Connections and Discoveries.

After the intense battle, Lisa approached with a friendly smile, but still with that competitive spark in her eyes.

— Wow, Fernando, your battle was amazing! — she said, extending her hand. — You know, I would love to battle with you again someday. How about we exchange contacts? That way, we can meet up another time.

I smiled, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Pikachu, now relaxed beside me, wagged his tail happily.

— Of course, Lisa! — I replied, taking out my communication device and exchanging information with her. — It'll be great to have someone to train and battle with along the journey.

Lisa pressed a button on the device and smiled as she saw the contacts saved. — Good luck, Fernando. I'm sure you'll be a great trainer! Until next time!

She walked away, leaving a trail of excitement in the air as Pikachu and I continued to recover from the challenge. At that moment, Professor Oak approached, a satisfied expression and a slight smile on his lips.

— Fernando, you and Pikachu showed impressive synergy for a first battle — he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. — But as a novice trainer, there are still some things you need to learn for your journey. Let's talk about something very important: Pokédollars.

He pulled out a small leather pouch and handed it to me. I held it carefully, listening to the light sound of coins jingling inside.

— This is 500 Pokédollars to help you start your journey. Money is essential for buying items like potions, Poké Balls, and even food for your Pokémon. — He paused for a moment, as if making sure I was following along. — Managing your resources is as important as winning battles; remember that.

I nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility starting to settle on my shoulders. Pikachu watched curiously, as if understanding the seriousness of the moment.

— Also — Oak continued, pulling out a small package with five shiny red and white spheres —, here are your first five Poké Balls. With these, you can capture new Pokémon for your team. Every Pokémon you encounter in the wild can be a powerful ally, but choose wisely. Your team will be your greatest strength.

I took the Poké Balls, feeling the excitement of knowing that soon I could start capturing my own Pokémon and forming a team. Pikachu looked at the spheres with curiosity, as if he knew that soon he would have new companions by our side.

— Thank you so much, Professor! — I said, grateful for all the support and the items that would now help me on my journey. — What should I do next?

Professor Oak smiled, stepping back as he looked towards the horizon.

— Your next stop should be Viridian City. To get there, you'll need to follow Route 1. It's a relatively calm path, but always be careful, as wild Pokémon can appear at any moment. Remember, to be a great trainer, you need to explore, battle, and capture new partners, but you also need to take care of Pikachu and the Pokémon you gather along the way.

I looked at the road stretching out ahead of us, my heart pounding with the anticipation of the adventure. Pikachu looked in the same direction, his gaze firm and determined.

— Let's move forward, Pikachu. Route 1 is the beginning of our great adventure! — I said with a smile, and Pikachu jumped excitedly.

Professor Oak waved as I began to walk, leaving the lab behind.

— Fernando — Oak called, making me turn back once more —, remember: a Pokémon trainer's journey is as much about the battles as it is about the friendships you form. Pikachu will be your closest companion, but don't forget to take care of all the Pokémon you capture. They will trust you. Good luck!

With my backpack on my back and Pikachu walking beside me, we followed the road that led back to my home in Pallet Town. The wind blew gently, bringing with it the fresh scent of grass. As we walked, Pikachu hopped happily, his gaze attentive to everything around. He clearly enjoyed exploring and discovering the world, and this contagious energy made me smile.

— Are you enjoying this, Pikachu? — I asked, seeing him pause for a moment to sniff a flower. He replied with a cheerful "Pika!", as if he were telling me that every second was a new adventure.

As we walked, some townsfolk greeted us. Pallet Town was small, and everyone knew each other. I passed by an elderly neighbor who always sat on the porch of his house.

— Fernando! — he called with his raspy voice, waving at me. — I see you've already got your Pokémon. Good luck on your adventures! Take good care of him.

— Thank you, Mr. Takashi! — I replied with a smile, waving back. Pikachu approached and curiously looked at the old man, who chuckled softly. — And take good care of yourself too, Pikachu! You two will make a great team, I feel that.

I continued walking through the quiet streets of Pallet, watching children play with their toy Poké Balls and some people tending to their own Pokémon. The sense of community there was strong. The simple houses, surrounded by trees and gardens, brought a feeling of comfort and familiarity. It was as if the whole town was cheering me on with every step of this journey.

As I reached my home, a small wooden place at the end of a hill, I took a deep breath. The house wasn't big, but it was cozy. It was where I grew up and where many memories were kept. Upon opening the door, Pikachu entered excitedly, exploring every corner with curiosity. I laughed, watching him run from one side to the other, sniffing everything.

— Are you comfortable? — I asked, and he responded with a cheerful "Pika!" as he jumped on the couch.

I went to the cabinet in the corner of the living room, looking for items that would be important for the journey. I found some snacks, an extra set of clothes, and the old lantern I used for my little nighttime adventures as a child. As I packed my bag, I looked at the wall, where an old photo was hanging.

It was a picture of a smiling family: a young man and woman, with a boy in the middle. I recognized the boy — it was me, younger, about five years old. But as for the adults... I wasn't quite sure who they were. I stared at the photo for a few seconds, trying to remember, but the memories were vague, as if shrouded in mist.

— Who are they, Pikachu? — I murmured, more to myself than to my partner, who was now resting on the couch. He perked up at the sound of my voice but soon returned to relaxing. I knew this was a question I might never have an answer to.

I put the photo back in its place and finished packing my backpack. As I prepared to leave, I heard a familiar sound: the creak of the front door opening. It was Mr. Takashi, who must have noticed I was home. He always stopped by to check if I needed anything.

— Are you ready to go? — he asked, stepping inside with a friendly smile. — I know it's a big step for you, but Pallet Town will always be here when you need a break.

I smiled, feeling grateful for his presence. — Yes, I'm ready. I just grabbed a few important things before leaving. And do you have any advice before I head to Viridian City?

He scratched his head, thoughtful. — Well, Fernando, the world is big and full of surprises. But remember, sometimes what matters most isn't the strength of your Pokémon, but the bond you share with them. I feel that you and Pikachu have that connection, and it will take you far.

I looked at Pikachu, who was now getting up and walking towards me, his eyes shining with renewed energy. The connection we felt was clear — from the moment he jumped into my lap, I knew he would be my loyal partner.

— Thank you, Mr. Takashi — I replied, feeling a warmth of gratitude in my chest. — I couldn't be more ready for this adventure.

We stepped outside together, and as the door closed behind me, I knew I was leaving not just a place, but also the comfort of routine. Now, the world lay ahead of us, and Pikachu and I were ready to explore it.

As we walked down the road, the trees around us swayed gently in the wind. The sky was vast and blue, and Route 1 awaited us, full of promises and challenges.