Making Amends

On the morning Dumbledore was scheduled to pick him up, Severus decided that he needed to start working out and begin his journey to physical fitness. Dressing in a muggle t-shirt and some pants, which were torn up and slightly faded, he began jogging around the park not far from the house. It was still dark out, but he didn't mind. Once coming back inside, he did some push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups in the living room.

By the time he thought he had enough, his whole body was covered in sweat. His arms, legs and stomach ached in pain from the exercising. Memories of the exercising commercials he used to see on the television made him chuckle. The muggles always made exercising look fun and encouraging, but in reality it felt like a pain. Lying in the middle of the living room, covered in sweat and feeling every little bit of pain your body was in, he felt the desire to stop and never do it again. But his Slytherin side told him to suck it up and focus on the endgame. The reason why he was doing it.

Picking himself off the floor, he climbed the stairs and took a shower, using the new body wash on himself. Dressing in his Hogwarts robes, he ate a bowl of muggle cereal in the kitchen, noticing that the sun was starting to rise outside. While cleaning his bowl in the sink, he heard the doorbell ring and dried his hands, going to answer.

He met the face of Albus Dumbledore, who smiled at him and seemed to take notice of his hygiene. Once grabbing his wand and his journals, he exited the house and Disapparited away with the headmaster back to Hogwarts.


For almost the past three days, Lily Evans found herself worrying about her ex-best friend, Severus Snape. The first day he didn't show up for classes, she paid no attention and blushed it off. But during the morning of the second day, she began to worry.

She knew about him being hospitalized last week, as the word was that James and his friends played another prank on him outside the Common Room of Slytherin. Although James denied it when asked, everyone still ran with that theory. Even she believed it. What else could have happened that put him in the hospital?

Out of curiosity, she went to the hospital wing and found that he wasn't there, increasing her worries. Before breakfast was over, she found Slughorn in the hallway and ran up next to him.

"Um, excuse me, Professor?"

Slughorn turned towards her and smiled, "Oh, good morning, Mrs. Evans! How may I help you?"

Returning his smile, she asked, "Have you seen Snape by any chance? I just noticed that he has been gone yesterday and I haven't seen him at breakfast."

Slughorn nodded and replied, "Well, I can assure you that Mr. Snape is fine and is returning today. On Monday night, Professor Dumbledore came to get him during his final detention with me, and later told me that the young man was sent home for the day."

"Is everything alright?" her heart sank, her worry returning once again.

"Don't worry, my dear. Mr. Snape was sent home to take care of something important. While Dumbledore didn't say exactly what was going on, it didn't sound too serious. In fact, Dumbledore should be back with Mr. Snape right now. He must be in his dormitory or at breakfast. There is nothing to fear, Mrs. Evans."

Although a little skeptical, she felt her worry disappearing and smiled.

"Thank you, Professor."

"Good day, Mrs. Evans!"

Nodding, Lily turned around and walked for her first class of the day, feeling relieved.


The day went by faster than Severus thought it would. With all of his O.W.L.s completed and managing to stay under the radar of the Marauders. He was surprised that they didn't try to prank him when he got back. In fact, they didn't seem to notice he was gone yesterday, which he was grateful for.

The thing he had to worry about was his house members. Every once and a while he would find Avery, Mulciber and Rosier glaring at him and he could feel it. It made his skin crawl as he tried to concentrate. The only thing that kept his worry at bay was the thought of possibly not coming back to Hogwarts next year. All he had to do was make through the week and he was free.

By the time classes were over, he went outside to enjoy the beautiful day. Instead of sitting under the tree as he usually did, he went to the side of the lake and sat down, reading from his journals. His heart jumped with excitement as he realized that he was so close to nearly being done. There was a sense of wonder and curiousity for what was going to happen to him next. Because after that, he was entering uncharted territories and the possibilities were endless. He hadn't felt this excited for something since he got his Hogwarts acceptance letters. And although he had his worries and doubts, nothing could outweigh the happiness he was feeling at the moment.


The next few days passed. During which, he had submitted his request to Slughorn for attendance at Salem.

"My boy, are you seriously considering attending your final two years there?" the professor asked, amused.

Severus nodded, "I've made up my mind, sir. I wish to attend Salem for now on."

Slughorn was taken back but he nodded and smiled, "I'll send in the request on Hogwarts behalf. With Hogwarts' help, we can arrange transportation to Salem, but you'll need acceptance from your guardian if they were to accept you."

