The team loads up and gets ready to roll. Most of the team suits up and loads their weaponry. Youta sits in the corner giving Nathan a motivational speech as they use no weapons or gear. So there is no need to pack.
"Remember this opponent is very strong. So we shall go very very fast." Says Youta far louder than needed.
"Right Youta I know." Says Nathan.
"Your training has been harsh, now it is time to enjoy the sweet frosting of victory!"
"What does that mean?" Nathan asks.
Wahoo! Get hyped, it's time for the cake."
Nathan laughs nervously. "Yes it's uh, time for the cake."
The group looks at Nathan and Youta confused.
"Now! Put this on!" Yells Youta.
"Is this a headband?" Asks Nathan.
"Yes, matching headbands!"
"Oh lovely." Nathan says applying the headband. He stands up and heads for the door.
"It's time to go. This is it guys. This is what we have been training for." Says Mike.
The group save Hinako, and Lobra heads outside into the military vehicle and Itami mans the driver's seat.
"I will take us near the location but we need to proceed on foot when we are close," said Itami.
"How far is this base?" Asked Mike.
"Forty minutes tops." "He has been operating right under our nose? Hard to believe. So be honest. What do you get out of this?"
"As I told your accomplice, this man has wronged me as well. As he walks the earth we are all in danger. His plans are far greater than he leads on. Leave him untouched, and all of us will suffer." Itami replied.
"What do you mean by that? How much larger could he be thinking?" Asked Mike.
"From what I've been able to gather, he has all intentions of taking over the entire country. With the small amount of force and support he seems to have. It may seem implausible. However if he manages to complete his goal it won't be so hard to imagine. Consider this city and us the test dummies."
"I don't mean to question the intel you have, but this man isn't powerful enough to take over the country. If it even got to that level the Hikari would step in and he'd be finished," said Lena.
"I won't pretend I know everything but from what I know about the thing he plans on using, I wouldn't dare test it by chance. Maybe it wouldn't be as dangerous as I assume, but there isn't a need to let it get to that point," said Itami.
"Fair enough. If it's as bad as you say then we stop him before it even has a chance to get to that point," said Leon.
"Don't be afraid Leon, if he destroys the planet we can live in some sort of underground bunker together. We can leave Reyna up here," said Karina.
"No hair gel underground. Not a life I wanna live," Leon said in a serious tone.
"We are about one mile from the location so I will stop here and we will proceed on foot," said Itami.
The crew steps out of the vehicle and enters a nearby forest and Mike kneels down ready to give the plan.
"Alright, so what it looks like here is this building has walls surrounding it. two large towers, and possibly armed guards. So it may be best if we split into teams to get in. Once we get closer to the wall. We will split into the groups I announce, and regroup at the main entrance."
The team moves up to a large concrete wall. The base is flanked by a large creek on one side, and is surrounded by a bustling forest. Mike starts to rattle off the plan but is interrupted by Brody.
"Captain. Something is headed this way. Fast! It's coming from inside the forest. Moving in on us. Now!"
All of a sudden a large hairy creature leaps from the forest snarling. It barrels into Mike and sends him crashing through the concrete. Mike stumbles to his feet and wipes off some rubble.
"So much for the plan." He says backing up.
Another hole is blown in the wall as Junpei shoots a large hole through it. The rest of the team pours in to see this large creature. It stands on its hind legs towering 9 feet tall. This hulking rat-like creature looks at them and snarls screaming.
"What the fuck is that?" Shouted Leon now drawing his weapon.
"The masked man has a habit of coming up with his little experiments. His lead scientist Doobernasi is a master of splicing human genetics with animals. This must be one of them. I forgot what he calls them but it's not relevant." Itami shouted to the group.
"This may be part of how he plans on taking over. This also makes more sense considering what we came in contact with at the mall. I can't imagine how many of these he has. Damn it." Mike yelled.
"I will go get your friend. You need to fight your way to the top floor. I will meet you there and we can leave. Don't fail." Itami says this and fades into a dark mist quickly.
The large rat beast goes to charge but is hit with fire. Brody opens fire and blasts the creature without remorse. "You guys go inside. I'll stall this thing!" He shouts.
"You sure kid? All alone?" Asked Junpei.
"I am no match for the masked man or his henchmen. I'll handle the beast. Now go!"
"Trust him Junpei I know what he's capable of. We will be back for you don't get yourself killed," said Mike.
The team runs towards the front door, and Brody steps in between them and the beast. It screams and locks eyes with the young man.
"You are one ugly son of a bitch. On the bright side, if I die here I don't have to worry about exam prep."
It charges and Brody takes off sending his grapple over the base. He flies up and the monster climbs the wall to chase him. "That's right. Come this way. Chase the food!"
The monster leaps towards him with a snarling growl.
"Time to try out this new technique.' Brody smacks the side of his weapon, and it clicks, loading a shell into the bottom barrel and the usual blue glow from the barrel charges to a red. He fires off a large beam-like round that hits the creature and crackles like fire and ash. "Spiral heat ray!" He screams. The creature stumbles to get its bearings then runs back up the wall quickly.
