Chapter 6: The Shadow of the Ascendants

March 25, 2024

The docks hummed with the quiet efficiency of a place where every move mattered. Massive crates were stacked high, illuminated by the harsh glow of industrial lights, while the shadows between them seemed to stretch endlessly.

The occasional security drone zipped by overhead, scanning for any unauthorized activity. People moved with purpose, most of them workers unloading shipments under the watchful eyes of well-armed guards. This wasn't the type of place where anyone made mistakes lightly.

I stuck to the shadows, careful to keep my presence hidden. Getting too close would draw attention I didn't want. I hadn't seen the Ascendants yet, but I could feel their influence all over this place. My holo bracelet buzzed faintly on my wrist, the map I'd pieced together earlier showing I was near one of the largest warehouses in the district.

The whispers I'd overheard earlier told me this was where the Ascendants' shipment was due to arrive, a shipment that involved more than just cargo. It involved people with gifts. If I could learn more about them, I'd be one step closer to unlocking my own potential.

I slipped between a series of tall crates, moving silently as I reached the side of the massive warehouse. I glanced up. Above me, the warehouse's metal structure stretched into the darkness, crisscrossed with steel beams and platforms. That's where I'd stay for now, hidden above, waiting for the right moment to see what I could learn.

Without hesitation, I climbed one of the support pillars, moving quickly but quietly. My hands gripped the cold metal as I hoisted myself up, finding a spot on one of the overhead platforms where I had a clear view of the ground below. The platform was partially concealed in shadow, perfect for watching without being seen.

Below me, workers and guards moved about, but they weren't my focus. I was waiting for someone else. I could already see the differences between the regular workers and the Ascendants.

The guards were more heavily armed, their weapons sleek, definitely high-end tech. Some held compact laser rifles, their barrels humming with energy. Others carried melee weapons that crackled with energy fields, a warning to anyone who got too close.

The workers seemed tense, but they kept their heads down, focused on unloading the crates. They clearly knew they were being watched.

And then I saw them, three men moving through the warehouse with purpose. They weren't part of the regular crew. They were Ascendants, and they moved with a confidence that told me they were in charge.

One of them was taller, broad-shouldered, and he had the same calculating look I'd seen in others who worked for the Ascendants. He barked orders, his voice sharp, but it was clear the real authority came from the weapons they carried.

They were here for something big.

I crouched lower on the platform, watching intently as the workers began moving one of the larger crates toward the center of the warehouse. A brief exchange between the Ascendants and the workers followed, though I couldn't make out the words, I could feel the tension rise. Something was about to happen.

I shifted slightly, moving to get a better view. But the platform creaked beneath me, the sound echoing faintly in the quiet space below. I froze, my heart skipping a beat. The Ascendant leader looked up sharply, his eyes scanning the rafters above.

I held my breath, not daring to move, hoping he hadn't noticed.

Then, with a groaning sound, the support beam beneath me gave way.

I didn't have time to react before the entire platform tilted sharply. I grabbed onto the nearest beam, but it wasn't enough. The platform buckled, sending me crashing to the ground below with a sickening thud. Pain shot through my body as I landed, the impact jarring, but I forced myself to roll and spring to my feet in a heartbeat.

Before I could assess my situation, I heard the unmistakable click of laser rifles charging. I was surrounded.

The three Ascendants stood around me, their weapons trained on my chest. Behind them, a half-dozen guards flanked the perimeter, their laser sights flickering in the low light. The leader's expression twisted into a cold smirk as he lowered his rifle slightly.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a spy," he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "You must be stupid to sneak in here, or you're just that desperate."

I scanned my surroundings quickly. There were too many of them, and they were armed to the teeth. I could feel the adrenaline pulsing through my veins, but I knew I couldn't rush this. One wrong move, and I'd be dead before I could take a second breath.

"I'm not here to cause trouble," I said, keeping my voice calm, but my eyes never leaving the man in charge.

"You've caused plenty of trouble already," he snapped, taking a step forward. "I don't know who sent you, but you picked the wrong night to poke around."

The tension in the air was palpable, and I knew the standoff wouldn't last long. The leader signaled with his hand, and one of the guards moved toward me, his rifle aimed directly at my head. They weren't going to let me talk my way out of this.

"Shoot him," the leader ordered, his voice cold and final.

I acted before the words even fully registered. As the guard pulled the trigger, I twisted my body to the side, narrowly avoiding the laser beam as it sizzled past my ear. My body responded instinctively, every muscle firing with precision. I kicked the guard's legs out from under him, grabbing his wrist and twisting the rifle from his grip as he hit the ground.

The moment the weapon was in my hands, I spun, firing a quick, controlled burst at the other two guards. The shots hit their marks, the energy beams knocking them off balance and sending them crashing into the crates behind them.

But the Ascendant leader wasn't fazed. He lunged at me, moving with the speed of someone who had fought a thousand battles. His rifle was forgotten, and instead, he pulled a compact energy blade from his belt. The blade hummed with deadly intensity, its edge crackling with energy.

I barely dodged the first swing, the blade whistling past my face. I ducked and rolled, using the chaos to my advantage, but the leader was relentless. He came at me again, his strikes faster, more aggressive. He was no ordinary fighter, and it was clear he wasn't relying on brute strength alone, he had precision.

But I wasn't going to give him the chance to wear me down.

He lunged forward with another swing, but this time, I anticipated his movement. I stepped inside his reach, deflecting his arm and driving my elbow into his ribs. He grunted, but before he could recover, I grabbed his arm and twisted, sending him off balance. His energy blade clattered to the ground, and I followed up with a hard kick to his chest, sending him stumbling backward.

I wasn't fast enough to avoid the other guards closing in from the sides, but my mind was sharper now. My body remembered their tactics, the timing of their strikes, and with each movement, I adapted.

The first guard swung a heavy baton at me, but I ducked low, sweeping his legs out from under him. He hit the ground hard, and I disarmed him with a quick strike to the throat. The next guard aimed his rifle, but I sidestepped, grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back before slamming him into the ground.

I could feel the momentum shifting in my favor, but I wasn't invincible. A sharp sting shot through my arm as one of the guards managed to clip me with a laser shot. I stumbled, the burn searing into my flesh, but I didn't stop. My body adjusted, my stance shifting to protect my injury. I wouldn't be hit in the same place twice.

I fought with a focus I hadn't known I possessed. Each strike, each dodge, felt more natural, more precise. My body was learning, evolving with every hit. I was never in the same position twice, never taking the same mistake again.

The leader, now weaponless, glared at me from across the room, breathing heavily. His smirk was gone, replaced by frustration.

"What the hell are you?" he spat, his voice laced with anger.

I didn't answer. I didn't need to.

This fight wasn't over yet.