The Gathering Storm

The next couple of days were over and Lily called for the community to meet at the sanctuary. The fear holding them all together kept them in the main hall, their faces stern with concern.

Lily stood before them, steadfast in her heart. "Thank you for coming here. We have something even more sinister facing us right now—a cult wanting to tap into the powers behind the darkness we believe it is over with. However, together, we might be able to beat back this evil.".

She elaborated the details they had collected in whispers, as the people of Graywood had endured enough under the heaviness of shadows and weren't about to allow this new menace to settle.

As she spoke, Clara stood at her side, sharing with her stories as a mother and citizen. "We must protect our children and each other," she continued, "We cannot allow fear to separate us from one another."

They closed the meeting in a sense of unity, about the intent to face the darkness as one. And they vowed to look in the woods where they have seen cultists and to prepare themselves to fight anything evil that may come across their path.