A Deal on The Life.

Authore's Note: Hellow reder's, how are you? i hope you all doing well? i here come to thanks all of your support my book. But guyes you not comment and point out how i improve my story if you dont commnt so, how i improve that's why show me your more appreciation by commant how you like give powerstone and revive my work. Then is you show this i work more harder on my book. And improve my work for your better experience. Thakyou.


A Deal on The Life.

Doctor silva, now humble, looked at Rudra with an almost pleading expression. "You said this wouldn't work, please, if you know how to cure or save him – please do it."

Rudra gaze was steady his voice unwaning. "No. I am not here to cure or save anyone." The room fell silent, tension thick in the air as everyone absorbed his words.

"I warned you, but you didn't listen," he continued, his tone sharp. "Our deal was simple: I give you the fruit, and in exchange, you give me a million. I'm not here to cure anyone."

His final words echo ion the room, leaving everyone stunned. Doctor silva's face turned pale at Rudra's dismissal. Sam's frustration bubbled over, his hands clenching into fists as he tried to process the situation. Uncle khan sensing the rising tension, stepped forward his voice calm but firm with hint of urgency. "Lister, Rudra. I know we didn't listen to you, and I understand you don't want to get involved, but we need your help. If you do this for us, I promised I'll give you anything you want – money, business shares, mansion, anything precious and exotic. Just help us."

Rudar paused, weighing uncle khan's words. A million for the golden fruit would be substantial, but the thought of acquiring "Eternal Ember fruit" without any influence was more enticing. He knew the malik family was influential in Este India, and they would have resources to find such a rare fruit.

"Okay, Rudra said, his voice low and contemplative." "I want you to find a fruit that's hard to get. Can you do that?"

Uncle khan nodded eagerly. "One million for your golden fruit saving Sam's father life is already granted. I'll give you another million and the fruit you want."

Rudra raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "You're quite confident in your family's resource, aren't you?"

"Absolutely," uncle khan replei8d determination in his voice. "The Malik Family is not a small family; we are very influential family.

Rudra nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. He turned his attention back to Sam's father, whose condition was worsening again. Time was of the essence. He walked toward the bed, feeling the urgency in the air. The old man's breadth was shallowed and every minute counted.

As he approached Sam's father, Rudra quickly assesses the situation. He grabbed a box of acupuncture needles from the nearby table, his hands moving with precision and intent. He had extensive medical knowledge honed over centuries, and he was prepared to use it.

"Watched closely," he said, his voice firm yet calm as he began the acupuncture therapy. "This will help stabilize his energy flow." He started inserting needles into specific pressure points along the man's body, his movement deliberate and practiced. 

As Rudra worked, he explained the process to Sam and uncle khan. "The fruit you gave him is incredible potent, filled with immense vitality. However, it was raw, and you provide it to his fragile body. That chaos inside him is a result of the sudden influx of energy. We need to balance it out"


Doctor silva, watching grow the sidelines, felt a twinge of doubt but also curiosity. He had never seen someone works with such confidence and skill. Rudra's divine knowledge was unmatched, and he could feel the energy in the room shift as he continues his treatment.

After about a half hour, Rudra stepped back, wiping the swear from his brows. "He'll be alright now." The room fell in silent as everyone processed his words.

Sam's heart raced with hope and uncle khan watched with bated breath. The second stretched into what felt like hours. Finally, Sam's father eyes fluttered open. He starts cough violently, and blood spilled forth, carrying with it a foul smell that momentarily filled the room.

"Don't worry," Rudra reassured them, his voice steady. "The poison in his blood is being expelled." As if on cue, the coughing subsided, and Sam's father lay back against the pillows, his eyes still heavy but slowly clearing. Sam watched in amazement as the man, who moment ago had been the brink of the death, began to transform. Colour returned to his cheeks; his gey hair start darkened into yeh healthy shade of Black. The wrinkled of his face soothed out, and vitality surged back into him.

"Father?" Sam asked his voice trembling with emotions.

Sam's father turned his head, blinking as he took in the faces around him – three familiar ones and one unknown. He felt a surge of new vitality and energy course through his veins. A smile broke across his face, a radiant light shining from within. "I am fine now!" he exclaimed his laughter ringing through the room like a bell.

The relief in the air was palpable. Sam couldn't contain his joy. "Father, you are back!"

His father looked around, taking in the slight of his sons, uncle khan, doctor silva and the settled his gaze on Rudra, "Who are you?" he asked, his voice strong yet curious.

"Father," Sam interjects, pointing at Rudra. "He helped you heal."

Gratitude filled in Mr. Malik eyes as he returned to Rudra. "Thank you. I don't know how to express my gratitude properly, but I appreciate what you've done for me."

Sam's father, still in awe of his sudden recovery, chuckled. "Still, I'd like to thank you properly. After I've had to clean up myself. After clean myself I join you till please wait in the living room. We'll talk more. And I complete our transaction." Rudra nodded curtly, already turning to leave the room. " Then I'll be waiting in the living room."