Chapter 4 - Acceptance

The silver-haired woman had all eyes on her—a beautiful young woman with bright and shining silver hair put up neatly in a braided bun, shining blue eyes, and glistening lips. Her face reads bitter, but confident. Behind her is another fair-skinned young woman who is wearing gold and silver chain armor embezzled with a crest on her chest that looks straight out of the dark ages. As for the giant goose, he was a giant goose. 

"No hello? No introduction? Ouch." The white-haired woman spoke. 

"Hello, Reyna," said Mike. 

"Aren't you going to introduce me to all your friends here?" She Asked.

Mike glares with impatience and turns to announce himself to the room. "Everybody, this is Reyna. She is the granddaughter of one of the ex-Hikari, one of the legendary six."

"I'm pleased to meet you all, I'm Mike's old friend; he forgot to mention that. As for my companions, this is Karina, and this is 86H." She spoke, motioning to the two behind her. 

"You brought a goose?" Asked Mike.

"That goose is a mythical being. He's very important," she said.

"Ok, I'm not even gonna question it. As long as he's bathroom trained." 

"Alright, now for the real questions!" Karina shouted brashly. "So why did you dump her? I will say I cannot blame you, I'm sure she deserved it. I think about getting rid of her daily."

"Karina, don't be weird," said Reyna.

"Is it high maintenance? The overarching family heritage complex?" She Asked.

"Karina! Enough!" Reyna yelled. 

"Alright, alright. You can tell me later, sir, no worries." Karina chuckled. 

"Karina, if you wanted to know, she ghosted me. There isn't anything more to it," Mike said. 

Darn, not what I was hoping to hear." Karina sadly mumbled. 

"He just couldn't handle me being stronger than him, from what I remember," Reyna whispered. Kazuke laughs, letting out a light smile. 

"Oh, it's funny, Kazuke?" Asked Mike.

"Weaker than your partner, it's amusing to me," said Kazuke.

"Homura I'm guessing? I can tell by your crest and eyes." Reyna said, looking the man over.

"You are a Hallowswift, I can tell without looking at you. What is it to you?" Asked Kazuke. 

"It's just that I'm stronger than you too. Thought you would find it amusing," she said. 

Hinako jumped out of her chair, interjecting, "I got this! My software can scan power levels, and this is the perfect time to test it." 

"Hinako, no need to do that," said Mike.

"Why not Mike? It's all in good fun," Reyna said. 

"Do it, I want to know," Kazuke said.

"Ok, I'm on it!" She Shouted. She pointed her device at Kazuke. "Ok, Kazuke is logged." She aims the device at Reyna, and the device beeps aggressively. Her eyes widen, and she looks up at her. "Something is off, I think it might be broken. Let me try another one." The device does the same thing, and Hinako looks shocked again. "Well, it's too high to read. You broke my system, so I guess that's a win for you. Damn, this device really stinks." 

"Your hand, Mike," said Reyna, shrugging. 

"It's not exactly fair that you're related to a legend. That isn't the point right now. We need to stop this man. We need to do it fast," said Mike. 

The military-looking man next to Leon stands up and calls out to the room, "Hey everybody, I have something to say. My name is Piers Evans. Me and Leon have been looking over battle strategies, and in order to get this in line, I need you all to come and give me a rundown of your abilities and what you can handle. So if we could all form a line and come talk to me before we all go home to start preparing for this operation," 

"Piers, I'm glad you could come," said Mizuki. "However, I need to ask based on what Leon said: we won't be getting any help from Hikari or the upper levels of the government."

"No, stuff like this the Prime Minister wouldn't even be aware of, let alone to the level to send Hikari. Sadly, unless a government official is attacked, I doubt we are getting help. That's just how it is."

"I had a feeling; I just wanted to confirm. Continue." 

Mike goes to sit down in his office while everyone else goes to Piers to fall in line. Mike sits in his office, hands on his head, clearly stressed and mulling over the last 48 hours in his head. All of a sudden, a voice pops through, breaking the silence. 

"Hey, sorry to bother you." Mike looks up and into the doorway to his office, and Hianko stands leaning against the door. A look of concern stays hidden underneath a fake smile. 

"Don't worry about it; it has just been a long time without sleeping here," Mike said. 

"I understand that. I'm sure it's hard on you trying to gather all these people. Not to mention working with the FBI, all things considered. I just want to make sure you are taking care of yourself," she said.

"I appreciate the concern, I will be alright. You don't need to worry about me too much," said Mike.

"Ok, if you say so," she said. The girl is visibly nervous. As she speaks, her voice is trembling, and she is moving her hands around a lot.

"Are you okay?" You are shaking," he said. 

"I'm sorry, I'm just a bit nervous. I just don't know what I would do if something happened to you, Nathan, or Jerry. Anyone here. I have nowhere to go," she said.

Mike stands up and puts his hand on her shoulder. He looks firmly at her and speaks to her. "That isn't going to happen. You will always be welcome here, and you will always have a place to fall back on. I know home isn't great, and I don't want you to be stuck there. So rest assured, none of us will be going anywhere. Nathan is strong and smart. Jerry is never in danger. I wouldn't let anything happen to them either. We all have each other's backs."