Severus nodded, "I'm sure I can get it."

"Very well. I hope it all works out for the best, Mr. Snape."


It was Thursday when Severus approached Dumbledore and informed him of his decision.

"Ah, my boy," Dumbledore smiled at him from his seat. "You wished to see me?"

Severus was grateful that the man was willing to grant him an audience, probably out of respect towards recent events.

"Yes sir," he kept himself firm. "Due to the death of my parents, am I correct to assume that all guardianship is under you, correct?"

Dumbledore nodded, "For the time being, yes."

"With that said, I wish to attend Salem Wizarding Academy. I've filled out the applications and currently waiting for a response. If they are to accept me, I want to ask for your permission to transfer schools."

Dumbledore was surprised, although he didn't show it, "For your final two years? Not that it will be a problem, but do you wish to leave everything behind so soon and re-establish yourself somewhere else on such short notice?"

Severus nodded, "While it is short notice, it's something I've been thinking heavily on. I wish for a new start."

The Headmaster studied the boy, taking his time to think about the request before nodded, "Very well. If Salem is willing to accept you, I will allow it. And also help with transportation to America. However, I will remain as your guardian until your 17th birthday. Understood?"

Once again, Severus nodded, satisfied, "Yes, Headmaster."

"Keep me informed about Salem's response."

Like you wouldn't be the first to know, Severus sneered.

"Yes, sir."


Then, Friday arrived, just one final day to go before his 5th year was over and he was done with Hogwarts. Or, at least he hoped so.

Just before the final Great Hall feast, he was reading from one of his books under the tree again, barely noticing as the sun got lower in the distance.

"Leave me alone!" someone screamed.

Turning to his side to see what was going on, he saw Avery, Mulciber, Nott, Rosier, and Jax pushing Mary McDonald around, who was crying. They sent spells her way, intentionally missing just inches from her feet. One would push her and the other would grab her from falling to the ground, only to push her back into the middle of the circle they made around her. Soon they had her backed up against the tree, her cries getting louder as her face lit up red with anger and fear. She reached for her wand, only for one for them to disarm her.

"Filthy Mudblood!" Mulciber spat the words out with great venom. "Crying like a little baby, because your feelings got hurt. My parents are right about your kind. You are abominations."

"JUST! LEAVE! ME! ALONE!" Mary was screaming at the top of her lungs. The tears came violently as she sank down alongside the tree, coming to rest on the trunk beneath her. She hid herself in her arms, bringing her legs close to her chest.

There was no one else around to hear the screams. Everyone had went inside to get ready for dinner in the Great Hall. Except for Severus himself.

Anger rose within him, as well as shame. Remembering the last time they had pranked McDonald and he had stood by, laughing about it. All in an attempt to get pay back for her doing the same to him.

Mulciber smiled as he brought his wand up and prepared to cast the first spell that came to mind. However, before he knew what happened next, he felt his wand suddenly disappear from his hands and was met with a Stupefly on his side, sending him into the air and crashing against the ground, unconscious.

The others found themselves frozen from shock, slowly taking in what happened before another Stupefly hit Jax and knocked him out. Still caught off guard, they turned too late to see Severus running towards them, his face red with anger and his energy fueled by pure fury. He didn't know what came over him. The moment he saw what they were doing to Mary, he remembered the incident from two weeks ago and felt this rage within him. He couldn't remember how he got from the lake to the tree. All that came to mind was how much he wanted to see them pay. Not for what they did to him last week, surprisingly. But for what they were doing now. Just the very thought of them bullying another person, Gryffindor or not, made his blood boil. His own mind was solely focused on the three who were still standing. He sent a couple more spells towards them, acting purely on instinct. They managed to deflect them, coming back to their senses.

Remembering what he learned in DADA, he positioned himself in a fighting position and deflected any spells that they sent towards him. He played defense and then offense, switching to confuse them. He managed to get himself in between them and Mary, who was now standing and watching awe.

Stupid girl! he screamed in his mind. Why didn't you get out of here while they were distracted!

But she remained where she was, frozen by shock of what she was seeing. She was witnessing Severus Snape, a Slytherin, putting himself in harms way to protect her. It went against everything she believed about him. No Slytherin had ever come to her defense.

Seeing an opening, he sent a hex towards Rosier and him on his shoulder, making her drop to one knee.

"Alright enough!" he yelled.

Both Avery and Nott stopped casting spells and regrouped around Avery, their wands still trained on Severus.

