Chapter 82: Stellar Void Revisited, a 0.2-Level Civilization

As they continue their journey, Yan Xia names five more star systems, SC-3 to SC-7, each containing seven red dwarfs, with no yellow dwarfs or larger stars.

Ella estimates that 70% to 75% of all stars in the Milky Way could be red dwarfs.

"The next star is a yellow dwarf similar to the Sun, and it's a binary system. Its companion is a white dwarf, the size of Earth, but with a mass of 94% of the Sun."

"Yan Xia, this binary system has great potential. Its resource richness far surpasses that of the previous star systems."

"Based on the transit method, the binary system has about seven planets, with six orbiting SC-8A and one orbiting SC-8B."

"Due to the significant difference in mass between the two stars, the binary system is relatively stable. Two planets in the orbit of SC-8A are within the habitable zone."

"The masses of these two planets are 81.24% and 3.74 times that of Earth."

"The larger planet may have a planetary ring and multiple moons with masses up to 50% that of the Moon."

Ella reports and places a glass of iced fruit juice in front of Yan Xia.

The juice tastes somewhat like tanghulu, with a fibrous texture like coconut flesh. Drinking it leaves a refreshing sensation in the mouth and nose, similar to mint.

"Ella, do you think there might be a civilization on SC-8?"

The existence of life throughout the universe has been confirmed.

However, the number of civilizations seems to be lower than expected.

Currently, they have traveled 31 light-years, or 441 years, and the year is 9132 AD.

According to feedback from the Civilization Federation, their star domain has expanded to 29 star systems, and they have discovered signs of life on seven planets, but no other civilizations.

"Observations show that SC-8f has a dense atmosphere, and I estimate there is a high probability of life. However, there is no evidence of significant interstellar equipment, indicating that it is not a civilization above Level 1."

"Ella, I guess there might be a civilization. With such conditions, the probability of life evolving into a civilization is greater than one in a thousand."

The presence of life does not guarantee the emergence of a civilization.

This statement is correct, but it does not imply that the probability of a civilization emerging is very low.

Once life is confirmed, the probability of a civilization emerging increases over time. The passage of time gradually increases the likelihood of a civilization.

What is the probability of a civilization emerging on a life-bearing planet over billions of years?

Natural selection leads to the evolution of life, causing organisms to become larger, faster, develop thicker shells, and increase their intelligence.

The crucial step is the development of intelligence, learning to use tools, and harnessing basic energy.

At this point, the group of organisms enters the sequence of civilization, reaching the 0.1 level.


2 light-years.

After 28 years of travel, they finally arrive.

Some soldiers on various ships begin to wake up from hibernation, but Yan Xia has never entered hibernation. His days as a repair shop owner have made him appreciate the passing of time, and this sleep-work-sleep cycle feels very comfortable.

Sitting in the control room of the Qiong Palace, Yan Xia is researching how to create a tentacle monster to control the entire main ship by himself.

Unfortunately, despite his psychic power level reaching over 500, this level of control is still challenging for him.

The fleet enters the heliosphere of SC-8, and robots are sent to collect asteroids from the star system to analyze the abundance of elements.

A piece of not-so-good news.

"Yan Xia, we've surveyed over 2,700 asteroids and found no radioactive elements."

This scenario feels familiar.

The void in Alpha Centauri A!

"Have you detected the presence of quark robots?"

If it is the same as before, then this is another problem.

"Yes, we have detected them." Ella provides a definitive answer.

"Wake up all the soldiers, and put the fleet on combat alert. Don't go deeper into the star system. Send three reconnaissance ships into SC-8A for investigation."

Yan Xia immediately becomes tense.

The void civilization, which spans over 37 light-years from Alpha Centauri to SC-8, demonstrates an extreme level of control over the surrounding space.

Although the technology level of the void civilization is unclear, its ability to develop and store energy within such a distant star system indicates a terrifying level of dominance.

The civilization level is likely above 2.5, surpassing both the Civilization Federation and the Olive Branch Civilization.

If it is the civilization from the Galactic Core, it is undoubtedly one of the dominant civilizations in the Milky Way, waiting to reach Level 2.9 and quickly use these energy reserves to rule the galaxy. This could explain why, despite being able to cross such vast distances, they have not occupied or developed nearby star systems.

If it is the latter, it is even more terrifying. This civilization might be planning to surround and conquer the Galactic Core.

Either way, this civilization is a potential threat to the Civilization Federation.

Previously, when they borrowed energy from Alpha Centauri A, they knew that the void civilization would become aware of their presence. If there are no quantum or tachyon communication devices in the void, it could take 10,000 to 20,000 years for a message to reach them.

5 years later.

The reconnaissance ships report that there is indeed a void in SC-8A, and from the video footage, it appears to be the same as the one in Alpha Centauri A.

Yan Xia had planned to leave this star system without any development.

However, three months later, the reconnaissance ships confirm the existence of a 0.2-level civilization on SC-8f, which has begun to use tools and hunting techniques and is in a transitional phase between the Neolithic and feudal periods, similar to humans.

"There really is a civilization."

"It's also possible that the absence of radioactive elements makes this star system more stable, increasing the probability of a civilization emerging."

This was the case with the Kaituo.

Although the natural occurrence of radioactive elements is low, especially in star systems that cannot produce them, these elements still have a subtle influence on the early evolution of life, which can significantly impact the progress of life.

In a relatively stable binary system, such influences can be decisive.

Yan Xia makes a decision.

"Let's develop this star system for now. The value of a civilization far outweighs any potential threat at this stage."

"However, we'll only conduct preliminary development and then initiate a large-scale migration of the civilization's population to fully integrate them into the Civilization Federation."

As Yan Xia says this, another issue is brewing within the Civilization Federation.