4. the dark steps are loud

[A month of research inside the batcave later]

Waine has been sending drones to every island to get more inflation on this unusual planet.

His setelite has recorded everything that is possible to see. The amount of water was not the most unusual thing.

As many different races, kingdoms, weather conditions, pirate ownd lands and even floating lands. Huge trees, a hole in the island, the huge gates, the train that runs on water... the existence of underwater kingdom and jail. The existence of an island of futuristic science that he didn't know how it works in this originally mileage seeming world.

The existence of people who treat others lover than bugs. Where the lives of others is treated like nothing.

The micro drones were extremely useful as they used solor power to recharge and even float, not freze, burn, or be hacked. The emergency self distribution in case of posable tempering.

During this in depth research the find of devil fruits and haki was interesting. Making him conclude that the picture in the newspaper was taken by ether a invisible person or one of the news birds.

The power during battle that was recorded during a fight using devil fruits was deadly.

But the tremendous distraction haki was capable of made him think that the suit design for fighting superman was a good example for the antihaki suite.

But in order to build it he will definitely need the only metal that can stand against the devil fruits power. But the only country that has it and knows how to work it is Wano Cuni. The land of samori and the home-base of Kido!

Plans must be made.!

Contingencies must be developed.!

Wepons to combat the fearsome minions must be designed and tested. Then redesigned and perfected.!

Alies must be found.!

Time is the only true enemy the batman can't win against. For the 2 year is not something than he can comfortably stretch out for...


Yesterday was already too late!

Today is just a failed attempt of hopes hanging on a Jokers truthful threats.

Tomorrow is a perfect failure.

Batman will not wait. Not a second.

Batman will not sleep not a wink.


[Inside marinefort]

A crunching sound of crackers with tons of crumbs falling all over a table full of papers.

In a small room... too small to fit two bulky man a pair of gloomy faces stared at today's newspaper.

The one with glasses stuffed the biggest pack of papers sitting on the into the left side of the table into a mouth a of a goat witch happily ate it.

"Garp! Are the seas turning into a show nowadays?" The grumpily sweaty tone made the glasses of the speaker fog up.

"I bet the red nosed one is mad" the crunchy tone full of crackers exploded in laughter.

"Garp this is not funny!" The glasses began to heat up from the anger of the man removing the steam from the glass.

"Sengoku the seas are full of weirdos and crazies how should I know why someone will choose to wear a creepy dress up. ... " a solid 5 minutes of absolute silence and several bags of crackers later he added.

"For now he is not killing anyone." a sleepy tone was added to this information.

"What do we do?" A harsh reply followed.

"Do we treat it as a new pirete hunter?" Grumbling followed as an answer.

"Or do we send someone to find his true identity?" A snort replies.

"Can you please focus and stop covering my table with crumbs... you will berry me soon!" The man behind the table wearing the glasses finally snapped out in despair.

"Garp your absolutely useless o great hero of the navy." A sinister tone was not responded to as crackers by the handful were stuffed into the others mouth without an answer coming out.

"Garp who do we send?" More crunching with tons of useless bathing the face with cracke crumbs on top of glasses followed.

"My pinky is too large to smash him." As he started digging the said pinky into his nose.

"The closest navy base is number 19 so we'll let them take care of it.

Snoriing with a huge snot bubble answered him.

Steam of anger rose up as the snot bobble began to glow like a light bulb finally exposing the face of the navy grand director and defects leder Mr Sangoku himself.


Berruuu . Berruuu. Catch a... a face of a grumpy man with a cowboy hat blocking the eyes met Sengoku.

"Lone Ranger we have a problem that you are happy to put down . It's the Bat." Catcham.... a loud bang of the call interrupted and hung up on was the only response.

Big cowboy boots with spurs slamed to the floor as they were on the table up to now.

Bzzzzz a small fly knowingly lands on the þip of the man's hat.

BANG! A gunshot was heard as the bullet hit a statue at a slight angle making it dance. Then the bullet was redirected to a metal tray that flew up. As the bullet bent right from the change in direction it hit a metal cup full of coffee that was being warmed up.

The bullet bounce down then up. Left than past his ear as the man was slowly standing up making sure to not scare off the fly that was comfortable on his hat.

The plate fall on his palm and the coffee lands on top of it. Without spilling at that.

The buzzing of the fly was finally ended with a bullet removing it without harming the hat.

The bringer of justice was the best gunshot in the entire navy and never changed his mental of an undertaker.

With a lazy slow walk he headed to get his horce.