Making sure his body was covering Mary, he turned his head slightly towards her, still keeping his attention on his enemy.

"McDonald," he whispered. "Move with me and run back to the castle. I'll make sure they won't follow. Do you understand me?"

Letting his words sink in, she nodded.

Seeing her wand on the ground, he pointed his wand towards it, "Accio, wand!"

Obeying his command, the wand flew towards him and landed in his free hand, reaching back to give it back to Mary, who immediately snatched it from him.

Slowly moving around the three Slytherins, Severus watched from the corner of his eyes as Mary made her way back up the hill, heading towards the tower. Never once did she look back, which Severus highly applauded in his mind. The last thing he needed for was her to worry about his safety. Besides, that was his job.

"You made a terrible mistake in doing that, Snape!" Avery yelled in anger. "If you thought what we did before was tough, then you haven't seen anything yet!"

"Spare me your lame threats, Avery," he sneered. "You can't do anything to me that hasn't been done before."

"Oh, trust me," Avery was chuckling. "The next curse we use on you will put you down more hurtfulm than the previous ones."

"Then I offer some advice to you and your precious Death Eaters when that day comes... 'you better not miss'!"

Avery growled in frustration as Rosier and Nott picked up Mulciber and Jax, who were still unconscious, carrying them by their shoulders. They circled around Severus, still having their wands trained on him. Once they made it far enough up the hill, they lowered their wands and disappeared into the castle, leaving him alone.

Sighing in relief, he stood there for a while, letting the events register in his mind and cool down, before deciding to head back in. He knew that he needed to keep away from his house until after dinner, where he would have the time to ward his bed and settle in early. Just like last time, his house mates would seek revenge and it would be much worse if he wasn't careful. It was a good thing that he could learn from his past mistakes. He managed to attack five opponents and get away unscratched.

As he walked down the hallway, he heard crying coming from one of the abandoned classes and went to investigate, wondering if it was Mary. Opening the door to the classroom, he walked on in, seeing the dust in the air as the sunlight shined through the windows. He immediately saw Mary in the corner, sniffling. Her knees were up against her chest, with her arms around them. Her head rested on top of her knees, tears slowly riding down her legs.

He slowly approached and took a chair from one of the student desks, positioning it in front of her and sat down.

The whole time she didn't hear him, most likely lost in her thoughts.

Gryffindors! he heard the Slytherin voice in his head scoffed. Always letting their emotions run everything. Pathetic!

Well, what the hell did you expect? another voice asked. She's a teenager girl. Even Slytherin has a few like her. Although at least this one isn't as big of a bitch as they are.


Shaking his head, he leaned forward, folding his hands together. He felt uncomfortable being there, questioning himself why he even came in the first place. He had saved her and it should be more than enough. But there was a side to him that knew that if he truly wanted to change, then he should start by trying to care and take part in socializing.

"Um, McDonald?" he called her by her first name.

Mary's head snapped right up and her eyes looked into his eyes, fear and sadness deep within them.

"Wha-" she sniffled, barely able to speak. "Wha- What do... you... want, Snape?"

Unsure how to answer, he thought for a moment before answering.

"To be perfectly honest, I don't know. I just thought I should check up on you."

"Why?" she looked confused.

"I don't know. Isn't that what people do when someone looks like they need help?"

"But you're a Slytherin."

"And you're a Gryffindor. Thank you, Captain Obvious!" he was getting annoyed with her, but he withheld his tongue from saying anything foolish to push her away. He shook his head and looked back at her. "What happened that made them bully you around?"

Mary shrugged and replied, "Other than the fact that I'm muggleborn and my very existence is a crime? That's all Slytherins ever need to attack someone."

Severus didn't say anything as he studied her and nodded.

"I think you should go to Professor Minerva or Professor Dumbledore and tell them what Mulciber, Avery and the others have done. But whatever you do, don't mention me at all."

Mary looked at him in shock and confusion, wondering why he would want to be left out of the whole thing. As much as she hated to admit it, he didn't do anything wrong. All he did was come to her rescue. And yet he was asking her to keep quiet about him.

"But... why?"

"Because I've had enough attention from the teachers. And the last thing I need is for this school to start thinking of me as a hero. Because I am most definitely not that. It's probably the only thing that all of Gryffindor can agree with me on. I don't want you to mention me. As far as you are concerned, I was never there. Alright?"

It took a while before Mary blinked and nodded.

"I need to hear you say it," his tone got a little serious.

