The Seraph's engines roared as Jamie piloted the alien fighter through the atmosphere of Arcadia, descending toward a UNSC landing zone that had been hastily cleared by Spirit of Fire's remaining forces. As they broke through the clouds, Jamie could see the battle-scarred landscape below—smoldering craters, wrecked vehicles, and the bodies of fallen soldiers and Covenant alike. The city of Pirth, Arcadia's capital, loomed in the distance, half in ruins from the Covenant bombardment.

As the Seraph neared the LZ, Cortana transmitted an IFF signal to alert the UNSC ground forces of their approach. The alien fighter would otherwise be shot down instantly by UNSC anti-air defenses. The Seraph dipped low over the landing site, hovering briefly before Jamie gently set it down on the scarred ground.

The moment the landing gear touched the ground, the Marines with Jamie leaped out of the cramped confines of the Seraph, visibly relieved to be back on solid ground. Jamie followed, stepping out of the cockpit and removing his helmet as he surveyed the landing zone.

A Warthog pulled up, kicking up dust as it came to a halt. Lieutenant Anders and Sergeant Merrick climbed out, both looking weary but relieved to see Jamie.

"Welcome back, Spartan," Merrick said with a grin, clapping Jamie on the shoulder. "You sure know how to make an entrance. Spirit of Fire's been tracking the explosion. Looks like you hit that carrier right on the mark."

"Covenant forces have been in disarray ever since the carrier went down," Anders added. "We've been able to push them back from several key positions, and Captain Cutter's planning a full evacuation now that the blockade is broken."

Jamie nodded, feeling the weight of the battle slowly lift from his shoulders. The mission had been a success, but the war was far from over. "What's the situation up there?"

"Spirit of Fire's regrouping and preparing for the next phase of operations," Anders replied. "With the Covenant forces scattered, we've bought ourselves some time, but it won't last long. They'll be back, and they'll be bringing reinforcements."

"We're evacuating civilians from Arcadia as fast as we can," Merrick added, glancing at the sky. "But we're still vulnerable to orbital bombardment. The sooner we get off this rock, the better."

Jamie's attention shifted to the distant horizon. The battle for Arcadia had been brutal, but they'd managed to secure a temporary victory. The Covenant, however, were relentless. Jamie had seen this pattern before—the Covenant would regroup, adapt, and strike back even harder. There would be no rest.

"How soon can we move civilians off-world?" Jamie asked, his tactical mind already thinking ahead.

"Captain Cutter estimates another few hours to complete the evacuations," Anders answered. "We've secured most of the evac sites, but Covenant forces are still active in some areas. We're spread thin."

Jamie nodded thoughtfully. "Then we hold the line until everyone's clear. I'll take a team to mop up the remaining Covenant stragglers."

Merrick exchanged a glance with Anders. "You sure about that, Spartan? You just blew up a Covenant carrier. Maybe it's time for a breather."

Jamie smirked slightly. "Spartans don't get tired, Sergeant. Let's finish the job."

Before Merrick could respond, Cortana's voice chimed in through Jamie's helmet. "Jamie, I've picked up some unusual Covenant communications. It looks like they're regrouping near one of the remaining evacuation points—the Arcadian spaceport. There's also mention of a high-ranking Covenant commander. I'm piecing together the transmissions, but it sounds like they're trying to mount a counter-offensive."

Jamie's face hardened. A Covenant counter-attack could jeopardize the entire evacuation effort. "We can't let them gain a foothold. Cortana, pull up a map of the spaceport. We need to hit them before they regroup."

A holographic map of the Arcadian spaceport flickered to life on Jamie's HUD. The Covenant forces were concentrated in a central terminal, likely using it as a staging ground for their assault.

"The spaceport's our next target," Jamie said decisively. "We'll take it back and shut down whatever they're planning."

Merrick and Anders exchanged looks again, this time with a shared understanding. There was no stopping Jamie when his mind was set on a mission.

"Alright, we'll get you what you need," Anders said, already turning to call in support.

Jamie wasted no time. Within minutes, a squad of UNSC Marines and a pair of Scorpions were assembled, ready to deploy. As they loaded up into Warthogs and transports, Jamie climbed into the gunner's seat of a Warthog, the familiar rumble of its engine kicking in as they sped toward the spaceport.

