Chapter 228: The Birth of a World

135 years later.

Such a short time couldn't alter the course of any war. Even if the Silk Civilization's battleships had set off 135 years ago, it would be difficult for them to reach the Federation's defense line at this moment.

However, this amount of time was sufficient for Yan Xia to perfect the 'Genesis' plan and even put it into action.

Creating a world was an extremely difficult task; theories were ultimately just theories and couldn't be perfected.

Yan Xia's first step was to establish a connection between the matter in a distant location and the matter on his side. This connection was an ultra-long-distance link, even more challenging than the Olive Branch Civilization's task of connecting two black holes.

This connection had to be stable and long-lasting, whereas the black hole connection of the super-gravitational weapon only required a very short time, perhaps 10 minutes or half an hour.

After Yan Xia's analysis, it was found that an enormous amount of energy was required.

This energy could only be provided by a star; it was impossible to support it with other energy technologies like antimatter annihilation or dark matter decay.

Yan Xia borrowed the energy from a star system to complete this plan.

At the same time, due to the regulations, an equal amount of matter was needed on this side to influence the other side.

And since he was creating a world, he needed the amount of matter equivalent to a world.

As early as 100 years ago, a giant device was built in the starry sky, with a diameter exceeding 300,000 kilometers. The amount of material it required was substantial, but it wasn't excessive, as the device was hollow.

Its main function was to contain these groups of matter and regulate each group, a regulation that even extended to the level of space and mass.

Gathering the amount of matter of an entire planet and then precisely controlling each aspect of space, mass, and electric charge was an incredibly difficult task.

At the same time, it was also a magnificent undertaking.

The connection between the two groups relied on the combination of quantum stealth transmission and fast-speed communication technology, minimizing information loss due to distance and ensuring the rapid transmission of large amounts of information to the receiving end.

Additionally, this was done to prevent detection by the Silk Civilization.

Therefore, this time, the device was equipped with 15 fast-speed communication devices to allow more information to be transmitted through fast-speed communication.

These were just the challenges on a macroscopic level; in fact, there were also numerous smaller challenges, not in the tens of thousands, not in the hundreds of millions, but in the trillions.

Yan Xia almost utilized over one-third of the resources in the Procyon Star Region to accomplish all this in more than 100 years.

Due to the involvement of massive super-devices in the construction, the energy consumption was astonishingly high. The energy produced by a single star was no longer sufficient, and it was necessary to continuously transport energy from other star systems via spaceships.

The total energy consumption was 17 times the energy production rate of a standard star (the Sun) at 100% efficiency. It was terrifying.

This energy consumption directly depleted the energy reserves of 22 star systems, including the energy currently being produced.

The moment the device was activated, one could sense that the Procyon Star Region had 'lost power'.

The target point of the device was an unobstructed area 32 light-years beyond the current federal defense line.

In other words, 32 years later, some scattered matter in the deep space beyond began to converge, forming a massive vortex in about 150 years. The vortex then started to gather and form the embryonic shape of a planet.

The birth of a planet is usually calculated in billions of years.

However, this planet was different. After another 380 years, it had become a planet with approximately 1.4 times the mass of Earth.

This difference naturally attracted the attention of the Silk Civilization, and soon, some of them had reached a position less than 500 astronomical units from the planet to observe it.

They easily understood that this was not a weapon, and since the planet was still a considerable distance from their headquarters, they weren't overly cautious and didn't destroy it.

After the planet formed, it entered a stable period within 100 years, and a large amount of liquid water appeared on its surface, giving birth to various life forms.

These life forms were incredibly huge, each one towering at a height of several kilometers.

They stood erect like plants, without leaves, having only a main trunk. At the top of the trunk, a fleshy tumor formed, emitting a glow that illuminated the surrounding area for dozens of kilometers.

Tens of thousands of these life forms were born in an extremely short time.

At the same time, other life forms emerged from the water. These life forms went through tens of billions of years of evolution in just a few decades. Almost every year, a new species would metamorphose into another, as if an acceleration button had been pressed.

If one were to view this event through the lens of physical laws and natural principles, it would be considered a divine miracle.

But if this were seen as a game created by a highly advanced civilization, it would make much more sense.

Why was this planet created?

The Silk Civilization was undoubtedly perplexed.

They continued to observe, sending fewer and fewer battleships for this purpose.

They were afraid because it was unknown, and they feared that this might also be a weapon designed to lure them into a trap.

Therefore, the Silk Civilization only dispatched one battleship to observe within 10 astronomical units of the planet.

However, the more they observed, the more shocked they became.

What shocked them was not the creation of a planet, as a civilization like theirs could potentially expend enormous resources to create one, though it would not be impossible.

They could even make life forms appear so rapidly.


They didn't find the mechanical device used in the process of creating this planet.

The planet seemed to have appeared out of thin air, which made them feel a sense of dread.

They were terrified and wanted to destroy it, but fortunately, the planet evolved quickly. In just 500 years, the planet was teeming with various forms of life, and these life forms even gave birth to civilizations.

When these life forms appeared, they felt somewhat relieved.

Because these life forms clearly replicated their enemies, it could be said that this was created by their adversaries.

Why was this thing created?

It didn't seem to possess any weapon-like attributes.

The Silk Civilization continued to observe and then discovered that various interesting events were occurring on the planet.

Humans occupied most of the planet's land, while the Sea Clan dominated most of the oceans. Some elves lived in the primeval forests, and some monsters lurked underground, observing the outside world.

This world not only had these intelligent life forms but also gigantic creatures known as Spirits. These monsters possessed formidable biological power and could influence all life on the planet through their minds.

Under this influence, many intelligent races developed special abilities, which later evolved into sequences.

The intelligent life forms fought against the Spirits using these sequences and also engaged in civil wars among themselves.

In the course of these battles, both the Spirits and the intelligent life forms became increasingly powerful and perfect. To resist the Spirits, the intelligent life forms rapidly developed and progressed in all aspects, quickly attaining the level of a first-level civilization.

However, they remained shrouded in the fear created by the Spirits, as their advancements would become nourishment for the Spirits, making them even more powerful.

This was a simulated game.

The Silk Civilization believed so.

But soon, they became more and more solemn, increasingly shocked.