"Oh boy, that attack turned out to be a nothingburger. Better run."
Downstairs the team boots the door down and enters the warehouse. The guards in the front room turn and charge. Junpei slides his mask down and takes four of them out with quick succession. They get ready to move forward and in come more guards from the room directly across from the front door. As they do, Reyna begins to channel
"Air magic. Shockwave!" She casts a large shockwave across the ground, sending them flying into a wall crumbling the structure. They proceed to the door and they prepare to enter the main hall.
Mike deliberates with the group. "Junpei, Leon, lock down our escape route. The rest of us will go on ahead."
"Viva las vegas bitch," yelled Leon as he kneeled down at the door entrance.
The rest of the team press forward into the main room spreading out. "Alright, stick together until we find the masked asshole. When we do, You guys know what to do." Yelled Mike.
"That won't be needed, Mr. Tozuki," a voice boomed from the back. "
The group turns to see the man sitting there on a crate. He slowly claps his hands and nods. "I gotta be honest. Angry as I am, you found me, I'm impressed. So now that you're here, should I extend my offer again?"
"Screw your offer. Games over, we are here to finish this here and now."
"Well wouldn't that be convenient for your little cause? I'm afraid that I really can't allow that now. I still have more to get done before I allow my capture."
"Enough with the games! You're done for you scumfuck idiot shitbag piece of garbage." Yelled Lena.
"You are right. It is time to stop the games. You are all playing damn games. You run around spitting out your moral bullshit. Claiming you are the ones saving people. As far as I've seen, you are all failures! You failed to stop every attack I've thrown out truly bravo heroes bravo! The reality is you make me sick. Running around calling yourselves justice when you couldn't be further from the truth."
Mike responds. "Then what is justice? We want to save people! You kill heroes who just want to help!"
"Justice is putting an end to the greed and exploitation of the system we abide by. Corporations are running everyday people into the ground. You act like you are the victims when the real victims are everyday human beings."
"You kill those people! They are the victims of you!"
"False, I don't kill civilians. I only kill greedy assholes and people like you guys who uphold this system. You are just as guilty as the men who created it because you are the ones who allow it to remain!"
"Bullshit. Heroes help people."
"Some maybe, but most of you are in it for money and glory. Prancing around like you are your own brand makes me so damn angry. Heroes are a farce and the main pillar holding up the hellscape we call home."
"If you would just open your damn eyes you would see that you are going about this the wrong way. Your ideas are noble and not too far from my own, you execute without remorse; it's unhinged. If somebody of your power was a hero maybe we could've changed things. Rebuild the system from the inside. What I've wanted to do for years!"
"Just as the companies execute their actions against morality? What a joke. Don't pretend you get it. It's time to end this. You can't be saved! You are one of them!"
The masked man hovers to the middle of the room and with the swing of his arm, The entire squad is picked up off the ground and sent flying back, the concrete on the building begins to shake and the wall to the right of the front entrance. The wall is torn off the building and goes flying outside with the group. They all hit the ground hard. They all stagger to their feet as the masked man hovers out. Junpei and Leon run out of the front door and survey what happened.
"It's time for me to wipe you clowns out. You have been a crab in my salad for too long." The masked man lands.
"Youta now!" Mike yells.
Youta charges up releasing the fourth limiter on his body. He moves so quickly that it's almost as if he vanishes. He reappears underneath the masked man and attempts to kick upwards directly into his jaw. Before he can kick him into the air the man looks down and puts his hands together. He slams Youta down like a ragdoll and the concrete underneath shatters from the force. His eyes roll back into his head as he falls unconscious. The group looks at Mike as if wondering what to do now. Kazuke summons his conjuring and appears to attack.
"Don't just stand there you fools!" Kazuke yells.
Kazuke's beast charges its blade and slams down. The masked man dodges it and flies towards the group. He goes for Mike and tries to land a punch. Mike guards and as he is hit he slides. Nathan opens the 4th limiter and goes in to assist. Mike and Nathan exchange blows with the masked man but even with both of them he has the edge. Lena flashes forward shooting and the masked man sees this and goes in for an attack. He goes forward and teleports himself. He catches her by the neck and picks her up off the ground. He slams her down with extreme force. Mike sees this and goes back on the attack. Kazuke is aiming his conjured blade but doesn't want to attack out of fear of hitting his teammates.
"Enough of this!" Yells Reyna.
Reyna channels, and her eyes begin to glow white. All of a sudden a storm begins to stir in the sky. The masked man sees this and flies into the sky charging up. He holds both hands up and two large energy discs begin spinning in his hands. Before Reyna can cast her spell the man throws the discs at her and they approach at Mach 1. Reyna stops her spellcast and tries to run but she isn't fast enough as the discs close in fast. She stumbles and right before the discs hit, a large red arm slams the disc sending it off course. It hits the ground in the distance and explodes viciously.
"Don't worry about defending yourself. I got your back. Cast whatever you can!" Kazuke said to Reyna.
"I got it. Thanks."
Reyna's eyes glow back up and she holds her hands to the sky. The masked man lands and sees her.
