You'll Never Be Faster Than Me


I have a strong feeling that she is going to run.

I know that the wedding dress, along with what Ivanna saw in the dungeon would overwhelm her and eventually force her hand. In truth, I'm looking forward to the challenge. She has no chance of escaping. I'd love to see her try though.

I keep working late into the night. As usual, the guards are patrolling outside, and there are two men monitoring the security feed. There is a complex system of tunnels that connects the castle to hideouts surrounding the mountains. If she learnt about them, she would be able to disappear deep into the forest. She wouldn't get away still, but it could take us a significant amount of time to trace her.

Lucky for me, she is unaware of that option. And I mean to see it stay that way.

Karlen just returned about an hour ago. Ivanna would wait until she assumed that everyone was asleep then make her attempt. Which means that any minute now, she might elope.