Hinako brightens up. "Thank you, Mike, you guys are the only real family I have. If I didn't have this job, I would be in ruin. I'll get back to work and try to calm down." 

"Sounds good, I'll see you around," she said as she turned to leave. Mike sits back down at his desk, and another person walks in. Its Piers. 

"Hello sir, I would like to go over an idea I had for you that I think might work. While it isn't customary, I would allow you to have any power here; these people know you and trust you. Your judgment will be appreciated." 

"Go ahead. Don't get me wrong, I'm not thrilled about working with you either. There is a reason we don't apply to work for you. That said, I can see you don't exactly agree with how your side is handling this either." 

"Not at all, this guy is a threat that needs to be taken care of, I can see that. Anyway, we have a lot of people here with very similar skill sets. I think it could be to our benefit to have them train each other. Some of the more experienced train the less experienced. This could help strengthen our weak and keep our strong busy." 

"That's a good idea. I'll run it by everyone. Most should be fine with it, I imagine," said Mike, turning to leave. Mike goes out into the main room and speaks to the group. 

"I have an idea I got from Piers that I believe may be of benefit. If we are gonna beat this force together, we need everyone. I would like everyone to work together to train and get to know each other better. Everyone would be on call until we were able to locate the man. Junpei, I would like you to train Brody, Karina, and Reyna. I would also like you to train Brody and attempt to teach him some magic abilities. Anything could help. Kazuke, if you would be willing, I would like you to train Nathan the way you did me years ago. Lena, I suppose you could work with Hinako on intel." 

"I'm not training anyone," said Kazuke. "But I will do you one better. I know a guy you can train with the kid. You mentioned he can only use physical attacks, well, I happen to know somebody who even surpasses me in that department," said Kazuke. 

"Who do you know? Does he live in that underground tunnel with you?" Nathan Asked.

"No, the opposite of me; actually, he's quite flashy. I will tell you where to find him. He won't be opposed if I call in some favors. Now, with that being said, I'm out. Contact me when you know our next move," Kazuke said. He turns to leave the room casually. 

"I should head out as well," said Leon. "Piers, we should get back and keep working on our plan. I will be back tomorrow." 

Everyone but the main group and Lena head out. Nathan sleeps in the corner on a pile of blankets, and Brody lays in the corner up against the wall. Lena and Mike talk over food at a table in the break room.

"What's on your mind?" She asks, "You seem on edge."

"Its just weird to think all these people are counting on us to lead them, and if we screw up, they could die, and it would be all on us. I can't believe they trust me to be a big part of this operation. 

"That is a lot of pressure, but I know you can handle it. You have always handled it and this is no different than before. Just a larger scale."

"That's an understatement. It seems this masked man could wipe the floor with any of us with ease. It's going to require perfect teamwork to even have a chance."

"Well, good thing we are a great team!" 

"Yeah, that's true, as long as we all cover each other, things will work out. They just have to. It feels nostalgic to have Oxford back together."

"Don't get too sentimental now, unless when this is all over, I can convince you to rejoin."

"Crazier things have happened."



Brian Dales walks to his luxury apartment on the north side of the city. He walks up the stairs and goes to the door, where he begins to put the key in but realizes the door has already been unlocked. He looks around confusedly and proceeds in. Everything looks normal, but as he walks into the living room, he sees somebody sitting in the rocking chair near the fireplace. The man turns to reveal himself slowly. It's the masked man. Brian balls his fist, ready to charge, but the man holds his hand up. 

"Have a seat, Brian. Get you something to drink." He says.

"What are you doing in my apartment? Leave!" Dales shouts.

"Portal magic. Stored armory." He holds his hand up, and a small, clear disc forms. 

"Don't worry, I will, but not just yet, I have an offer to make. Now, have a seat, or I will have to kill you right here and now."

Brian holds in place for a second and considers running. He thinks to himself. "If I run, he could destroy this whole building. Not to mention he knows where I live." After a minute, Brian reluctantly powers down his spell, takes a seat across from the man, and cups his hands. "What do you want?" He asks, his voice trembling.

"Look, I'm not one to beat around the bush, so I'm gonna get right into it. You have a history that interests me. You used to work with Michael Tozuki. So I want you to tell me where he is and how to get to him. If you know, tell me, and you'll be paid handsomely." 

"The answer is no. I don't take orders from street scum. Not to mention me and him, don't talk anymore. I have no clue where he is now." 

"Ouch, Mr. Dales, that's a bit harsh, don't you think? It's not me that's the scum here. Now I'll ask again. This time with the stakes raised. Help, or I will do something. Drastic." 

"You don't scare me. Do as you wish. I will not be intimidated by a terrorist." 

"Ok, Brian, suit yourself. We are on the cusp of a revolution. While I don't think you or him are a threat to me, I'd like to be rid of him sooner rather than later. Now that I know the government isn't looking to step in, even after my large-scale incident, I know I can move freely. Anyway, I will see you around. How does that sound? Oh, and your taste in bourbon is great, I must say." Dales looks on in shock as the man leaps out the window and takes off into the night. 

 "Well that was weird. What a coincidence that guy comes after me the second I get involved in this conflict! Does he know about that? I doubt it. Why would he dance around the subject then? Either way, I handled that shit great. Roll dales. No, that sounds terrible. Dales engage! No, I'll just stop."



