resources.

If these tasks were not accomplished, the subsequent construction would be a joke.

After Yan Xia's 79th hibernation, Ella began clearing the asteroids in the system. She created mining robots.

These robots, like those previously manufactured in the Solar System using 3D printers, were 30 meters tall, spherical, with two large mechanical arms, resembling a spacefaring version of the "Little Fist Rock."

These robots could shatter large asteroids and transport smaller ones to the factory for sorting.

Metals and rocks were separated and sent to the same processing center, where they were further broken down into 99% pure elemental blocks.

No part of these asteroids was wasted; all elements were perfectly utilized as part of the interstellar construction.

This development and cleaning process took 316 years to complete.

Simultaneously, Ella worked on constructing thrusters on the planets other than e. This did not take long, as these planets did not require as many thrusters as the Hundred-Eyed Star. Only 20 were needed.

The planets' maximum speed reached the first cosmic velocity, and they only needed to move a maximum of 3 astronomical units.

Adjusting and stabilizing the planets' orbits took only 38 years.

These five planets were renamed Tau A, Tau B, Tau C, Tau D, and Tau E.

Tau A, originally e, had only 10% liquid water on its surface, with a single continent covering 62% of the planet, 17% mountains, and the remaining 21% plains and hills.

The Leler beings primarily inhabited the highlands above 8000 meters, breathing hydrogen instead of oxygen.

Hydrogen made up 36% of Tau A's atmosphere.

Since Tau A lacked combustible gases, there was no worry of the hydrogen igniting.

However, there was a chance of hydrogen combustion above the oceans, so this ocean was named the Blue Fire Sea.

Tau B, originally b, had a mass twice that of Earth. It had no atmosphere, only a scorched surface.

Ella transformed it into a water planet, sending all the water from the asteroids directly to Tau B, resulting in 87.2% of its surface being covered by 200-meter-deep liquid oceans.

This planet was not for habitation but for aquaculture.

The entire planet would become a breeding ground for marine and terrestrial animals, providing high-end natural food for the entire Civilization Federation.

On the surface, it seemed like this, but the real reason was to create a hunting ground for Yan Xia.

A vast estate and villa were built on the planet's land, serving as Yan Xia's residence. He could hunt in the forests or fish in the oceans.

As the supreme leader of the Civilization Federation, he deserved some enjoyment and couldn't stay in a narrow cryogenic chamber all the time.

Tau C, originally c, had a mass 3.62 times that of Earth and was designated as a residential planet for the Civilization Federation. The entire planet's surface was covered in cities.

Each city was donut-shaped.

The outer ring was the residential area, and the center was a central forest park with 50% lakes and 50% vegetation.

A dedicated train line ran through the city, with stations in the eastern, western, and central park areas.

The central park station connected to another massive facility - a space elevator.

This elevator led to a saucer-shaped space station, serving as a docking point for spaceships and equipped with a 400-meter-long space train.

Within the system, a rule was established that no unit or individual, except the military, could use spaceships larger than 70 meters, and no weapons were allowed on board.

Ships within the planets could exceed 30 meters.

Tau C had 78 such cities, each a megacity capable of accommodating 4 to 6 million people.

Each city had an independent gas supply system to cater to different races. There were also integrated cities without gas, where those who needed to breathe could purchase gas services. Robots would then follow them, providing breathable gas.

This gas was not contained in a helmet or oxygen mask but was held in place by electromagnetic force around the customer's face.

Each city also had large floating islands as entertainment facilities, all equipped with anti-gravity systems. Separate highways led to these islands in the sky surrounding the cities.

To make the cities more visually appealing, the surrounding wilderness was filled with holographic projections. Every week, a "Siege War" game was held, allowing players to defend the city from monsters, earning discounts in the city's shops.

Tau D, with a mass 4.1 times that of Earth, was a work and administrative planet. Seventy-two percent of its construction was dedicated to massive information processing centers and service stations.

The headquarters of all major companies and groups in the Civilization Federation, as well as the offices of the Civilization Federation's leadership, were located here. Over 30% of the population worked on Tau D.

The remaining 28% of the planet was also designated for residential and recreational purposes.

Even those living on Tau D could commute within two hours due to the high-speed interstellar trains, which could reach speeds up to 16,000 km/s.

Tau E, originally f, was also a residential planet and the largest of the five.

Ella put the most effort into this planet, as it was primarily for humans. Its atmospheric composition was identical to that of Earth. Ella used biotechnology to create numerous life forms based on Earth's biology.

These creatures resembled Earth's life forms but had the same life composition.

More impressively, Ella revived the longest-ruling species on Earth - dinosaurs!

Although not perfect replicas, they could be considered true dragons.

For future gene collection, Ella also introduced various legendary creatures from Earth, including dragons, qilins, xuanwu, phoenixes, and other Eastern mythical beasts, as well as Western dragons, behemoths, unicorns, griffins, and more.

Of course, these creatures had no extraordinary abilities and were merely replicas.

Tau E would primarily be inhabited by humans. After 500 years of development, the human population on Tau Ceti reached 81,000, and it was expected to enter a rapid expansion phase, with hopes of recovery.

Factories were mostly built in space for easier transportation.

As Ella completed these tasks, Tau Ceti gradually took shape.

The manufactured warships were also dispatched, and the first fleet had already reached its target system and sent back a message.