"Okay, yes, I promise I won't mention you," she rolled her eyes, frustrated with him. "You don't have to be such a jerk."

"Try living my life and see whether or not you come out any different," he stood up and headed towards the door. As he was about to exit, he stopped and looked back at her, sighing to himself.

"I'm sorry."

Mary looked up again and frowned, confused by his words.


Severus hated apologizing. It felt like admitting defeat and being humiliated for it. But he didn't care about his own feelings at the moment. This was something he needed to say before he left this world behind for good. He needed to at least try to make amends in the only way he knows how to.

"I'm sorry," he looked away, staring at the floor. "For everything."

He immediately exited the room and didn't get the chance to see the tears running down Mary's eyes, who was frozen in place. Taken back by his words.

Knowing that dinner in the Great Hall had already started, or was getting close to starting, he made his way to the Slytherin Common Room. While walking he couldn't help but feel a weight on his shoulders being lifted and a sense of peace in his heart. He felt like smiling, for no apparent reason. Never before in his life did he ever feel this way. Not even when he was a little boy and friends with Lily. Sure, there were times when even he had to smile for something. But to actually smile for no reason and want to do it, that was foreign to him.

Pushing those feelings aside, he was on alert and hoping that no more complications of any kind were going to happen to him for the night. If anything did happen right then and there, he was going to cuss up a storm.

"Oi, Snivellus!" came the voice of James Potter from behind him.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Severus whispered in frustration.

Abruptly coming to a stopping, his face lit up red and turned around. He watched as James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin approached him, their expressions filled with anger. With the exception of Remus, who looked concerned. The fact that they weren't smiling like idiots would have been a surprise to him, but he was in a bad mood at the moment to notice.

"What the hell did you do to Mary?!" James demanded.

Great! I ask her to do one simple thing, and she couldn't do it.

"I don't know what you mean, Potter," Severus replied, cooling himself down to make his face expressionless.

"We saw you leave that classroom and when we entered, we found Mary crying her eyes out, barely able to speak," Sirius pointed at him, accusingly. "But she kept on mentioning your name."

"I didn't do anything bad to her, if that is what you think I did. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to retire for the evening."

Just as he turned to leave, he felt a hand grab him by the shoulder. He felt the force of the hand make him turn around and meet the eyes of James.

"I swear, Snivellus," he spoke with hatred in his voice. "If you did anything to her, I'll personally see to it that your life is a miserable hell until the day you die!"

"Oh my, what am I going to do?" he mockingly made a frightened face, his tone of voice hinting annoyance. "It isn't like I'm bullied every single day and forced to endure your pranks that sometimes end up with me in the hospital wing! Yes, Potter, please show me what a miserable life is like! Because obviously the one I've been living was filled with colorful rainbows and nothing but the kindness of everyone's hearts!"

"Oh shut up, Snivellus!" Sirius scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You above all deserve the things that have happened to you. Don't act like you're the victim in all of this."

Even in his anger, Severus began to think about his words and also what he had said to Mary back in the abandoned classroom, letting processing sink in. Was he deserving of all the things that the Marauders had done to him? He had no doubt that their pranks were beyond what Dumbledore called "harmless pranks of young boys". How many times had they pranked someone and got away with it, even if their pranks ended with someone in the hospital wing? While Slytherin was high on their list, especially him, others from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and even Gryffindor all experienced their pranks over the years, although they weren't near as harsh as to what they had in store for him.

Then the realization hit him like looking into clear water. Something that he never saw but was right in front of him the whole time. Both he and James were two sides of the same coin. One was born in the light. The other... in darkness. Like the two names, Slytherin and Gryffindor, they were always at war with each other. Always looking for harsh comebacks and reckless attempts to hurt each other. But in the process, they ended up hurting others. Even the reactions of how others saw them were different, but yet the same. Whenever James did something against him or anyone in Slytherin, he was rewarded and allowed to escape punishment. But for him, Severus, he was always blamed and punished for his misdeeds, despite whether or not he was justified. Maybe there would be those who would criticize James for his immature behavior, just like how there would be others who would praise Severus for his continuation of the Dark Arts. But, in the end, they were both the same thing. They were bullies. James was the prankster and Severus was the discourager.

Two sides of the coin. In a war that would have no winners.

And that war had brought him to this. Becoming obsessed with the Dark Arts and hardening himself so he could escape the pain and suffering of his life. He had defended the horrible things that his house members had done. Using the Dark Arts to create spells that caused harm to others. And in the process, he began losing parts of his soul along the way. It already cost him Lily, his mother and five years of his life.