The next morning, Kazuke and Nathan go to make way for Kazuke's friend's home. They don't speak much on the way there, as Kazuke is stone-faced and doesn't seem keen on having any social dialect. When they arrive at a decent-sized square building, Nathan proceeds inside. Kazuke waves one hand and turns to leave without saying anything. Nathan proceeds forward, and out of nowhere, a man in a tracksuit comes flying down from the ceiling and spin kicks Nathan, sending him sailing back. Nathan catches himself to see the man. A silly-looking man with a strange haircut and a blue tracksuit, orange trainers, and one single white belt around his waist. He smirks. 

"It appears I am to train you in hand-to-hand combat. First, let's see what you have!" The man yells. He flies towards Nathan with great speed, and Nathan throws his guard up. The two exchanges blows and Nathan gets the upper hand. When the man goes to throw a punch, Nathan catches it and sends him flying back. The man lands harshly and slides across the floor. Nathan leaps into the air and goes to land a dropkick on the idle fellow. The man rolls, but Nathan hits the floor with one leg., bounces up, and slams back down landing a large kick on his stomach. The man lets out a gasp and clutches his stomach. 

"You're pretty fast, but you lack power. Easy game," said Nathan.

"That is what you think sir. That was just round one," said the man. His face begins to turn red, and he squats down as if to jump. But when he does, a large burst of wind appears from around him. "Limit release technique, second stage!" He yells. A flash, and he is gone. Nathan looks around but cannot seem to find him. Nathan looks down, and suddenly he appears and boots Nathan in the jaw sending him upwards. Nathan recovers and flies down screaming like a monkey. The man dodges spinning backwards and goes in for a kick. Nathan blocks it and counterattacks, slamming him in the chest. Sending him stumbling. He squats again, as if to charge up once more. "Limit release stage 3!" He yells. He charges Nathan now moving so fast Nathan can't react. He tries to block but misses, and the man goes straight through his defense, stopping one inch from his face. Nathan breathes heavily and looks at him. He powers down and backs up, slowly smiling. 

"You are fast, I'm not going to lie, I've never seen anyone move like that, not even Mike," said Nathan. 

"There is a reason for this, I have been briefed on what you are capable of. Do not fret just yet. You are faster than I was before I could unlock my true potential. My young one, you can even surpass me if you can learn these techniques," said the man.

"How? It's almost like you've become a different person. I can't do that." Asked Nathan.

"You are able to enhance your strength and speed with mana control, which is great. You are very good at it, but you must learn to push past that. Enhance it further beyond your limits. I can help you do this with my special technique that only I know, but I warn you that this will not be easy," said the man.

"Count me in, whatever it takes, I want to know how. If I can move like you, I can be a true hero, and Mike will accept my choice."

"You have good motivation, if that's the case, then let's start! My name is Youta Li. Now for your uniform!"

"I'll pass on the uniform."

"Suit yourself!" 


Later that night, Mike sits in his apartment watching television and he receives a call from Leon. 

"Mike, we need you to come to Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0001, there was a building fire."

"Leon, I'm not trying to be insensitive, but what need am I at a random building fire?"

"Trust me, it's not random, this is Junpei Matsui's apartment building. Somebody lit it on fire. It looks like arson."

"Are you kidding? Is he okay?" "Not really, he's out of the building and he's alive, but he's heavily injured. Get here now, and I'll explain it. I'll call your brother."

"Got it, I'm on my way now."

He makes his way across town to Junpei's apartment, and when he arrives, a site of horror is unveiled. Lena, Leon, Piers, Hinako, Youta ,Nathan and Brody stand in front of the building. Smoke bellows from above as the base burns to the ground. Then Mike notices the ambulance soldier leaning up on a stretcher in bad shape. Mike runs up to Nathan.

"What happened?" Mike Asked.

"We are waiting to hear from Junpei. They found him beat down and unconscious out on the front steps, and the building leveled and on fire," said Nathan.

"I think we know who did this," Mike said angrily.

"I have an idea," Nathan responded.

Leon walks up and talks to Mike calmly. "The other building residents say somebody knocked on their door wearing a fireman's outfit, telling them they needed to leave the building due to a gas leak. Junpei didn't seem to get the memo. Then the building was apparently lit up and left to burn. He only lived because he leaped onto a pile of trash in the alleyway."

"Let me guess, that fireman wasn't really a fireman." Mike said.

"No, he wasn't," said Leon. 

The gang sits in various states of disarray in front of the now-destroyed building. I'm unsure of what to do now. Mike stands away from the others, close to the flames, fuming with anger. He turns and begins to walk away. 

"Where are you going? Hey! Where are you going?" Leon yelled. 

"I'm going to put an end to this. Now," said Mike. 

"Mike, you and I both know it's not that easy. Calm down. We will figure this out," said Leon.

Mike turns and walks quickly towards Leon. Grabbing him harshly by the straps of his holsters. "And how many more people are going to get hurt before we figure it out, Leon? How many more buildings leveled? How many of our friends and allies will be killed or beaten to near death? You tell me how many more you are okay with. Then we can talk about waiting." 

