Chapter 274: Arrival, Fully Mechanical Warfare

In the year 2367, An Li and his team, stationed at the end of the Cosmic Silk Road, witnessed the arrival of the Kunpeng. They were awestruck by the massive size of the battleship.

The 4,000-meter-long Red Dragon spacecraft appeared like an ant in comparison.

It was akin to a person standing on Earth looking around; the vastness of their surroundings compared to the planet itself was overwhelming. In the 21st century, some individuals might live their entire lives within a mere 4-kilometer radius, highlighting just how immense the world is.

Moreover, Kunpeng's surface area was four times that of Earth.

The colossal battleship was still some distance away, yet they could feel its enormity as if a planet were passing by them.

From that battleship, a package was released.

The Red Dragon spacecraft initiated its approach to the package, which grew larger in their view until it transformed into a dwarf planet with a diameter of 600 kilometers.

Resources at the end of the Cosmic Silk Road were scarce, making one reason for Kunpeng's approach to An Li and his team to bring this dwarf planet along. After passing through mini-factories, this dwarf planet would be converted into a massive super-conduction material transfer device, allowing for more warships to arrive in the future.

Yan Xia intended to establish this location as the federation's first line of defense.


After 2,582 years, Kunpeng entered Olive Branch Civilization's star domain. At that moment, a violent wave penetrated its defenses, causing cracks to appear in its shell.

Clearly, such a large object would not go unnoticed by Olive Branch Civilization within its territory.

The first strike aimed to eliminate this war fortress. However, Kunpeng's defenses were significantly stronger than they appeared; its outer shell had undergone material reconfiguration, with each atom distributed uniformly. This uniformity allowed forces from an attack to be transmitted throughout the structure like an eggshell.

This design was also why the battleship had an egg-like shape.

In space warfare, one cannot know their enemy has detected and attacked them until it is too late.

After being attacked, Kunpeng activated its defenses—a high-dimensional geometric defense technology. When energy from any direction struck Kunpeng, it would enter a geometric channel surrounding it, which would reflect the energy back like a U-shaped pathway.

This technology utilized gravitational spacetime distortion; spatially, it could be viewed as a gravitational slingshot where matter enters a gravitational vortex and rotates around the source before being ejected.

However, simply relying on this method would not suffice for high-energy beams; the geometric channel's role was primarily to guide such energy.

This geometric defense was not invincible; if the energy density of an attack exceeded certain limits, it could penetrate the geometric channel directly.

Kunpeng adjusted its trajectory to hide behind a star to evade attacks from Olive Branch Civilization.

At this moment, Kunpeng also released numerous warships to spread out in nearby star systems.

Observations revealed that there were no planets or even dwarf planets surrounding this star; the largest celestial body measured less than 1 meter in diameter.

Clearly, this star system had long been depleted by Olive Branch Civilization.

Here, Kunpeng felt like water without a source or a tree without roots.

It did not approach the star too closely due to concerns about hidden weapons among these stars; moreover, Kunpeng was not there for development purposes.

"Kunpeng, analyze coordinate safety."

"Safety assessment at 82%, relatively safe."

"Stabilize coordinates and begin releasing light detection rods."

Some elongated devices detached from Kunpeng's surface. Due to its own gravitational influence limiting detection capabilities, federation engineers equipped it with additional auxiliary detection devices.

The light detection rods served as extra eyes for monitoring nearby areas and could be considered alternative mechanical telescopes. 

Numerous lenses provided these light detection rods with unparalleled visual strength; theoretically, they could discern what color clothing a person was wearing from one light-year away.

"Detected one Olive Branch Civilization star city within 50 light-years; 19 within 100 light-years; and 37 within 200 light-years—other star cities unknown."

"Locking attack source at a star city 118 light-years away; designated as 'L.' This star city should have detected Kunpeng's presence and is expected to avoid engagement."

"There are no enemy warships or aircraft present nearby. Analysis suggests that their detection technology may belong to ultra-high-frequency cosmic ray optical perception."


The artificial intelligence aboard Kunpeng continuously completed analyses and recorded them in logs for transmission back to the federation as references.

"The resource level in this area is 0.004—far below the standard resource level of 1. Preparations should be made for large-scale warships to enter the stellar system for energy collection."

The standard resource level is an average derived from measuring 100 deep space locations. For instance, if there are dwarf planets in deep space whose total mass exceeds 0.57 times Earth's mass, it qualifies as greater than 1; otherwise, it is less than that threshold.

Clearly, resource levels here were too low to warrant extraction efforts.

To sustain prolonged warfare, Kunpeng's onboard AI suggested utilizing stellar energy but through conventional warships rather than approaching stars directly with Kunpeng itself.

"The battleship factory is ready to operate; commence production of warships…"

"Current warship count stands at 19,203 vessels; among them are 8,203 capital ships. One-third of these capital ships—2,735—will form the first fleet heading towards the nearest enemy star city designated as 'D.'"

These 2,735 warships required no further preparation and would soon depart.

They left their stellar cover and exposed themselves within Olive Branch Civilization's observation range after 28 years. After another 102 years post-departure, this fleet faced long-range attacks.

"Data recovery underway; analyzing combat data and enemy weapon specifications…"

"Enemy weapon type identified as standard ray-class long-range weapons; no signs of factors detected; no green light observed…"

"The fleet continues advancing; expected arrival at target star city outside its stellar system in 157 years with an anticipated ship survival rate of 8.57%."

This war differed fundamentally from any previous conflicts faced by the federation—it was entirely dominated by machines without any biological involvement whatsoever. 

This included both biological warships and swarm units since only through such mechanization could complete control be achieved. This not only aimed at probing Olive Branch Civilization's weaponry but also tested whether future wars could be conducted solely by machines without deploying biological soldiers.