Enough is enough, he declared to himself.

Looking away from James, he looked towards the ground and began chuckling, letting the realization fully set in.

James and the Marauders looked at each other, caught off guard by his reaction.

"Potter," Severus looked back into his eyes. "Why do we keep doing this?"

Taken back, James narrowed his eyes.

"What are you on about, Snivellus?"

"I mean, why do we keep on doing this?" his tone and expression became serious. "Ever since the day we met, we've been at each other's throats. Years of pranking, naming-calling and causing one another misery. All of it repeating in a circle that goes around and around, with no end in sight. And I'm so tired of it." He stretched his armies out to his sides, leaving himself vulnerable and open for attack. "Just do what you want to do and go away!"

Shock was on both James and Sirius's faces. Not being able to believe what they were hearing. Peter and Remus took a step back, fearing what was going to happen next.

"What is this?" James took out his wand. "What are you up to, Snivellus?"

"Nothing," he replied.

"What do you mean, 'nothing'? Come on! Say something back. Defend yourself."



Severus rolled his eyes and sighed to himself.

Bloody idiot!

"I've already said why. I'm tired! So go ahead, do your worst! I'm fully ready for it!"

James was at a loss of words, unable to process what he was hearing. His hand and arm started to shake, conflicted with what to do next. The spell he planned on using on him was on the tip of his lips, but his own body refused to obey him. A hand rested on his shoulder, and he turned to find it belonged to Remus, who was uncertain of what he was going to do to Severus.

"James, leave it be," he pleaded. "If you attack him like this, then the blame will surely fall on you. He doesn't have his wand out and isn't defending himself." He swallowed. "If you attack him, I will be forced to tell Dumbledore of what you did as a Perfect."

Everyone stared at Remus with complete shock, especially Severus.

Never before in Severus's life had he ever witness Remus Lupin actually grow a back bone and speak his mind towards his best friend like this. All the times the Marauders would bully and humiliate him, it was Remus who would keep his distance and turn the other way. It always escaped him of how someone like Remus would be made Perfect. Sure, he wasn't a bully and was known to shoulder responsibility when it came to things outside the Marauders. But the very fact that he was letting his best friends get away with the things that they did was what made him question how no one else saw this one flaw in his character. A part of him knew that Dumbledore had a hand in making him Perfect. In fact, he fully believed the old man was hiding the young Gryffindor's secret of being a werewolf too. A theory he fully believed in, but no one would believe him. Especially Lily.

As everyone started at Remus with big eyes of shock, it was James who broke the silence and lowered his wand. He looked back at Severus and gave him a look of anger and frustration.

Aw, poor little Potter didn't get to bully anyone today, Severus smiled.

"This isn't over, Snivellus!" James declared and turned away from him, rudely shoving himself between Sirius and Peter, who immediately followed behind him, glaring back at Severus as they walked away.

Remus gave him a look of sympathy and turned away as well, never looking back as he ran to catch up with his friends.

Once lowering his hands, Severus started walking back to the Slytherin Common Room. But as he walked down the hallways of Hogwarts, he felt a much bigger sense of peace within himself than ever before. Like another weight was being lifted off of his shoulders. It felt so good that he actually smiled.


It was nearing curfew as Lily sat on one of the couches in the Gryffindor Common Room, studying up on her last O.W.L.s for the next day. She left dinner in the Great Hall a little early, hoping to get some peace and alone time, since she was officially free from Perfect duties for the night. She was about to head to the girls dormitory and get ready for bed, knowing that her fellow Gryffindors would be on their back from dinner by now.

Her thoughts drifted to the final day of school for tomorrow, letting reality settle in as she realized her fifth year would over by the very next day and then on Saturday morning, she and the rest of Hogwarts would be back home with their families. Only two more years of being a student at Hogwarts were left and she was already wondering what she wanted to be in life once it was all over. She thought about becoming an Auror, hoping to fight against You-Know-Who and put an end to the Death Eaters. But that wasn't all. She wanted to have a family, like her mother and father. Marry a handsome man and have one or two children. She already had a boys' name picked out.


The very name brought a smile to her face. It was the name of her grandfather, Harry David Evans. Back when she was little, her grandfather would tell stories to her and knew exactly how to capture her attention and how to make her laugh. He was a World War II veteran, having fought as a SAS soldier. But he rarely spoke of his time during the war. Even when she asked, he would respond that it was too painful and wasn't for little beautiful children like her to know about just yet. She figured that maybe this was what inspired her to want to join the Aurors. Although she did have her sights on other things as well.