Nathan runs up and interjects. "I know you are upset, but Leon is right. This situation isn't easy, but we really need to take it slow here. If we let him pick us off, we'll lose this battle before it's even begun. You said it yourself, we need all of us." 

"Well then let's fucking get to it. I'm done waiting around. Nathan, get back to your training. Lena and Junpei can stay at our base, and the rest of you get back to work!" Mike yelled, straining. He breathes heavily, clenching his fist. Everyone looks on in shock as the usually level-headed captain looks like he's about to blow a gasket. The moment is then interrupted by coughing and moaning heard from the stretcher. Junpei has awoken. Mike runs over to him. "Are you alright? What happened?" 

"I was asleep; I didn't hear a fire alarm or anything. The door was blocked off. I had to jump," said Junpei. The soldier can barely muster another breath before grabbing his right arm in pain. "I'm afraid I will be out for a while, but as for your marksman friend, I will still train him. Just give me a rest, and I'll be good for tomorrow." 

"Take as much time as you need, this isn't your job; you need to think of yourself," Mike said.

"I understand, but I need to do something. I can't just sit around being dead weight," he groaned. 

Lena looks at Mike and talks in an oddly cheery voice. "Mike, why don't you go back to your apartment tonight instead of the base? You need to clear your head and rest. You've been working nonstop. I'll go back to your base and run things today. Take a night to calm down." 

"I can't take breaks at a time like this I -" 

"No, she's right Mike." Nathan Interjects. "We will take over today, and you take a night off. Tomorrow morning, we can regroup at base and go over our plan. We need you 100% anyway. You are no good to us like this." 

"Fine, but call me if anything goes wrong." 

"You have my word. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that," said Nathan.

Leon speaks. "Not to interrupt, but Junpei. If you want to use our training facility for whatever you need, you guys can head there. I'll send my authorization. Since he is under contract with us, they shouldn't cause trouble." 

"That would be great. Thank you. I'll take you up on that, '' said Junpei. 

A medic looks up from paperwork and yells at the man, "Sir, no way you are in no shape to do any sort of training let alone walking." 

He rips off the sling and he snaps his wrist back into place and shrugs. "Trust me, I'm good kid. I've had worse happen. I survived a war. I can handle this." 

Junpei and Brody head off to the JDG, with Piers and Leon not far behind. Lena and Nathan all head back to home base while Mike makes way for his apartment. Once Mike arrives, he unlocks his door and heads inside to a small but well-furnished apartment. He has a seat on a black leather chair. He pours himself a drink and leans back, soaking in all that has happened. Mike falls asleep, and a few hours pass. It is now 10:18 p.m. the same day and he slowly and groggily stands up and walks towards the kitchen, but is interrupted by a knock at the door. Mike goes into full alert. He whispers under his breath. "The masked man?" He slowly walks towards the door and leans up against the wall. Ready to open it. He swings the door open fast and rears his arm back as if to lunge. The person outside the door looks confused and stares wide. It is not the masked man, but Hinako. Mike drops his fist and slumps, letting out the tension in his face and body. "My apologies, I thought you were somebody else." 

"Are you expecting somebody to come soon that you are planning on decking when they open the door?"

"No, I just don't know what to expect anymore. Is everything alright? It's awfully late for you to be stopping by." 

"I know, but my parents are fighting, and I was a bit worried about you. Nathan said you were all stressed out."

"In that case, come on in, and I'm sorry to hear that." He motions her in, and they sit on two chairs in the kitchen. She places a bag on the table. "As for me being stressed, a bit, yeah, but I'm ok. Nathan was right. I just needed to sleep and clear my head. He's actually the calm one most of the time." 

"Maybe you need to sleep some more so you don't assault the pizza guy or the mailman. Oh well, anyway, Nathan told me you'd be going home to rest, so I figured I'd drop you off some food. So you wouldn't have to go out. Take some weight off your shoulders. I know it's not much, but it's the least I can do."

"It's the thought that counts, thank you." 

"Also, I know this is cliche but if you need somebody to talk to, I may not know a lot about what's going on with all this, but I can listen. Just because I'm young doesn't mean I can't help." 

"Well, I appreciate that. I'm not much of a talker when it comes to my issues though. I'll keep it in mind though. Anyway, what about your parents? What is it now?"

"Just more arguing. Started off like normal, but when I heard things start to fly I left. It seems like this is every night now." 

"You know, it pains me to hear that. I know you don't wanna hear it but we can help you. Jerry said staying with him is an option, worst case you can crash here too."

"I know, and I would like that, but they are my parents. It still feels wrong to do that."

"Hinako, they are evil people, they put you through so much that you shouldn't feel bad for caring for yourself. It could be dangerous to stay there."

"I don't know if I'd go that far."

"Well what about when your mom gets drunk? I'm just looking out for you; I don't want to see you end up hurt."

"Let's just drop it, I don't want you to stress out about me. You have enough to worry about."

"Alright, if that's what you want but we aren't done discussing this."

"Fine, alright, we will talk more about this once you crush that masked freak. God, I wish I was as strong as you and Nathan, or even Mr. Tozuki."

"Who says you aren't?"

"I can't fight, I'm just a glorified tech support agent." 

