Night Bar.

Night Bar.

Rudra and Pepper walked down the dimly lit street, heading toward the night bar where his big sis. Is worked. The evening air was cool, and the streets were alive with the hum of city life. Pepper had changed into the outfit she wore to the club – an alluring, revealing dress that hugged her curves. The dress was black with a plunging neckline, thin straps, a slit that ran up to the thigh, showing off her long legs and she wore a long jacket to hide her cloths. It was something Rudra wasn't used to seeing her in, and it made him uncomfortable, but he kept his thought to himself.

They reached the bar soon after, a neon sign glowing above the entrance. The bar was crowded, with a mix of people laughing, talking and drinking. Music thumped loudly from the speakers, creating a rhythmic pulse that vibrate through the floor. The dim light and smoky air made the place feel like a different world, far removed from the streets outside. Pepper turned to Rudra as they stood near the entrance. "You wait by the Bar counter. I'll go talk to the boss."

Rudra nodded his expression calm but vigilant. "Okay, but if there's any trouble, just call me."

She smiled faintly and walked away toward the office, disappearing into the dim hallway at the back of the bar. Rudra made his way to the counter and leaned against it, scanning the crowd. The place was packed with all kinds of people, most of them appearing shady and rough around the edges. He was surprised Pepper wanted to leave.

Meanwhile, Pepper reached the office door, hesitating for a moment before knocking. After a gruff voice told her to enter, she stepped inside. Behin the desk sat a middle – aged man, the bar's owner. He had a thick, greasy Mustache and wore a tacky suit that barely hid his large belly. His eyes lit up with interest as he saw Pepper enter. "What do you want?" the man growled, through there was an unmistakable gleam in his eyes. Pepper, despite her nervousness kept her voice steady. "I am here to let you know I'm quitting the job. And tonight, will be my last shift."

The man demeanour changed instantly. He scowled, slamming his fist on the desk. "What did you say?" you are not quitting, Piya! You are the beauty of this bar. If you leave, what am I supposed to do?

"I am sorry, but I need to move on," Pepper said, trying to stay firm despite the growing tension.

The man rose grom his chair, towering over her. "You are not going anywhere. This bar needs you. Without you, I'll lost customers!" his voice lower to a dangerous tone. "You think you came and just walk out on me?"

Pepper took a step back, feeling the weight of his threats, but she held her ground. "I am leaving, whether you like it or not."

The boss smirked, his eyes narrowing. "You know, the knife Gang boss like you so much. He's our one of the main customers. If you leave without his approval. I'll have more than just a problem. He'll also come after you. Tell you what, he's coming here tonight. You talk to him, and if he says it's ok, you can leave."

Pria hesitate, feeling a pit from in her stomach. she knew what kind of the people the knife Gang dealt with, but what choice did she have? She didn't want any trouble for herself or her family. "Fine," she said, her voice is tight.

"I'll talk to him."

The boss's smirk grew wider. "Good girl."

She turned and left the office, the sense of dread creeping up her spine.


Back to the counter, Rudra wited patiently, sipping on waster as the bartender worked around him. He could feel eyes on him, but he ignored them, focused on his thoughts. He'd seen beauties beyond mortal comprehension in the divine realm, and while he notices the glances of women were throwing his way, it didn't faze him. His mind was no Pepper and what might be happening with her conversation.

As he waited, a woman approached him, catching his attention. She was stunning in her early twenties, with long, jet- black hair that cascade down her back and striking blue eyes that's parked under the bar's dim light. Her figures were full, her curves accentuated by the white dress she wore, which hugged her body tightly. She walked with a seductive grace, and as she sat beside Rudra at the counter, her smile was both inviting and mischievous.

"Hello, Mr. Handsome," she said in an alluring voice, her eyes lingering on him. "My name is Aurora." Rudra glanced at her, but gave little reaction. "Rudra," he did simply, nodding in acknowledgement. Sarswati leaned closer; her eyes filled with curiosity. "If you don't mind, can I buy a drink for you?" she asked, her voice still dripping with seduction. Rudra hesitated for a moment, but seeing no harm in it, he nodded. "Sure."

She smiled, signalling the bartender. "Two shorts, please."

As the drink arrived, she handed one to Rudra, who took it without much thought. In the divine realm, he had seen countless beauties, many more breathtaking than Aurora, and he had never let any of them distract him. He had learned with time how to control emotion and desires a long ago. That didn't mean she wasn't attractive, but her beauty a little effect on him.

"To new friend," Aurora said, raising her glass with a wink. Rudra clinked his glass with a wink. Rudra is wanted to question, Friends? when? why? But he didn't say just clinked glass against hers, and they both took their shoots. The alcohol burned slight as it went down, but it didn't bother him. He barely noticed it.

Sarswati orders another round and leaned his closer, her eyes shining with interest. "So, where are you from, Rudra?"

Before he could answer, a voice interrupted them, loud and filled with anger. "Who the hell are you?"