Chapter 1: Kael Ross


"Ugh, someone silence that alarm," Kael moaned, ruffling his dark hair, still tangled from sleep.

"Sorry, bro! I've got an interview in like an hour!" His roommate Ethan shouted from across the house, his voice tinged with urgency. Kael checked his phone and saw that it was 6:30 a.m.

"Whatever, it's almost time for me to get up anyway," Kael muttered, rolling off the bed and landing on the floor with a thump. He pushed himself up, grabbed his phone, and staggered over to his closet, pulling out a simple outfit before ambling into the kitchen of the three-bedroom flat he shared with his roommates.

"What did you make for breakfast today, Liam?" Kael groused, sliding into his seat at the kitchen table. Liam, a professional chef who worked at a high-end nightclub, stood by the stove. Dressed in a simple black shirt and jeans, his slightly messy hair suggested he had just come off a long shift.

"Oh, just something simple: bacon, eggs, and some toast," Liam said with a yawn, bringing three plates to the table. Kael quickly snatched one from him, hovering over it almost protectively. Liam watched him, bemused, and started on his own plate of eggs.

Ethan walked in, looking sharp in his nicest suit, his slicked-back hair giving him an air of confidence. He grabbed the last plate with a grin.

"How do you think this interview is going to go?" Liam asked, noticing Ethan's polished appearance.

"I'm pretty confident about this one; it's right up my ballpark," Ethan said, excitement lighting up his sharp features. "It's at this major private investigator's agency, and they really need a cyber-security specialist!"

"Well, good luck," Kael said, swallowing his last bite of toast. "Offer to work with me still stands, though." Kael leaned back, mischief glittering in his eyes. He worked in the Research and Development department of a major mechanical engineering corporation and had enough pull to get Ethan a job in the IT department.

"I appreciate the offer, Kael, but I moved out so that I can get by on my own merits. Accepting a job from you would defeat the purpose."

"I know, and I respect that—just leaving the offer out there," Kael replied, a hint of sincerity in his voice. Having finished his breakfast, he took his dishes over to the sink and then trudged to the bathroom to get ready for work.

As he walked into his bedroom to grab a change of clothes, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Stubble and dark circles under his eyes stared back at him, a testament to the long hours he'd been putting in. The last few weeks had drained him; the pressure of his most recent project was exhausting, yet the thought of its completion filled him with a sense of purpose.

"Today's the day. I submit the finished product to the investors, and I get my name out there. Today's the day," Kael muttered, his voice tinged with hope. He hopped into his ensuite bathroom and let the warm water of the shower wash over him, easing the tension in his sore muscles. The steam enveloped him like a comforting embrace, momentarily drowning out the stress of his impending presentation.

When he stepped out, feeling refreshed and slightly more focused, Kael dressed in a standard polo, khakis, and his lab coat—his usual work attire. He exited the small home he shared with his childhood friends and walked toward the train station, where he would board it to reach work.

As he made his way to the station, his mind wandered to the latest episodes of his favorite shows. Kael had a secret—a source of inspiration that would leave him dreadfully embarrassed if his coworkers ever found out. Most of his inventive ideas stemmed from anime. The very invention he was set to present today was inspired by one of his all-time favorites, My Hero Academia.

He had figured out how to create a thread as strong as steel using carbon fiber, inspired by Eraserhead's Capture Scarf. This wasn't his first anime-based invention, but it was by far the most practical. As he strolled, he mentally reviewed the presentation he had prepared, feeling a swell of pride. He had packed it with so many innovative applications that he surprised even himself with how impactful his creation could be.

But then—


Kael jolted back to reality. Before he could make sense of what was happening, someone crashed into him, sending him sprawling to the ground. His head slammed against the pavement, and everything went white.

Groaning, he tried to push himself up, but a sharp pain shot through his head, disorienting him. His vision blurred as he caught sight of a masked figure standing over him, a gun pointed directly at his chest.

"Tch. Everyone's a hero these days," the man sneered. "Here's a lesson for you—it's not worth your life."

The words barely registered through the fog of pain clouding Kael's mind. His pulse quickened, the reality of the situation settling into his bones like ice. He tried to move, but his body felt heavy, unresponsive. His eyes flicked to the gun, then back to the masked man.

'This can't be happening.' Kael thought. 'I didn't get to say goodbye to Ethan or Liam, I didn't get to change the world with my inventions. And most importantly, I didn't get to finish One Piece. There were so many cool Devil Fruits we didn't get to see.' The gun cocking back jolting him out of his thoughts.

"Being a hero was the wrong choice, Kid"


And then Kael felt nothing.

The world blurred as darkness swept over him, and his last thoughts dissolved into the void.