Mike stands from his chair and walks over to lean on the wall. "You know, strength is relative, you look at me, and you think I'm strong because I can fight. Where I look at you and how you have all these things going wrong, the weight of the world coming down on you and you are still level-headed and cheery. You keep pressing forward, you help others even when you are down. To me, that's real strength. We all play our parts, and don't think that just because you're not a fighter, you can't be useful. You are strong in your own way." 

"Maybe you are right, I sure hope so. Well, I should be going before my parents call the cops. Plus, I need to finish another application for school, then I gotta be at the base first thing in the morning!"

"Keep your head up kid, soon all that work is gonna pay off. Just don't forget us when you're the next big scientist."

"I won't, have a good night Mike," she says, turning to leave and walking down the hall to the stairs and exits. Mike closes his door and walks to the bed after placing the food in the fridge, and lies down. Within minutes, he's asleep, and before he knows it his alarm is blaring. 6 AM. 


"Time to go to work." Mike Yawns. He gets up and gets dressed quickly, grabbing the food he placed in the fridge last night. "He runs out of the house and heads for Jerry's. When he arrives, he walks into the storefront, and Jerry isn't in yet. Down to the base area, and a few people are sparingly around the room. Kazuke is sitting and drinking tea, Lena is there on the computer, Hinako knocked out at his desk, and Leon and Piers are once again talking over contingency, or so it seems." 

"Leon, I think you need to let that woman go," Piers says. 

"I wish it was that simple, but she just gets me Piers,." said Leon. 

"Leon, you see her once every few years, and the last time she tried to rob you of classified info," said Piers. 

"You don't get it Piers; just stop." 

"Girl trouble Leon?" Asked Mike. 

"Yeah, the story of my life. I swear it's impossible out here," said Leon. "Anyway, I want you to take a look at this idea me and Piers have. Also, your pal over there has come up with a lot of new tech ideas to make a lot of our non-super gifted fighters stronger." 

"I'll be happy to hear it but where is everyone?" said Mike. 

"I told everyone to be on call. Nathan is training with Youta and Brody with Junpei," said Leon.

"Fair enough, that's good. As for you Kazuke, why come?" Asked Mike. 

Kazuke tilts his head, glancing subtly in Mike's direction. "To be near you of course. You know how I adore social interactions." 

"Spill it. Everyone knows that's not the reason, Kazuke."

"My home is a bit far, so if I were to be called it would be hard to travel here in time. So I'm staying here in case. Shows commitment, right?" said Kazuke. 

"Glad to see you care. Finally coming around to me again."

"Trust me, the second I have something better to do, I'm out." 

"Well, let's hope that doesn't happen then," said Leon. 

The video call system on the computer rings and Hinako slowly wakes up. 

"I got it." She groans out over a yawn. She answers the call, and Jill Winters the police chief appears on the screen. Before anyone can speak, she speaks ferociously over the speaker.

"I hate to bother you again but I need help. Half our force is down and recovering from the last attack, and we are spread thin all over town with how much crime has been happening. Somebody attacked the Centurion Mall and is reeking havoc, and we can't stop them. My men on the ground claim some sort of dog is in there attacking people!"

Kazuke raises an eyebrow and speaks to the angry woman, "You guys can't handle a dog? We are a bit spread out here too, only a few of us are at the base." 

"I'll take any help I can get, please." She begs. 

"I'll see what I can do, Jill; we'll be over there soon," said Mike.

"Thank you, bring everyone; we will need it," she said.

"Will do," Mike says, nodding. The screen turns off, and Mike turns to his team. "Are you guys good?" 

They all stand up as if to acknowledge that they are good to roll. Except Kazuke, he looks at Mike with a dead gaze. "I'll stay here, you shouldn't need me for this kind of thing."

"Suit yourself, I don't think this is the masked man, so we will handle it like a normal mission," Mike responded.

 The crew heads upstairs, and make their way to the van and drives over to the north side of town to the Centurion Mall. The biggest mall in the city. 

"More attacks, it never ends," said Mike.

"It feels like they are trying to wear us down and spread us out. The train station makes sense, but why a mall? What is there to steal there? A few pretzels?" said Leon.

"I could use a small pretzel right now. Maybe a steak actually? "said Piers.

"I'm not sure, but this feels off. As for that dog, I wonder what she meant," said Mike. 

"Yeah, it was awfully vague, but the mall is up ahead. Let's proceed on foot," said Lena. 

The four of them run up to the police line and see Winters. She turns and smiles when she sees them. "There you guys are. We need your help now; they are in there killing my men in a hurry!" She yelled. 

"They? You said a dog, what else is there?" Mike Asked.

"Just go, you can handle it. It's nothing you haven't faced before,'' she said, motioning him towards the door. Her face was frantic and nervous. 

The four run up the steps into the mall and move tactically through the mall. Police bodies lay scattered everywhere. It has been a brutal scene here no doubt. As they move up towards the food court, they spot them. One large creature standing on all fours, he is a white color and has drools pouring from his large jaws. The other is a large male creature that appears to have eight arms. The team moves up, and as they do Leon steps on a cup that was left on the ground, and as he does the dog creature spins its head and looks in that direction. It runs on all fours at Leon and leaps through the air snarling. Leon takes off and into another section of the mall, the dog not far behind. Leon calls his teammates. 