Just as she was about to carry her stuff up to her dormitory, she heard the painting of the Fat Lady opening and was halted to a stop when she heard a girl crying, along with the words of comfort from others. Other students also entered, looking over to see what the commotion was about.

Turning her head, she saw Mary being led to one of the couches in the Common Room, being surrounded by several girls.

Worried, she went to her and got to her knees, touching the side of her cheek, feeling the tears she had shed.

"Mary! Are you alright?"

Mary slowly looked towards her and a new look appeared on her face, almost like her face reminded her of something, making her cry once again.

More worried now, Lily got up and took her hand.

"Lets get you to Madam Pomfrey," she tried to pull her up, only to feel her resist.

Mary shook her head and replied, "No... I'm fine... I've already went to see Dumbledore."

"What happened," Lily sat down right next to her, while the other girls looked at them, worried.

Sighing and taking a deep breathe, Mary looked into the fireplace.

"I was attacked by Mulciber and his gang a little while ago."

Whispering instantly started as Mary continued.

"It was worse than before. They used to just prank or curse me, but now they are physically bullying me. I was so scared, Lily..."

Lily took her in a tight embrace as she began to cry again, sniffling as she wiped her nose.

"And then... Severus Snape rescued me from them."

Gasps went around them, looks of shock and wide eyes. Even Lily was caught off guard and looked into Mary's eyes, her expression questioning what she had told her.


Mary nodded.

"I don't know why. But he saved me from them. I didn't even know he was down by the lake. I thought I was alone with those... monsters. But then there he was, coming straight out of nowhere, like a ghost from the darkness. He used himself as cover to allow for me to get away."

As everyone was whispering amongst each other, two girls in the crowd looked to each other and gave each other knowingly glances. Alice Fortescue took pleasure as she mouthed the words, 'I told you so', towards Rachel, who stuck out her tongue back at her.

"But that wasn't all," Mary continued.

Lily frowned, worried that Severus might had done something to make her cry. But what she heard next shocked her to her very core.

"After I managed to get away, Snape came to see me. At first I was expecting him to criticize me and be jerk, which he kinda was, but he..." she paused. "He... apologized..."

"What?! No way!" one of the girls in the crowd nearly shouted.

"I'm not kidding. Severus apologized for... everything. He just... apologized. Like it was saying goodbye or something. Like it was his only chance of saying what he said to me. And I believed him. I truly felt he meant every single word."

A long silence went around the room, until someone asked, "So, what did Snape do next?"

Mary shook her head, coming out of her thoughts.

"He asked me not to mention him about what happened. Not to Dumbledore or even to you."

"Then why did you mention him when he asked you not to?" Alice asked.

"I think that's the last question we should be asking," another girl cut in. "Why would Snape want you to lie?"

"I don't know," Mary stared back into the fireplace. "But I did keep my promise not to mention him to Dumbledore. The only thing I couldn't keep my promise on wasn't telling you guys."

Meanwhile, Lily was lost in her thoughts. Her mouth hang open from the shocked expression on her face, trying to process what she was told. This was completely against Severus's character. As far as she knew, he hated Gryffindor. First he saves Alice and Rachel, now Mary. In one week, he has protected three Gryffindors from a couple of bullies from Slytherin. And since when did he apologize out of nowhere? Unless if it was her he was apologizing to, Severus Snape hated apologizing, let alone admitting his wrongs as well.

A couple of theories ran through her mind. One, he was doing all of this to win her back. Or two, he was playing a game in order to hit back at her. That maybe he was going to reveal his true colors and hurt her friends when they think he has changed. She felt anger bubbling within her as she thought about the incident, as everyone was calling it, between them. He had called her by that word and now it seemed he was going to extremes to get her back. In more ways than one.

But then a third theory entered. What if he truly was changing? Despite she wanted to believe it with all of her heart and soul, she feared of being hurt again. But then again, it did explain his behavior and actions. She could feel her mind going to war over this. Anger, regret, condemnation, hope, all passed through her in an instant. It was so hard for her to decide which one to believe.

No, Lily, she thought. Severus made his decision and he choose the Dark Arts over you.

The opening of the oil panting brought her out of her thoughts as she turned to see James Potter and the Marauders walking on through, arguing amongst each other.

