Stealing his chastity

Of course, even if everyone on the ship were drowning, all he'd care about is me fanning him in the middle of the waves, Mirabella thought to herself.

She sighed and bowed politely. "Forgive me, Majesty. The ship was in wreckage, and my duty to fan you slipped my mind," she apologized, knowing well that any retaliation would just launch them into another endless exchange of words.

"Hmm. You are pardoned," Eros stated, his gaze fixed on her face as it glowed in the room's dim lighting. "Now, what exactly are you doing here?" he questioned.

Mirabella paused for a moment before replying, "I was just… curious about Gideon's life as a pirate."

Eros's eyes gleamed with amusement as he examined the intricately designed gun in his hand. "His past was indeed fascinating. Do you know whose gun I'm holding here?"