Mo bheag My Little one
Bràthair càraid Twinbrother
Piuthar càraid Twinsister
Hàlo Hello
Athair Father
Màthair Mother
Maighstir Teacher/Master
Mallachd mhòr ort! A big curse over you
Gu'n tuit an t-anshocas ort! May misfortune befall you!
Ainm an Diabhail! In the devils name!
Na innis a leithid de amaideas. Don't talk such nonsense.
Tha mi aig an thaigh. I'm back home.
Cùm ort fhèin. Take care of yourself.
Tha mi ga ghealltainn. I promise it.
Teine Biorach will-o'-the-wisp
Mo chreach fhèin! My own spoil/ruin
Oidhche na Bliadhn' Ùire Night of the New Year