"How can you defend him, Moony?" James demanded. "I could have taught him a lesson for what he did to Mary."

"And risk getting into trouble for attacking an unarmed student, unprovoked?" Remus countered. "That would have been going too far and you know it. And besides, you have no proof that Severus did anything to Mary."

"What's your deal anyway?" Sirius raised an eyebrow at him. "It isn't like you stood by before and turned the other way when it came to Snivellus."

Remus looked liked he was on the verge of exploding, his face turning red.

"Well, maybe I shouldn't have! You've heard what he said. And I actually agree with him. The rivalry between you and him..." he pointed at James, "... has gone too far. Maybe once upon a time it was something little boys did, but we aren't kids anymore. We're almost adults now."

"Calm down, Moony," James laid a hand on his shoulder. "It's the..." he caught himself before continuing, bringing his voice to a whisper, "... time of the month getting to you. That's all."

Remus shook his head and pushed James's hand off of his shoulder.

"So, what if it is?! It doesn't change the fact that what Snape said is true." He turned away from them. "I'm going out!"

Remus exited the Common Room as everyone watched, even the girls, who had overheard part of the conversation. James shrugged and went up the stairs to the boys dormitory, along with Sirius and Peter.

As everyone went back to what they were doing, Mary began telling the girls that Dumbledore promised to handle the situation with Mulciber and his gang, expressing hope that next year they will lay off and leave her alone.

Lily didn't hear that part of the conversation, as her thoughts drifted to the conversation between James and the Marauders. Just what did happen between Severus and them? What happened that got Remus in a mood of defending Severus against James? Was the summer heat getting to everyone? Shaking her head, Lily picked up her stuff and headed for bed, her thoughts thinking of nothing but Severus the entire time.


James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew all dressed into their pajamas for bed, talking about what had happened with Remus and Severus.

"I'm telling ya, something is up with Snivellus. I can feel it," Sirius jumped on top of the covers of his bed.

"Right there with ya, Padfoot," James agreed. "I just hope Moony will be okay for tonight. I hate leaving him alone on the full moon."

"You know how he is," Sirius popped himself on his elbow. "He feels bad for having us go with him every time a full moon hits. And besides, this is the last one until next month."

"But still, maybe I should go to keep him company."

"Don't even think about it, Prongs. Moony is still mad at you and you've already done more than your fair share of staying out with him throughout year. I'll go."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure! Just go to sleep. Tomorrow is the last night as fifth years and then its back to your family's manor for tons of fun by Saturday. I could use some fresh air anyway."

"Are you sure this isn't because of that one girl you've been seeing?" Peter awkwardly asked.

James's face lit up and smiled, "Yeah, Padfoot. You've been seeing a lot of that seventh year Ravenclaw girl. What's her name again?"

"Marci," Sirius answered. "And yes, I happen to be meeting with her tonight, right before I go to meet up with Remus. She wants our final two nights at Hogwarts to be... something special to remember."

"You going to shag her?" James smiled, raising an eyebrow.

Sirius laughed and replied, "Okay, yes, that is the main idea. We're going to do it in one of the broomrooms."

"Is it your first time with her?" Peter asked, his face lighting up red.

Both James and Sirius chuckled at him, they were considering on getting his appearance cleaned up next year and getting him laid. The boy sure needed the education.

"No, we've shagged plenty of times before. She's actually my fourth. However, I know she'll break off the relationship by Saturday. Probably for the best, considering we'll be separated now. I think a part of me will miss her, but there's enough fish out there in the sea for next year. Gotta enjoy life while you still can."

"Words to live by, Padfoot. Maybe next year I'll have to get me a hot seventh year to fit right along with ya."

"Sounds like a plan. Oh, by the way, are we all set for the party tomorrow?"

"Do you have to ask? You helped plan everything with us. Just make sure that Moony is there and having a good time. The last thing he needs is to be brooding during our last night as fifth years."

"I promise that I will do everything within my power to see Moony having the time of his life. Now, get some sleep guys, I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night."

"Good night."

A while later, once he knew everyone was sound asleep, Sirius moved to the side of the bed, getting a pen and a piece of paper. He started writing and smiled once he was done. Folding the paper and fitting it into his pocket, he grabbed James's invisibility cloak, tiptoed down the stairs of the dormitory and out of the Gryffindor Common Room.