"No you don't!" The man yells.
The moment he lets his guard down and runs towards Reyna it happens. Nathan flashes under the man and hits him. Square in the jaw. Sending him up into the air if only for a second. The masked man grabs at his face in pain. Kazuke's conjuring sword slams the man downward crashing into the Ground creating a massive explosion. Reyna lets out some sort of ancient chant and as she does a large twisting wind current forms. She waves her arms channeling the energy into a point and slamming it down onto the man. Mike looks up and sees Reyna thunderstorm and he has an idea. The veins in his neck begin to bulge as he tries to take control of the thundercloud. All of sudden the sky opens up and a large barrage of thunder is unleashed on the man who lays lifeless in a large crater. The entire battlefield is filled with smoke and nobody can see anything. Polar walks out of the main entrance of the building carrying one of the guards he knocked out. Brody runs back towards the team still being chased by the rat monster.
Kazuke notices and draws his sword. "Enough of this shit." He flies at it the blade blasting with flames. He connects with the now caught off guard rat creature severing its head. It hits the ground with a thud as the creature's body slides across the rubble.
"Thanks man. I was just about to do that," said Brody.
Polar notices Lena injured on the ground and runs over. "Not now, friend, not time to sleep."
Mike falls to the ground and grabs his chest. He is out of energy from that last attack. He looks to his teammates. Lena and Youta are out cold. Reyna and Kazuke are panting and out of energy. He looks to the crater now and he sees it. The masked man stumbles to his feet.
"He survived that? No way," said Mike.
"Yes way, he's still standing," said Kazuke.
"You guys -" The man groans before he is cut off.
Before he can speak, Nathan flashes behind him. "No more fucking games!"
Nathan tears off the masked man's mask and reveals his face. A middle-aged man with a mustache and beard. Black oily hair, and brown eyes. Nathan leaps back and as he does Piers and Itami exit together through the front of the base.
"You guys beat him?" He asks.
"I wouldn't be so sure, he's still standing," said Itami.
"Wait a minute. I know that guy," said Piers.
"The masked man looks around dazed and injured. No longer masked."
"Jose Vargas, also known now as just Vargas, an escaped criminal wanted internationally for participation in a terrorist group."
"You know this guy?" Mike says, gasping for breath.
"Don't let this chance slip away! We need to finish him off now." Yells Kazuke.
"You think you can finish me?" Asked Joe.
The man looks up and smiles. He laughs. All of a sudden he floats into the air. Nathan moves to go after him but he falls to one knee and loses his limiter power. The man floats up and aims two hands at the ground and charges up a large laser. He fires at the ground stirring up soil and concrete. Dust flies as everyone is blinded. Itami flies through the air drawing a tanto blade. He slashes through the cloud but by the time it settles the man is gone.
"Damn he's gone. Should we go after him?" Asked Kazuke.
"We can't. We have to help our injured and I don't know about you but I'm in no shape to keep moving. Piers is safe, let's get out of here," said Mike.
"Mike is right. Half our team is down. We need to get moving. Before he returns with help," said Leon.
"He's gone. I cannot sense him anymore. Even if we went looking for him we'd only be shooting ourselves in the foot. We should regroup and replan," said Itami.
"You guys blew it, he got away," said Dales.
"Excuse me? What did you do exactly?" said Karina.
Dales throws his hands up. "I blinded the guy. What did you do?"
"I supplied Reyna with my lifeforce to cast that large spectacle you enjoyed so much. Which was much cooler than anything I have seen you do. Other than your stupid slippers, you are nothing."
Karina swings and slams Dales in the face knocking him out cold.
"I don't mean to interrupt but we need to get out of here before he comes back or his team shows up. It's not the time for quarrels and fallacies," said Itami.
The team stumbles towards the forest and runs for the van. The downed members have to be carried. As they make it to the bus they scatter in and head home.
"Piers, it's good to have you back. What happened?" Asked Mike.
"Well, I hate to break this news but... We cannot trust the police. Jill was the one who got me into this mess," said Piers.
"What?" Asked Leon.
"I went to meet her and when I did, she took me hostage and gave me over to the man."
Mike bows his head and waves. "Jesus Christ, can this get any worse?"
"Yeah it can; turns out the man has a lot of people working for him. A Lot more than we thought," said Piers.
"Yeah Itami said as much," said Mike.
"Let's look at the bright side here. We won that fight," said Reyna.
"That is true. We have now shown him we are capable of beating him. Maybe that will be enough," said Kazuke.
"Not likely. The man isn't showing his full strength. I wouldn't put it past him to regroup, power up and come after us now," said Itami.
"How could he get any more powerful than this?" Asked Mike.
Brody groans and shakes his head. "I hate to say it but looking at my visor footage now, he can, and he did. The speed and force he reached in that battle was far greater than last time. It's not even close.
"Now that you mention it, he does seem stronger," Kazuke said.
"I believe he absorbs his failed allies."
"We did see him drain the life of somebody before. You're telling me he gains power from that?"
"It would appear so," said Itami.