"I'll handle Baxter over here. You guys take out the big guy." 

The three remaining move up and surround the large creature. It turns to them and shows its grotesque face. The man creature has no teeth, a scared-up face and a jumbled mess of flesh are sewn together on him. He lifts all eight of his arms up and shows a sick, disgusting smile. He lets out a gurgling yell that is barely coherent. "more playthings!" The creature laughs, spitting up blood and phlegm. The creature screams to the sky and leaps through the air going straight for Piers. Piers rolls back and opens fire on the creature. The creature shuffles towards him and grabs Piers by the arm, and tosses him harshly, sending him flying into the glass of a nearby storefront. Piers groans and hits the ground, holding his arm. Lena springs forward and tries to kick the creature, but it does nothing. The creature tries to grab her, but she flips back to avoid it. Mike begins to charge a lightning attack and aims to attack from behind while Lena is distracting it. Mike runs full speed at the creatures back, and without even turning three of the creatures arms reach backwards and catch Mike by the neck and begin to strangle him. He tries to pry its hands off but its grip firms. Lena rushes forward to attempt to free Mike and violently, the creature fires another arm grabbing her by the throat as well. The creature grips too harshly to break free. They both struggle kicking and pushing as Piers stumbles to his feet aiming his rifle.

"Suck my fucking balls you monster doucebag," he says. Piers fires a smoke shell right into the monster's face which explodes. Causing the monster to drop Lena and Mike. Lena grabs Mike and yanks him away. They both get to their feet and prepare to go back in. 

"Lena, a straight-on attack isn't gonna work, this thing has no blind spots; speed isn't gonna cut it either; he's fast and too strong to fight hand to hand. I'm thinking of springboard formation." He says.

"That might allow us to stay out of his range while landing a counterattack; good call. I'm on it!" She yells. 

Mike charges forward, with Lena not far behind. Mike charges up and channels two lightning-based attacks. 2 large balls of electricity chain from his hands.

"Lightning magic." This time he does something different, he charges the monster, and 3 feet before he gets there he rears his arms back and slams the ground falling to both knees and touching his head to the floor. The lightning from his hands travels in a shockwave across the ground and up the beast's body. "Conduction ripple." Mike yells. 

 The beast shrieks and appears to be stunned. A moment after Lena runs, she uses Mike to jump off and get air. She sails over the monster and just as she is directly above him she reaches into her chest pulling out a large blue ball of energy. As she passes by she whips it, sticking it to the top of his head. The monster scrambles to remove it but he's stuck in place from Mike's previous attack. The orb makes a whistling sound then detonates and the monster's head is blown to pieces. He stumbles around for a few seconds before falling to the ground with a thud. 

"Nice move, still got it! Now Leon," Mike says. 

Meanwhile, Leon is running from the dog. Leon moves quick and agile dodging kiosks and maneuvering. While the monster follows on his heels knocking over everything in sight. Leon noticed a sign on a large department store saying "Grill Sale" and turned hard right into the store. The monster turns too but slides on the shiny polished floor, losing grip. Leon sprints towards the section that reads home and garden. He sees the dead end is a section filled with grills and cookware. Leon continues full throttle towards a wall, and the beast is right in his tail. As Leon gets towards the wall he presses one foot off and pushes off, leaping backwards over the beast. The beast, failing to slow down, slams into the wall and knocks over a grill and a bunch of propane tanks. Leon draws his weapon. "Down boy." Leon fires, hitting a propane tank. The tank explodes, setting off every other tank in succession. Leon is sent backwards by a shockwave of heat and a rain of blood. He climbs to his feet and wipes off his face. "That was not an animatronic. That's for sure. Damn bioweapons." Leon struggles to his feet and heads back to the main part of the mall to see Mike helping Piers to his feet and Lena running in his direction. 

"Where is that creature?" She asks.

"I took care of it, he won't be coming back. What happened to Piers?" Leon asked.

"He took a bad hit, if that thing is down we should get him out of here. Did you see any survivors?" She asked.

"No, anyone I found didn't look human. I'm sorry, but I think we were too late."

"Damn it, if only we knew sooner. This is horrible," she said.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, we did what we could. Now let's get Evans out of here and relay the news to Jill," said Leon. 

They exit the building and Mike hands Piers off to Leon. Mike walks toward Jill and confronts her. "A dog? That's a dog to you? Did you forget to mention the walking skin graft?" 

"Looks like you all made it out," she said.

"Barely! Piers was almost killed. We are not your suicide squad, and neither were those officers. We are willing to help but next time be more clear," he said firmly. 

"Ok, noted. I'm sorry, I just needed your help. What about my five officers?"

"I'm sorry, but I think they have all passed on, we found no survivors."

"Damn, not what I was hoping to hear."

"I know, I'm sorry we couldn't save them. Not to cut you off but can you get a medic to look at Piers? He's in bad shape."

"Yes, of course right over there. But you need to stay here for a while. I need a full report on everything that happened. Her and Leon too." 

"very well. I'll tell you everything we saw." 


Back at base Kazuke sits alone in the basement, Hinako has gone to lunch. He looks to see Jerry exiting from the elevator. Jerry walks in and leans up against the wall slightly, not directly meeting Kazuke's gaze. 

