Jexon's Weapon: A Shovel!

Jexon looked toward the voice and realized that the mocking wasn't aimed at him—it was directed at Spencer. 

Spencer's eyes were glowing with excitement as he lunged toward a sleek, black composite bow, the best-looking weapon in the pile. 

The guy who had mocked Spencer stood by with his arms crossed, ready to enjoy the show. That bow, although the best weapon among the pile of cheap gear, was extremely heavy. Even some of the more experienced daredevil squad members would struggle to hold it for long. Most couldn't wield it for more than a few minutes without becoming exhausted.

For an average, untrained person, carrying it for even a few steps would prove unbearable. The guy was eagerly waiting for Spencer to embarrass himself after realizing the bow's weight.

But then, to everyone's shock, Spencer lifted the composite bow effortlessly, as if it were a normal, lightweight sword. He even waved it around casually with one hand, beaming with excitement.

The mocker's jaw dropped. 

"No way! Did they swap the bow or something?"

This scene caught the attention of several daredevil squad members, who stared at Spencer as if he were a ghost.

Even Hunter, who was supervising the weapon selection, raised an eyebrow and walked over. He gave Spencer a thorough look before barking, 

"Show me your data panel!"

In the post-apocalyptic game world, every person had a data panel displaying their stats, but it was only visible to the individual unless they chose to reveal it to others. Forcing someone to display their data panel was considered extremely rude. But in this world, where the strong ruled, etiquette held little weight.

For Spencer, Hunter was undoubtedly a strong figure, so he had no choice but to comply, despite his reluctance.

Soon, Spencer's data panel appeared for everyone to see:

**[Name: Spencer]** 

**[Level: 0]** 

**[Lifespan: 11 years, 158 days]** 

**[Talent: None]** 

**[Occupation: None]** 

**[Skills: None]** 

**[Status: None]** 

**[Strength: 1 (+5)]** 

**[Constitution: 1 (+5)]** 

**[Speed: 1 (+5)]** 

**[Spirit: 1 (+5)]** 

**[Combat Power: 108]**

The crowd gasped. 

"Full attribute +5?! Combat power over 100?!" 

"This guy's a hidden powerhouse!"

"Powerhouse my foot! Those +5s are in parentheses, meaning they're temporary buffs. Once the time runs out, he'll be back to being a normal person with all stats at 1!" 

"Yeah, but even if it's temporary, he's still really strong for now!"

People were now looking at Spencer with envy. Even George was visibly shocked and uncomfortable. As for the guy who had mocked Spencer earlier, he quietly slunk to the back of the crowd, utterly humiliated.

Hunter observed all this with a thoughtful look. He furrowed his brow as if about to ask something but was interrupted by Jexon, who suddenly stepped forward with an indignant expression, speaking loudly:

"Hunter, you have to do something about this!" 

"Spencer stole my *Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm*! After consuming it, he got that full attribute +5 buff! That buff was supposed to be mine!"

Jexon's voice was filled with righteous anger, as if Spencer had stolen his destiny.

Spencer was initially confused but quickly caught on to Jexon's plan. He played along, responding, 

"Well, I already ate it. What do you want me to do? Spit it out for you?" 

"Besides, it's just a temporary buff, not some permanent ability. What's the big deal?"

They both made it look like they were about to start a fight. Hunter glared at them both and barked, 

"Enough! Stop arguing, both of you!"

"Spencer, right? This full attribute +5 buff may be temporary, but it's still a big opportunity for you. If you can make the most of it, you might grow stronger quickly. But if you waste it..."

Hunter shook his head and didn't finish the sentence.

He then turned his cold gaze toward Jexon. 

"And you, Jexon, you want me to settle this for you?" 

"Hah! Don't be naive!"

"You need to understand—this world, this apocalypse game, only respects one thing: strength. The fact is, Spencer ate the *Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm*, and he got the buff. You're still a weakling!"

"As a weakling, you should act like one! You don't get to point fingers at the strong!"

Hunter's words hit hard. The surrounding squad members murmured amongst themselves. A weaker person might have felt humiliated or angry after hearing such harsh words, but Jexon, having lived two lifetimes, was far beyond such petty emotions.

Hunter was right—this was a world where power ruled. Nothing else mattered. Jexon knew that if he revealed his own full attribute +5 buff, Hunter's attitude would change immediately. 

But he kept that knowledge to himself, knowing Hunter's disdain wasn't personal—it was directed at weakness itself.

