Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Unwritten Words

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the campus as Deen made his way to the library. His thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, especially about Thai and the unexpected connection they had begun to explore. He found a quiet corner and pulled out his notebook, hoping to channel his feelings into lyrics.As he wrote, the words flowed like water, inspired by the tension and promise of the day before.In a world of endless dreams,You and I weave the seams.Caught in a dance, hearts collide,With you, there's nothing left to hide...Lost in his writing, Deen barely noticed when the library door opened. The soft sound of footsteps made him look up, and his heart skipped a beat—Thai stood there, glancing around."Hey," Thai said, his voice low and warm."Hey! What are you doing here?" Deen asked, surprised but pleased."I was looking for you. I saw you head this way and thought I'd come find you."Deen felt a rush of warmth at the thought. "I was just trying to write some lyrics.""Mind if I join?" Thai asked, moving to sit across from him."Not at all!" Deen smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.Thai leaned back, looking at Deen with an expression that seemed to hold a thousand unspoken words. "What are you writing about?"Deen hesitated, feeling vulnerable. "Just... feelings and connections.""Can I hear it?" Thai's eyes sparkled with interest.Deen bit his lip, then nodded. He read the lines he had just written, feeling the heat of embarrassment rise in his cheeks."Wow," Thai said, leaning forward. "That's really beautiful. You have a way with words.""Thanks," Deen replied, trying to suppress a smile. "It's easier to write than to say things out loud.""I get that," Thai said, his gaze unwavering. "Sometimes, words are just too... heavy."They shared a moment of silence, the air thick with understanding. Deen's heart raced, wondering if Thai felt the same tension that lingered between them."What about you?" Deen asked, wanting to shift the focus. "What do you do when you have a lot on your mind?"Thai shrugged, his expression thoughtful. "I usually draw or play basketball. It helps clear my head.""You draw?" Deen asked, intrigued. "What kind of stuff?""Mostly sketches. I've never shown anyone, though." Thai chuckled softly, a hint of shyness in his demeanor. "I'm not as confident as you when it comes to sharing.""I'd love to see them," Deen said genuinely. "Maybe you could show me sometime?"Thai's smile widened. "I'd like that."Just then, the library's clock chimed, bringing them back to reality."We should get going. I have to meet Alma soon," Deen said reluctantly."Yeah, me too," Thai replied, his tone slightly deflated.As they walked out together, Deen felt a sense of urgency building within him. He wanted to bridge the gap between them, to turn their friendship into something more. But doubts lingered—what if he ruined everything?They reached the campus quad, where Alma was waiting, her hands on her hips and a playful smile on her face."There you are! I was starting to think you got lost in your music!" she teased, glancing between them."No way! Just had a productive session," Deen replied, feeling a little defensive.Alma raised an eyebrow, her gaze shifting to Thai. "And you're just full of surprises, aren't you?"Thai chuckled, trying to defuse the situation. "Just trying to keep up with Deen's talent.""Well, good luck with that!" Alma laughed. "You two should team up. The next big hit!"Deen's heart sank at the thought. "Yeah, maybe," he said, forcing a smile.As they walked toward the café, Deen felt the weight of Alma's presence. He wanted to share his feelings with Thai, but he didn't want to hurt Alma either.They settled into a booth, and the conversation shifted to lighter topics. Thai seemed to relax, his laughter brightening the atmosphere. But Deen found it harder to concentrate, his mind drifting back to the moments they shared.After their meal, Thai stood to leave, and Deen felt a pang of disappointment."I'll see you at the showcase, right?" Thai asked, his eyes searching Deen's."Of course! I'll be there," Deen replied, hoping he could summon the courage to talk to him afterward.As Thai turned to leave, Deen called out."Wait! Thai!"Thai paused, turning back, a hopeful look on his face."I—uh, I just wanted to say... never mind," Deen stammered, feeling a rush of nerves."What is it?" Thai pressed, his expression encouraging."I just... I really enjoy hanging out with you," Deen blurted, his heart racing."Me too," Thai replied, a soft smile gracing his lips. "Let's make sure we keep doing this."They shared a lingering gaze, the world around them fading again."Definitely," Deen said, his voice barely above a whisper.As Thai walked away, Deen felt a mix of exhilaration and frustration. He knew he needed to confront his feelings head-on. The thought of losing this connection spurred him on, and he resolved that the next time they were together, he would speak his heart.That night, as he lay in bed, he picked up his guitar and began to strum softly, the melody flowing like a river.With every strum, I feel you near,A whisper in my heart, a voice so clear.In the silence, where dreams ignite,I'll find the courage to make it right...As the words poured out, Deen felt a sense of determination wash over him. The next day, he would take a leap of faith.

 Next Steps

With growing feelings and unresolved tension, the next chapter will see Deen confronting his emotions more directly. Will he find the courage to confess to Thai, or will outside circumstances hold him back?

To Be Continued...