"Hey kid, I knew you were here and I got a question if you don't mind." Asked Jerry.

"Yes sir?" Kazuke responded. More respectfully than usual. 

"You know, I have met most of Mike's friends before. You however, I don't know much about. If you are gonna be hanging around here I'd like to know what you are about," Jerry said with an even tone.

"It's a bit of a long story. Not really a cheery one either," said Kazuke deflecting. 

"Well I got time and you look bored. Come on, entertain an old man, will you?" Jerry pleaded jokingly. 

"Alright, I'll give you the short version, but be aware this isn't something I enjoy talking about, so I will keep it brief. I am part of the Homura family. We go back many decades, and throughout our lineage the entire purpose of one's existence is defined by how powerful they are. It's funny actually. If you decipher the ancient text passed down from our predecessors it tells of honor, nobility, and sacrifice, but the reality of the recent Homura clan activities couldn't be further from that. Our clan has gone to great lengths to attain the abilities they have. One of my most powerful things in my arsenal is a direct result of some dark meddling one of our former members did years ago."

"A power passed down from your ancestors? A parting gift of sorts?"

"Not exactly. You aren't born able to use it. It's activated. When somebody in our family has performed the ritual rites, they begin to experience something. Something that grants them the gateway to use it. Although I'm unsure if this is true to the tee, Truth be told I don't believe anyone knows how the pact truly works."

"Ritual? "

"Generally speaking, seeing somebody you love die. Or the shortcut many members of my family took. Killing somebody you love with your own hands. They view it as a blood ritual. A pact with the demon." 

"This sounds like a blood-soaked history. If I can ask, how did you progress this? You don't seem keen on following your family's values."

Kazuke pauses before speaking bluntly. "I killed my father because he killed my younger brother in order to gain power. Funny thing, actually. After he killed my brother it didn't even work. He was still unable to summon the creature." Jerry sat with a blank face of regret. "It's not a big deal. I'm cold to it now. Thank you for caring to ask and not just assuming I'm an emotionless shell like most do."

"You never judge a book by its cover. I'll tell you what I gotta get back to the shop, but I'd like to hear more about this later. I'll even tell you about my old days as a hero. Not as exciting as the story you got, but it seems only fair."

Kazuke lets out a soft smile. "Sure, why not?"

Jerry waves his hand and heads upstairs. He sits behind the counter, smoking a cigar, and reading the paper. All of a sudden, the bell on the door rings. A man walks in and Jerry doesn't look up. The man approaches the counter and leans up against it. Jerry speaks. "Sorry about that, big headlines today. What can I do for you sir, looking for anything specific?"

The man puts his hand firmly down. "Yes, actually I'm looking for a group of vagabonds that live here."

Jerry lowers his paper and sees him. the masked man. Before Jerry can speak, the man grabs Jerry and yanks him over the counter throwing him onto the floor. The man aims his arms at Jerry as if threatening to blow him away if he doesn't comply. 

"Where is their base? When will Michael Tozuki come here?" He says demandingly.

Jerry speaks, his voice quivering. "I don't know a Tozuki, you could just be at the wrong place."

"Is that so, Jerry Tozuki?" 

"Mikey is here and he's gonna kick your ass if you don't leave."

"lies. Multiple lies. I know he's at the mall stopping the little diversion I set up. I know this is his base of operations, and I plan to finish him when he comes back. Now I'm gonna ask again. Where is the base?"

"Awfully tough picking on elderly shopkeepers aren't we?" The masked man looks up, and standing in the doorway to the back room is Kazuke. 

"Ah, and where did you come from? This doesn't concern you. Leave."

"You are gonna find I'm not like the others. I am not going to sit here and take your bullshit," Kazuke said now gritting his voice.

"And why is that? What makes you different?" The man asked. 

"I see through your facade. You aren't all you pretend to be. You act like you are a force but the truth is you're a coward. Not to mention I don't like your style. The way you go sneaking around in the night going from target to target. The way you prance around like you're some sort of god, it's disgusting. You disgust me. The truth is you are nothing more than another run-of-the mill villain with a god complex, and you lack in the mental department. Now back away from the man before I kill you and this game is over." 

"You are bold, you don't beat around the bush, I like that. Interesting proposal. I will be back for you later. For right now, I'm taking the man." 

Kazuke cracks his sword from the sheath and slides it upwards. "Try it, move, and I will end you." 

