Chapter 20: Defeating Yamcha

That night, Yamcha, unwilling to accept his previous defeat, sneaked up to the vicinity of the dome-shaped house where John Doe and his companions were staying. He intended to launch another surprise attack and steal the Universal Capsule, but he overheard a secret that piqued his interest.

He was hiding beneath the window of the house, which was the living room. John Doe and the others had just finished lunch and were watching TV on the sofa, while Bulma was taking a bath in the bathroom.

Oolong seized the opportunity to ask, "What do you plan to do with the Dragon Ball you're so eager to collect?"

John Doe replied, "The Dragon Balls are incredibly powerful. There are seven of them, and when you gather them all, you can summon Shenron and make a single wish. It's said that the current Earth King gained his position by making a wish to Shenron."

Oolong's heart raced upon hearing this. He asked, "So, what wish do you plan to make with the Dragon Balls, Goku?"

Goku shook his head. "I don't have any particular wish. I'm just here for the adventure and to fight strong martial artists."

Hearing Goku's words, Oolong felt relieved. He also wanted to make a similar wish to Shenron, so he needed to find out what the others wished for and figure out a way to seize the opportunity to make the wish himself.

Oolong turned his attention back to John Doe and asked, "And what about you, John Doe? What wish do you intend to make?"

John Doe didn't understand Oolong's intentions, but he didn't mind. He was more focused on how he would take the Dragon Ball from Pilaf.

"My wish is simple," John Doe said. "I want Shenron to transform my body to be the most suitable for martial arts training."

Oolong immediately gave him a thumbs-up and said, "That's a great wish!" But secretly, he was disdainful, thinking, "What kind of wish is that? So boring. If it were me, I'd wish for a pile of girls' underwear."

Goku then asked, "And you, Oolong, do you have a wish you want to make?"

Oolong couldn't reveal his sleazy wish in front of everyone, so he smiled and said, "No, I don't have any particular wish in mind."

Outside, Yamcha overheard the conversation about making wishes to Shenron and his eyes lit up with greed. Pi'er, standing next to him, whispered, "Master Yamcha, we can make a wish to Shenron for great wealth, and then we won't have to rob people in the desert anymore."

Pi'er's greatest desire was for Yamcha to stop robbing people in the desert. His school had taught him that robbery was wrong.

But Yamcha had other plans. "No," he said. "I'm going to wish to no longer be afraid of girls. That way, I won't have to stay in this deserted desert. We can go to the city and enjoy life, and I can even find a cute girl to marry."

At that moment, Yamcha thought of Bulma, whom he had seen earlier that day. He couldn't help but think, "If that girl were the one I saw earlier, it would be perfect."

Pi'er wholeheartedly supported Yamcha's wish. As long as Yamcha stopped being a desert bandit, he was happy.

After a moment of thought, Yamcha said to Pi'er, "Pi'er, let's retreat for now. We'll come back tonight to steal the Dragon Ball. You'll need to transform into one of them and avoid being detected."

"Yes, Master Yamcha!" Pi'er agreed enthusiastically.

The two of them retreated and waited in their car until midnight before returning to the vicinity of the capsule house where John Doe and his companions were staying.

Just then, Wu and Xiu arrived in their robot, intending to set up explosives and steal the Dragon Ball.

The two groups unexpectedly encountered each other, and it was clear from their actions what each group was after.

Yamcha took the initiative and punched Wu's robot.

Wu and his companion didn't back down. They controlled their robot to counterattack Yamcha.

The fight between the two groups erupted outside the capsule house.

The intense sounds of combat quickly woke up John Doe and the others inside the house. The lights, which had been turned off, were switched back on.

Wu and Yamcha noticed the lights and, after a brief exchange of attacks, both sides retreated.

John Doe opened the door and looked outside. There was no sign of any disturbance, as if nothing had happened.

Yawning, Bulma asked John Doe, "What's going on outside?"

"Nothing much," John Doe replied. "Probably just some animals fighting near our house. They left when they saw our lights turn on."

"Well, in that case, I'm going back to bed," Bulma said. "Lack of sleep affects my beauty, you know." And with that, she returned to her room.

For the rest of the night, John Doe remained vigilant, but fortunately, no one else came to attack them.

The next day, John Doe drove the car, leading the group towards Fire Mountain.

As they were about to leave his territory, Yamcha couldn't bear to let them go. He stood on a hill and fired an RPG at them from a distance.

John Doe had been on high alert since getting into the car, and he spotted the incoming RPG from far away.

"Be careful, everyone!" John Doe shouted. He stepped on the accelerator and made a sharp drift, changing their position.

The RPG exploded on the ground near the car. Although it didn't hit the car directly, the powerful shockwave flipped their vehicle over.

Bulma and Oolong passed out, but John Doe, seeing that they weren't seriously injured, temporarily left them and climbed out of the car with Goku.

Although Yamcha would become his ally in the future, it didn't stop John Doe from teaching him a lesson.

Knowing that his strength might not be enough to defeat Yamcha, John Doe said to Goku, "Goku, this bandit is yours. Teach him a good lesson."

Fighting was Goku's favorite thing, and he happily replied, "Leave it to me, John Doe!"

Goku rushed towards Yamcha, who initially didn't take him seriously, thinking Goku was just a kid he could easily defeat.

But underestimating his opponent proved costly. Yamcha was surprised by Goku's strength as Goku dodged his attack with a quick move and then punched Yamcha in the abdomen.

Yamcha was in agony, his eyes bulging and his mouth wide open, but he couldn't make a sound.

Goku followed up with a flying kick to Yamcha's face, sending him flying and knocking out one of his teeth.