Severus laid in his bed, struggling to go to sleep. His mind was so excited for the next day. His final day at Hogwarts and then he was done. Free to leave it all behind. He had already made up his mind to sell the house and everything in it. But the real excitement for his possible acceptance letter from Salem. He was desperately in the mood for a new beginning.

Ever since he stood up to James Potter and actually got away with it, without any punishment or pranking, he felt a sense of victory. Maybe he had admitted defeat in the eyes of his enemies, but he was leaving on a high note. One that the Marauders could never strike back against. Thinking about it more, he finally understood the old meaning of "revenge is a dish best served cold". But the important thing was that he was finally able to move on beyond it.

But his thoughts also drifted to Lily. Just thinking her name caused his stomach to twist and his heart to ach. How much he missed her, when a part of him didn't want to. But he knew that she would always be in his heart and memories. And as much as he hated to admit it, she was indeed his first love. True love? He didn't know. Most likely would never knowBut he knew he had to accept the fact that a romantic relationship between the two of them wouldn't work now. Not with how things were standing between them. But he also knew he had to try to apologize to her again. To make amends with her. Even if he was destined to fail, he needed to know that he did the best he could to repair their friendship and tell her how sorry he was. Whether or not she choose to forgive him, that was her choice.

Suddenly, Severus became aware of someone right next to his bed. Grabbing his wand, he whispered 'Lumos', lighting up the area around him to see who it was. As he pointed his wand directly at the intruder, he recognized the student as a fourth year boy but couldn't remember his name.

The boy looked at him, a little frightened as he held out a folded up piece of paper.

"This came for you," he whispered.

Severus felt secure within the limits of his bed, having already put up his wards, but feared what would happened if he left his bed or allowed for the boy to enter his hand through the security of his wards. The last thing he needed was for an ambush from Mulciber and his gang, who most likely had gotten in trouble for what they did to Mary McDonald. He used his wand to motion towards the small drawer.

"Put it there," he ordered. "And leave."

The boy nodded quickly and sat the paper down, silently moving fast to his bed on the other side of the dormitory.

Once feeling okay to move out of the comfort of his bed, he reached over and grabbed the paper. Unfolding it he found it was a letter to him and began to read.



Meet me at the Shrieking Shack, tonight. There is a secret hidden passage through the Whomping Willow. Look for a small knot near the base of the tree, which will prevent it from moving and allow you passage,

I'm sorry for how I acted and want things to go back to normal. Please come see me. I miss you,




Severus couldn't believe his luck as he read the letter and then re-read it over again to make sure he wasn't imagining it. He could feel the tears building up behind his eyes as he felt his heart jump with joy. Without thinking, he immediately got out of bed and dressed into his Hogwarts robes, making his way out of the Slytherin House and down the dark hallways of Hogwarts. He managed to bypass Professors, Perfects and even the Head Boy at one point. Until he was outside the castle walls of the school, he made his way to the Whomping Willow tree.

It took a little while, but he managed to find the small knot that the letter was talking about and used a spell to hit it, immobilizing the tree. Studying around the trunk, he found the secret passage and entered, his body shaking as he walked down the dark tunnel. He was in full excitement mode, not even using his senses at the moment.

As he traveled deeper into the tunnels beneath the Whomping Willow, he finally came to an end and saw a metal door. Stepping forward, he unlocked the door and opened it.

Looking into the dark room, he could hear the dripping of water and the silent wind in the darkness. It was then that his excitement started to disappear, slowly. Something felt off and he knew that Lily wouldn't come down here if it was as dark and creepy as this. Walking into the dark room, he whispered 'Lumos' to light up the tip of his wand and found a staircase, leading up to the surface. Reluctantly climbing the steps, he finally came to the top and opened the door, revealing to him a large room of an unknown house. He could hear the air outside the boarded up windows. He could see large scratches on the walls.

"Lily?" he called out.

Frowning, he took out the letter and read it again. Only this time did he realize his biggest mistake. He wanted to punch himself in the face for not noticing it. The handwriting of the words weren't Lily's. They belonged to someone else, and he was so excited and happy to not have noticed it.

YOU STUPID IDIOT! he screamed at himself.

Then he heard it. A loud growl coming from the dark corner of the room. It made him freeze right where he was, the hair on his arms and legs standing up. His heart and mind racing at a hundred miles an hour. He could smell the terrible breath of the creature.

Slightly turning his head, he saw a figure in the darkness of the corner. It's glowing eyes staring back at him, wild and hungry eyes. It growled again and stepped forward, exposing itself in the light of his wand.

The werewolf roared and leaped forward.