Spencer: The Wheel of Fate Begins to Turn!

"Strictly speaking, there's really only one way to level up—"

"And that's by using an *Upgrade Fate Disc*."

"There are two methods to obtain this disc."

"The first is relatively straightforward—drawing it from a blue or higher-tier Slot Machine."

"Of course, the Slot Machine must have the 'Upgrade Fate Disc' option available in its reward pool."

Spencer was shocked when he heard this. "A blue-tier or higher Slot Machine? Doesn't that cost at least 100 years of lifespan?!"

"Spending 100 years of lifespan just to level up once... This is insane!"

George nodded in agreement. "I had the same reaction when I first heard it."

"But then, when you think about it, maybe we're just limited by our poverty. For the powerful figures out there, maybe a hundred years of lifespan is nothing!"

"Either way, for us low-level players, that first method is anything but simple."

"And the second method is even harder."

"Do you know why the death squad has such a high mortality rate?"

Spencer quickly guessed the answer: "It's related to the second method?"


"Right now, Cedar City is isolated, surrounded by an endless ocean."

"But beyond that, every lake, river, and even pond within Cedar City has become a gateway for monsters to invade our world."

"Monsters can use these gateways to attack us, but we can also use them to invade the monsters' world."

"According to Liao, who told me about this, the monster world is filled with untold dangers—but also endless opportunities!"

"There, even without drawing from a Slot Machine, you might find an *Upgrade Fate Disc*."

"Liao himself was a member of the death squad. During one of his expeditions into the monster world, he found an *Upgrade Fate Disc* by chance, leveled up, and became an official member of the club."

"Liao also told me not to lose heart. While the death squad might sound like a death sentence, it's really the only chance we have to change our fate!"

George spoke passionately, and Spencer felt his blood boiling with excitement.

Jexon, however, remained unusually calm. He had been through all of this in his previous life and knew that George's "Liao" was simply spinning tales, feeding false hopes to the death squad.

Or rather, the entire club was stringing the death squad along with empty promises.

The *Monster World*? In reality, it was later known as the **Domain Battleground**.

According to players from the future, even the weakest Domain Battleground required at least level 5 players to have a basic chance of survival.

And now? 

Level 0 players were venturing into that battleground!

If this wasn't a death wish, what was?

Perhaps, far in the future, history teachers might tell their students that a century ago, during the early days of the apocalypse, countless pioneers sacrificed their lives exploring the Domain Battleground, paving the way for the world as it is today.

The death squads of today might be remembered as brave and heroic figures who faced insurmountable odds in history books.

But in reality, their bravery would be romanticized. They would be forgotten, leaving no names behind.

Reflecting on this, Jexon's thoughts were interrupted as George led them to the entrance of a villa.

The sky was darkening, and George instinctively lowered his voice. "This is the villa where my squad is based."

"There were originally seven members. Now, with you two, we're up to nine."

As they entered the quiet villa, there wasn't much noise. In the living room, a muscular man was doing push-ups near the sofa.

Spencer, always trying to make connections, immediately wanted to go over and introduce himself to the strong-looking man. However, before he could move, George gently pulled him back.

"Let me show you to your rooms first."

George's voice remained hushed as he led them up to the fourth floor of the villa.

Jexon was assigned a tiny, five- or six-square-meter closet, while Spencer got a slightly larger, eight- or nine-square-meter study.

George then warned them, "The other members of the death squad aren't as easygoing as I am. It's best if you don't bother them unless absolutely necessary."

Spencer was confused. "Shouldn't we at least meet the other members and introduce ourselves?"

George felt a bit embarrassed hearing that. When he first joined the squad, he had the same mindset as Spencer. After all, before the apocalypse, when someone joined a new team, it was only natural to introduce themselves and get to know the group.

But when George had tried that approach with the squad members, they had met him with cold indifference. One guy had bluntly said:

"Why bother getting to know someone who's just going to die soon?"

It was a cruel truth.

That same guy had died the very next day...

George didn't want to hit Spencer with that same brutal reality, so he played the role of a wise leader and said vaguely, "In the death squad, you need to prove your strength first before you earn the right to introduce yourself."

Spencer didn't think too much about it.

But Jexon knew the real meaning behind George's words— 

In the death squad, you needed to prove you could survive before anyone cared to know your name.

Otherwise, they couldn't be bothered to learn the name of a dead man.

George gave them a few more instructions and mentioned that the squad would be going on a mission tomorrow at 9 a.m. He then left them alone.

Once George was gone, Spencer leaned toward Jexon and whispered, "Don't you think this death squad feels a little off? The atmosphere here is so tense and strange…"

Jexon glanced at him and said calmly, "If you survive the next few days, you'll understand why."

Spencer's heart sank at those words.

For the first time, doubt crept into his mind— 

Had he made the right decision by joining the death squad?

As he was lost in thought, Jexon's voice suddenly broke through his reverie:

"Spencer, do you want to change your fate?"


"Change my fate?" That phrase was something Spencer constantly said to himself. In the underground garage, the other Life Cachers often mocked him for it.

So when Jexon said it now, Spencer instinctively thought Jexon was mocking him too.

But many years later, Spencer would often look back on this moment, remembering Jexon's words. Every time he did, he couldn't help but reflect—

The wheel of his destiny had started to turn from this very moment!