Jexon remained calm, but Hunter's words made Spencer feel guilty. He hesitated, thinking about speaking up for Jexon.

Before Spencer could say anything, Jexon spoke up again. 

"I overreacted about the *Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm*."

"But I still hope Spencer could compensate me somehow..."

Hunter's face darkened, and he was about to scold Jexon again when Spencer quickly interjected: 

"Uh, if you need help with something, just ask! As long as it's not too crazy, I'll do it!"

Spencer's willingness to cooperate silenced Hunter. He simply shrugged and said nothing.

Jexon gave Spencer a sidelong glance. Spencer was proving to be a much better person than someone like Walter, who would have turned on him in a heartbeat.

Spencer didn't think of himself as a saint, though. He was just grateful to Jexon for helping him get the full attribute buff. Gratitude was only natural, right?

Of course, if Jexon's request had been unreasonable, Spencer wouldn't hesitate to refuse. He wasn't about to be taken advantage of.

However, Jexon's request stunned everyone present.

He walked over to the pile of weapons, picked up a shovel, and seriously said to Spencer, 

"You've got good stats. Help me sharpen the edge of this shovel, would you?"


Spencer's expression was that of complete bewilderment, like a person staring at their phone on the subway, not believing what they just saw.

Everyone watching was equally dumbfounded. They thought Jexon was using this ridiculous request to humiliate Spencer. Was his pride really that fragile?

Even Hunter felt Jexon was going too far and was about to say something when Jexon, still with a serious face, repeated, 

"I'm not joking. I really plan to use this shovel as my weapon."

"It's just that the edge is too dull. I'd appreciate it if you could help me sharpen it."

Spencer, despite knowing the situation, couldn't help but ask, 

"You're seriously going to use a shovel as your weapon?"

Jexon nodded solemnly.

Spencer thought for a moment and then shrugged. 

"Fine, I'll do it."

He turned to Hunter and asked for a whetstone.

Though confused, Hunter lent Spencer a whetstone, figuring that if this resolved the issue, then so be it.

After a short delay, Jexon and Spencer both headed to the front lines, each carrying their chosen weapons.

Many of the squad members gave Jexon peculiar looks when they saw he was wielding a shovel, but no one said anything.

Naturally, no one wanted to team up with him.

Spencer, holding his composite bow with ease, sidled up to Jexon and whispered, 

"Wanna team up? I... I could carry you."

Jexon glanced at Spencer, giving him a cold look. For some reason, Spencer suddenly felt a heavy pressure weigh on him. He was becoming more convinced that Jexon was the same legendary figure who had once led the students of *Burlington Duke University* through the *Beast Tide*.

Even though Jexon's abilities had long since faded, the aura of strength remained.

It didn't surprise Spencer when Jexon flatly refused, 

"You've got a full attribute +5 buff. You could handle two black widows on your own. You need a teammate?"

That was all Spencer needed to hear. He wisely chose not to press the matter any further, though he did position himself on the front line next to Jexon.

At this point, the *Beast Tide* was still in its early stages. Not many beasts had reached their position yet, so things were relatively calm.

Spencer waited for a while, then suddenly drew his bow. 

With a sharp "whoosh," an arrow shot straight into a black widow's head, resulting in a satisfying "thud" as it pierced its skull.

One shot, one kill.

Spencer smirked and lifted his chin in satisfaction. The power flowing through him made him feel invincible.

Before, as a Life Cacher, he thought lying low and staying safe was the best way to live. But now… he finally understood why so many daredevil squad members, despite the high death rate, refused to sink back into the role of Life


It was because…

This feeling of raw power…

Was incredible!

Unbelievably exhilarating!

Spencer had always talked about "defying fate" out of some childish, video-game-fueled dream. 

But now, for the first time, he truly understood what it meant to desire power from the bottom of his heart.

He wanted to get stronger. 

He wanted to become a force to be reckoned with. 

He wanted to control his own destiny.

*I need to get stronger! I will get stronger!*

Jexon noticed the change in Spencer's mindset and, after a moment's thought, asked, 

"Have you practiced archery before?"

Spencer shook his head. 

"Not really. But I used to go around shooting birds with a slingshot in elementary school, and in middle school, I even made my own crossbow…"

As he spoke, Spencer's face suddenly changed. 

He yelled out in alarm: 

"Watch out, Jexon!"