Flames of Wrath.

Authore's Note: Hellow reder's, how are you? i hope you all doing well? i here come to thanks all of your support my book. But guyes you not comment and point out how i improve my story if you dont commnt so, how i improve that's why show me your more appreciation by commant how you like give powerstone and revive my work. Then is you show this i work more harder on my book. And improve my work for your better experience. Thakyou.


Flames of Wrath.

Mr. Malik stared, his eyes wide with aw and disbelief. "You… you are not a normal human or martial artist. You …. You are a cultivator!"

Rudra, irritation evident in his voice, shot back, "Just let me go. I'll forgot what you've done. But if you press this matter, so I don't have any reason for not kill everyone here."

When he said, then Uncle Khan stepped forward, concern etched on his face. "Kid, what going on? You are the cultivator? I am also a cultivator." As he spoke, he released his aura, which felt like a soft breeze to Rudra.

Two guards flanked Uncle Khan, both releasing their own auras, but Rudra still remained the unfazed. Uncle khan continued, "But we are three, and you are alone. How do you plan to match us?"

Rudra's anger flared more, the air around him crackling with the energy. "You really don't get it, do you?" he growled. The confrontation escalated as Uncle Khan lunged at Rudra, the two guards following suit. The fight was swift and brutal. Rudra danced through their attacks, his movement fluid and precise. He countered Uncle Khan's strikes with a series of devasting blows, each one landing with a sickening thud.

In a climatic moment, Rudra twisted and spun, using his agility to the dodge a heavy strike aimed at him. In one fluid motion, he stuck with the brutal efficiency, serving the legs and hand of uncle khan in a single move. The man collapsed to the ground; shock etched across his face as he gasped for breath. With the two guards down the uncle khan incapacitated, Rudra turned to face the father – son duo, who stood the frozen in the fear, their face pale. "I told you don't irritate me, but you didn't listen," he said, his eyes glowing in the deep blue. Then Behind him, the majestic seven- headed Black Naga serpent soul avatar emerged, its presence filling the room with a palpable send e of terror. Mr. Malik stammered, "No, leave us! I don't want your Golden fruit anymore! And you also take the remaining card! Or if you want, I'll give you any amount money, my business shares, mansions anything what you want but leave me, I don't want die." He tossed then remaining black card at Rudra's feet in a desperate plea.

Rudra, without a hint of hesitation, crushed the card beneath his foot. "I don't have a greed for your money Mr. Malik. I have what I deserve rightfully," he declared "But you… and your son don't listen me. I saved your life cure you, pull you from death's claw but what you do… force me to sell my fruits. Or not that you also threaten me it's very disgraceful… and today, you won't leave this place alive."

Both Mr. Malik and his son Sam Malik regret on own action and behaviour continue pleading to him but he not listen.

Then, with a chilling hiss, the seven- headed Naga Serpent released a plume of flames from its all seven mouths. The entire mansion ignited in an inferno, the fire consuming everything in its path. The screamed of Mr. Malik and his son or fainted guards echoed through the whole mansion airs as Rudra walked calmly through the flames, unscathed. As he exited the burning mansion, he turned one last time, his cold gaze locking onto the terrified and painful expression faces of Mr. Malik and his son. He muttered "I warned you, but you did not listen."

With that, he stepped away from the chaos, the flames licking at his heels like he is emperor of flame. As he made his way toward to home, but he left behind the burning mansion.


Unbeknownst to him, a beautiful, mysterious woman in the flowing white dress watched burning mansion and him from the distance. Her gaze was fixed on Rudra as he walked through the flams, a light smile gracing on her lips. "Who's this new handsome guy?" She mused to herself; her intrigue piqued. "I can't wait to the find out more about you, Mr. Handsome."