Chapter 13

Chapter 13: A Night to Remember

The neon lights of the club pulsed like a heartbeat, drawing in a crowd that danced to the electrifying beats. Deen stood at the bar, nursing a drink while watching the swirling mass of bodies move with reckless abandon. It had been a long week, and he'd decided to let loose for a night. Lila had texted him earlier, but he felt the need to escape the complexities of his emotions, even if just for a moment.As he turned to take a sip of his drink, the atmosphere around him shifted. A familiar face appeared through the haze of lights and music, and Deen's heart stopped. Thai. He looked different—more confident, more polished. The months apart had done something to him, and Deen couldn't help but admire the way he carried himself."What are the odds?" Deen muttered under his breath, trying to process the sudden rush of feelings that washed over him.Thai, too, felt a jolt of recognition as he caught Deen's eye. It was like the world had narrowed down to just the two of them amidst the chaos. Memories surged—laughs, arguments, tender moments—they all came flooding back, overwhelming him. Yet, in an instant, he turned his gaze away, feigning interest in the dance floor."Just breathe," he whispered to himself, trying to steady his racing heart.Deen took a deep breath, fighting the urge to approach Thai. Instead, he focused on the throbbing music, losing himself in the rhythm. But he could feel Thai's presence like a magnet pulling at his resolve. Just a glance, he thought. Just one.Their eyes met again, and for a brief moment, the noise of the club faded. Time seemed to stand still, and everything else blurred around them. Deen felt a rush of warmth as memories of their shared laughter and whispered secrets flashed through his mind. But before he could act, Thai turned away, slipping deeper into the crowd."What the hell?" Deen muttered, frustration mingling with longing. He set his drink down, determined to confront the moment, but he felt a pull to stay rooted.The two danced around each other for what felt like an eternity. Thai found himself lost in the crowd, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Deen. He could see him moving, surrounded by friends, laughter, and the vibrant energy of the night. Yet the thought of approaching him filled him with dread. What would he even say?Suddenly, the club dimmed, and a spotlight illuminated the center of the floor. Couples paired off, swaying to a slow ballad that cut through the electronic beats. It felt like an invitation, but neither of them took the step forward."This is ridiculous," Deen muttered to himself, finally deciding to move toward Thai. But just as he took a step, he caught a glimpse of another beautiful angel approaching him, her smile radiant and carefree.Thai noticed Deen's distraction and felt a pang of something he couldn't quite define—jealousy? Sadness? He caught sight of her approaching Deen, wrapping her arms around him with an intimacy that stung. The sight made his heart ache, but he forced himself to look away, trying to suppress the feelings he had thought he had buried."You're doing fine, Thai," he murmured to himself, trying to shake off the weight of his emotions.As the ballad played, Deen turned back to see Thai, their eyes locking once more. There was a moment of tension, a silent acknowledgment of everything that had been left unsaid between them. The world around them faded into the background; it was just the two of them, tangled in memories and unspoken feelings.But just as quickly as it had begun, the moment shattered. Deen turned to the girl, giving her a polite smile, even as he felt the weight of Thai's gaze. Thai looked away, forcing a smile for his friends who had joined him."I need to go," Deen heard himself say, the words tumbling out as he felt the walls closing in.He started to exit the club, but not before throwing one last glance over his shoulder. Thai was still watching him, an unreadable expression on his face—pain, longing, and perhaps regret mingling in his eyes.Outside, the cool night air hit Deen like a splash of cold water. He leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath, his heart racing. "What just happened?" he whispered to himself. The encounter had stirred up feelings he thought he could control, feelings that had lain dormant for too long.Inside the club, Thai felt as if he were suffocating. He wanted to chase after Deen, to break through the walls they had both built. But the fear of rejection held him back. "It's too late," he muttered, shaking his head as he felt the weight of loneliness creep back in.As the music pulsed behind him, both Deen and Thai were left grappling with their emotions, the air thick with unresolved tension. They had come so close to bridging the gap, yet fate had pulled them apart once again, leaving a bittersweet ache in their hearts.

To Be Continued...