The masked man picks up Jerry and slings him over his shoulder. He turns and kicks the front door off the hinges, and takes a step outside. Before he can take one more he turns his head to see Kazuke flying at him flames billowing off his hand. The masked man throws up his guard and the fire hits. The man slides back into the outside parking lot with Kazuke. He drops Jerry, and Jerry crawls away to get out of the way. Kazuke and the man jump back and prepare to fight. Kazuke draws his sword and the man readies his stance. The two charge and clash. Punches and strikes clash quickly as both fighters try to get a strike in. Both fighters try to land hits but it seems evenly matched. All of sudden every few swings the masked man manages to land a hit. Kazuke begins struggling to keep up. The masked man rears back, ready to land a large hit. Kazuke sees this and charges his sword with fire holding it up to dodge. The man sees this and holds back his punch. He attempts to sweep Kazuke's legs but he jumps and dodges it. He flips backwards and plants his feet ready to go back in again but before he can the man is on him and hits an uppercut right on his jaw sending Kazuke into the air. While falling Kazuke sticks his sword into the ground and lands on its handle using it to jump behind the man. Kazuke kicks and the man grabs his foot, flipping him away. The man gets under him before he hits the ground and slams his fist upwards into Kazuke's stomach. Blood flies from his mouth, and he gasps for breath. Kazuke lands and readies his sword again, imbuing it with a large roaring fire. The men continue in close combat but Kazuke is losing ground quickly. He tires while the man continues at full power. Kazuke disengages and holds his arms back. He charges up and as he does a large ball of fire begins to form. 

"Fire magic, inferno projection!" He lets out a loud yell as he sends it hurtling towards the man with great speed. The man doesn't even move; he just holds his hands up and dispels it like nothing. "Fuck," he curses, clearly frustrated.

The masked man laughs, "Is that all? Big talk for a guy who hasn't even been able to hit me once." 

"Well I didn't think I'd have to use this here, but I guess you'll be the first one to see this in a long while." 

"You won't live to see it yourself!" The man retorts.

The masked man charges, and as he does a wall appears in front of him, sending him bouncing back. In front of Kazuke is a large flaming, semi-transparent humanoid creature. The ethereal shroud has two large hands with two large daggers made of pure inferno. Kazuke looks on his calm expression, not wavering.

"What is that?" The masked man asks. " 

"a destructive ethereal being that follows my every command. For lack of better words, it's a demon." The being's daggers fade back into large holes and a bow appears in its hands. It charges the bow back and prepares to fire an arrow scorching red. The masked man runs. "Not so fast! Flame conjuring. Scatter!" Kazuke yells. The massive arrow flies and splits into five smaller arrows. Hitting the areas around the masked man displaying great destructive power. Kazuke now has him on the run. He dodges the arrow blast, but Kazuke just charges up another. "Dodge this with your witless eye sore!" The massive arrow hits the ground near the man and sends him flying. He stumbles across the ground and gets up slowly. The man's mask has been torn. Revealing one of his eyes and a quarter of his face. The man looks at Kazuke as he stumbles to his feet and brushes off his jacket. He begins laughing. "What is so funny you fool? Are you thinking over your life choices? Taking inventory before I crush you into dust?" 

"I'm truly impressed. No sarcasm intended, you really are different from the others. Truly on another level. But let's see how well you do when the odds are stacked against you."

"Warzone magic! Hot drop kick!" A voice screams from the air. All of a sudden, from behind a man in a wife beater flies in and slams Kazuke's summoning in the back. He turns and repels it, sending the man flying. Then another man appears from the right. "Ashe Magic! Smoldering smoke!" He yells as he fires a cloud of burning dust from his hands. The man then leaps and tries to kick Kazuke's demon in the face but it grabs him and slams him into the ground. Kazuke looks around for the masked man and he is nowhere to be found. Kazuke braces and turns rapidly but it's too late. All of a sudden, the man appears behind the demon. The man comes flying in at Mach 1 and kicks a hole through the back of it. Kazuke guards, but it's too late. He is hit and he goes flying. He hits the ground hard and is unable to move. He raises his arm to control his summon, but then he grabs his head. As he does the summon begins to fade and then disappear. "Damn, that's my limit right now. Out of mana."

"The masked man walks over, his two goons in stride. He walks up and kicks Kazuke over and over. As he does this, Jerry struggles to his feet and runs toward the masked man. The man is so caught up in finishing Kazuke he had no clue. Jerry grabs Kazukes sword off the ground and jumps, coming down onto the masked man's shoulder and yelling. "Leave the kid alone you thug!" 

The masked man groans and grabs his shoulder. The blade now lodged in it. "You fucking bitch." The man picks Jerry up off the ground and holds his hand back.

"No, let him go!" Kazuke shouts. He tries to move but falls back down. 

The masked man lunges and pierces his hand directly through Jerry's chest. He throws Jerry aside as he hits the ground violently and bleeds out on the concrete. He gurgles and the masked man looks down. The eye peering out of his cracked mask widens. "Damn it, you snuck up on me, why would you do that you fool? I didn't want to kill you, why couldn't you just tell me where the boy was? Now look where you are." The man drops to one knee putting his hand on his head and he begins shaking. He punches the concrete hard sending rubble flying in every direction as Jerry lay bleeding now silent. "If people would just listen to me nothing would have to happen like this. God damn it, you humans are so opposed to being saved; it's unreal." All of sudden he calms and stops shaking. "Oh well, nothing can be done now. A mistake in my plans." He stands to his feet.

"Boss, I hate to say it but that guy knicked you badly with that sword, you're bleeding heavily."

"Damn shopkeeper, you knew where to get me, I fear you are right. This could be bad if I don't get medical attention. Fine, Snodderly, OJ, let's get out of here. The police are on their way from the explosions, and more attention is the last thing we need. We will be back for Tozuki now that we know he hangs around here." The goons nod their heads and take off with the man rapidly. Kazuke looks at Jerry. Jerry is dead.