The journey was tense, with the Marines constantly scanning for signs of Covenant ambushes. They passed through streets lined with debris, overturned vehicles, and the occasional charred Covenant corpse. Jamie's focus remained forward—he could feel the weight of the coming battle.

As they neared the spaceport, Cortana's voice crackled in his helmet. "We're close. I'm picking up increased Covenant activity ahead. Looks like they've fortified the terminal entrance."

Jamie tapped the side of his helmet, activating the comms. "We'll punch through. Scorpions take the lead, Warthogs flank the sides. Move in fast, hit them harder."

The convoy surged forward, and as they rounded the last corner, the spaceport came into view—a massive structure, now crawling with Covenant forces. Energy barriers had been erected around the entrance, and squads of Grunts and Elites patrolled the area.

The Scorpions rolled into position, their cannons swiveling toward the Covenant barricades. With a deafening blast, the tanks opened fire, sending plasma shields and Grunts flying into the air. The Warthogs charged in alongside them, their chain guns cutting through the enemy ranks.

Jamie opened fire with the Warthog's turret, his shots precise and deadly. Plasma bolts and needles whizzed by, but he kept his focus steady, mowing down any Covenant that came into view.

"Push forward!" Jamie shouted over the comms. "Don't let them regroup!"

The Marines followed his lead, pressing the attack as the Covenant forces scrambled to respond. A trio of Elites rushed forward, their energy swords igniting as they charged the Scorpions. But before they could reach the tanks, Jamie's Warthog veered off to intercept. He leaped from the vehicle, drawing his shotgun in one smooth motion.

The first Elite swung its sword in a wide arc, but Jamie sidestepped the blow, his shotgun blasting the Sangheili at point-blank range. The second Elite lunged at him, but Jamie ducked under its attack, slamming the butt of his shotgun into its midsection before finishing it off with another shot.

The third Elite, momentarily stunned by the speed of Jamie's attacks, raised its sword, but a burst of gunfire from a nearby Marine dropped it before it could strike.

"Entrance is clear!" Merrick's voice crackled over the comms.

"Move in!" Jamie ordered, his boots pounding the ground as he led the charge into the terminal.

The spaceport's interior was a chaotic battlefield. Covenant forces had dug in, using the luggage terminals and kiosks as makeshift cover. The Marines fanned out, taking cover behind overturned crates and counters, exchanging fire with the Covenant troops.

Jamie wasted no time, moving with the same relentless efficiency that had made Spartans legendary. His shotgun barked with each pull of the trigger, cutting through Grunts and Jackals like paper. The Covenant tried to regroup, but the ferocity of the UNSC assault left them disoriented and on the defensive.

As Jamie fought his way deeper into the terminal, Cortana's voice cut through the noise. "Jamie, I'm picking up a high-value target near the control tower. It's a Sangheili Zealot, and judging by the chatter I'm intercepting, he's leading the Covenant forces here."

Jamie's eyes narrowed. A Zealot—the Covenant's most fanatical and skilled warriors. Killing it would demoralize the enemy and potentially collapse their chain of command in the area.

"I'm on it," Jamie said, reloading his shotgun and making a beeline for the control tower.

The control tower was heavily fortified, with a squad of Elites and Jackals guarding the entrance. Jamie signaled to the Marines nearby, and with coordinated precision, they launched a flanking assault, taking down the guards in a hail of bullets and grenades.

Jamie pushed forward, ascending the control tower's steps two at a time. At the top, standing in front of the massive windows overlooking the battlefield, was the Zealot. It turned as Jamie approached, its eyes gleaming with hatred and challenge. The energy sword in its hand crackled to life, bathing the room in a menacing glow.

Jamie felt the familiar adrenaline surge through his veins. This wasn't the first time he had faced a Sangheili Zealot, but they were always a challenge. Skilled, fast, and utterly ruthless.

The Zealot charged, its sword slicing through the air in a deadly arc. Jamie ducked under the blow and countered with a powerful punch to the Sangheili's chest, staggering it momentarily. He followed up with a shotgun blast, but the Zealot's shields flared and absorbed the shot.

The two warriors circled each other, the room filled with the hum of the Zealot's sword and the steady rhythm of Jamie's breathing. The battle was far from over.