Chapter Twenty two Memory

Six years ago

At sixteen years old Imaizumi Keita lived alone. His dad had kicked him out hoping it would man him up, and it should have worked, but that was when all the world's eyes were on him, in this world he wasn't so lucky. He didn't meet Hamasaki Reina, he didn't grow as a person. All because of Kouzou.

"Hey, you live alone right?" He asked, placing his chin on his folded hands.

"Y-yes, why do you want to know?"

"How much would it cost to let me use your room to have sex with people?"

"…No." He replied straight faced, his auburn eyes showing a gaze of disgust.

"50,000 yen?" He asked, his eyes closed. Imaizumi grabbed his bag and began to walk away. ($328.16 American dollars)

"100,000 Yen?" ($656.44 American dollars)

Imaizumi ignored him and walked out the room missing his chance to be asked whether or not her thought that Hamasaki was a slut and saying that she wasn't, which caused her to gain an interest in him. From this point on his history changed.


A woman with short black hair tied back grabbed a bottle of water from a mini fridge and handed it to Akane, 

"Have him drink this when he wakes up," She said, standing up and grabbing Kira by the collar and dragging him out of the office.

"…Okay" Akane was confused by Moriguchi-Sensei's actions but was more worried about Shouya. She stared at Shouya as he slept and reached for his hand.

"Call me if any trouble comes up, I'll help the best I can." Kira yelled as he was dragged off. Akane laughed a little and thought to herself 

'Knowing what happened at his middle school he would be a good help if that coach tried anything.'


Moriguchi Mina was the head nurse of the school, you might remember her name from the later half of Volume one before the universe got reset by 'The savior'. Well in this world the events of Shuuichi never taking over happened so she shouldn't be obsessed with Kira, right? Well no for some odd reason her obsession persisted the reset, it wasn't unheard of for feeling to uphold even after a reset, but it was still rare. 

"You owe me twenty." Mina said, opening a door to a room that only she had the key to. The room was a small room that had a bed from the infirmary and small shelf next to it with books on it. Kira laughed and rolled his eyes.

"I can only give you ten minutes, I still have a club to attend."

"…Fine," she puffed her cheeks and leaned into Kira, "but you have to come see me after your club and give me twenty more minutes."

"I will, Mina." He whispered into her ear as he sensually said her name picking her up and placing her on the bed. He activated his [Relaxing Pheromone] skill and took off Minas heels and her lab coat leaving only the black turtleneck, her short skirt and her stockings. He laid next to her and pulled out from his item box the [blanket of comfort] and laid it over them as she leaned deeper into Kira's chest. She smiled and sniffed his neck as she began to fall asleep. This was what she wanted, she wasn't the type who saw love as something sexual and instead just liked being next to them as she slept. But due to them not living together this was the compromise she made for that. She didn't know why she loved Kira, but the first day she met him she fell in love at first sight. 


One year ago

Kira carried in his arms like a princess Iruma Youko. She wore her gym clothes of a white shirt and spats. Her face was a little red but not as red as her ankle that looked sprained at best and broken at worst. Kira opened the door to the nurses office with his foot. As he walked in he gently placed Iruma on the bed and she slightly winced in pain.

"You okay?" He asked concerned

"Yeah, never been better." She said sarcastically.

"Okay well the sarcasm was not needed."

"Christ haven't you ever heard of lighting the mood?" She sighed and looked around for the nurse, "looks like the nurses out, you can leave. I'll explain the situation to her when she gets here." She said pointing to the door.

"You're a very cruel woman," Kira said walking to the door.

"Leave already."

"Okay, okay," he said as he opened the door and walked right into Moriguchi Mina who was looking at a paper on a clipboard. The two bumped into each other almost making Mina fall back but Kira's arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her back up.

"You okay?" He asked concern, filling his voice.

"…Never better." She said a new feeling filling her words. The feeling of love.


Present day

Kira slipped out of the right embrace of Mina and tucked the blanket around her, he kissed her forehead and then quietly left the room.

He walked through the halls and ended up at the club room he had left before. In the room were four other people,

Futaba Yuna: the pink haired pigtail from earlier.

Ursula Y Draig: a girl with white hair and yellow horns sticking out from it. She had tan skin and wore a white shirt that only covered what little chest she had and tight spats to emphasize her surprisingly large ass.

Nogami Izumi: She wore the normal school uniform with a cardigan over it and had a fierce look to her. Her attractive figure and her long chestnut colored hair made many people attracted to her, too bad she was a sadist.

Takazaki Aika: a girl with a small stature platinum colored hair and beautiful sapphire eyes. She had on the normal school uniform and looked bored to be here.

"Hey, sorry for being late guys." Kira said as he entered.

"It's fine senpai." -Yuna

"You should pay for making me wait."- Izumi.

"Hmm, oh it's fine." -Ursula

"Hmph." -Aika

"So shall we get started." He said crack his knuckles and grabbed a piece of chalk to write on the board. On the board he wrote in big bold letter MEMORY.