Prince Wei's Ambition_

In the Imperial City, Prince Wei hosted a secret gathering of influential sect leaders and nobles. His ultimate goal: to overthrow the Emperor and claim the throne.

Prince Wei's advisor, Eunuch Li, presented a strategic plan to eliminate potential rivals. "The Skyward Sect's Mei Zhen and the Icy Immortal Mountain's Lin Arin pose threats to your ascension."

"Mei Zhen's neutrality is a facade," Prince Wei sneered. "His sister, Mei Ling, is entrenched in the Empress's court. If he's not controlled, he'll become a pawn for the Empress."

Eunuch Li nodded. "And Lin Arin, Your Highness? His connection to Prince Jian and the Emperor makes him a formidable opponent."

Prince Wei's eyes narrowed. "Lin Arin's youth is no guarantee of weakness. His rapid growth under High Immortal Bai's guidance will soon make him a force to be reckoned with."

Eunuch Li bowed. "As you wish, Your Highness. However, Prince Jian's loyalty to the Emperor and his friendship with Lin Arin's family may complicate matters."

Prince Wei's expression turned cold. "I'll handle Prince Jian personally. Focus on Mei Zhen and Lin Arin."

Unbeknownst to Prince Wei, his own brother, Prince Jian, had discovered his treacherous intentions. Prince Jian vowed to stop Prince Wei, but his loyalty to the Emperor and the kingdom would be tested.

Meanwhile, Mei Zhen received a cryptic message from his sister, Mei Ling: "Beware Prince Wei's intentions. The Empress's safety hangs in the balance."

Mei Zhen's determination hardened. He would protect his sister and the Empress, even if it meant confronting Prince Wei.

As Prince Wei's plans unfolded, the kingdom teetered on the brink of chaos. Lin Arin's fate became intertwined with Prince Wei's ambitions.

In the shadows, a mysterious figure watched Prince Wei's movements, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

This figure, a skilled assassin, had infiltrated the Imperial City with a hidden agenda: to protect Lin Arin from Prince Wei's wrath.