The Hidden War

Aeron and Kaela trailed behind the silver-robed woman as they navigated through Ardentia's twisting streets, moving deeper into the shadows of the city. The more they walked, the more Aeron felt that something was wrong—the streets seemed too still, and the alert presence of the city guards never really dissipated.

"Where are we heading?" Aeron inquired.

The woman didn't let her pace slacken. "Somewhere safe. Somewhere your pursuers won't follow.

They walked through a crumbling stone archway, its sides inscribed with ancient runes, before making their way down a steep set of stairs. The air cooled, the city sounds receding behind them.

Aeron's hold on his hammer tightened. If this was a trap, there would be no easy way out.

At the foot of the stairs, they stepped into a huge underground room illuminated by dim torches. The room was crowded with hooded figures, charts, and shelves full of dusty old books. The air was thick with the smell of old paper and smoldering incense.

Kaela breathed out. "This… is not what I was expecting."

The woman finally faced them.

"My name is Selene. I am of the Veilborn, the final guardians of Ardentia's old magic."

Aeron scowled. "Guardians? From whom?"

Selene's eyes grew dark. "The Order of the Rift. The same who dispatched the Hunter to kill you."

Aeron's gut twisted in horror. "You know they exist?" 

Selene nodded. "And we know what they seek."

The Truth About the Riftguard

Selene took them to a massive stone table, where an old map was laid out. The symbols on it softly glowed with magical energy.

She indicated a few red-marked locations. "The Riftguard weren't merely soldiers. They were the guardians of the seals—the walls that maintained the rifts closed."

She knocked on the ground close to Eldrin, where Aeron's village once stood. "When your village was breached, it was not by chance. A seal had to have been broken."

Aeron's throat parched. "And that implies…?"

Selene's gaze bore into his. "It implies more rifts are opening. And if the Order of the Rift manages to break the others, nothing will be able to stop them.

Kaela whistled softly. "So let me get this. Aeron's hammer is about the only thing that can repair this?"

Selene nodded once. "It was imbued with the strength to close the rifts. That is why the Order would like to have it destroyed."

Aeron flexed his hands. "Then we put a stop to it."

Selene looked at him for a prolonged moment. "Easier said than done.

She pointed to the map once more. "The Order is looking for something referred to as the Obsidian Key. If they get it, they will control the rifts entirely."

Kaela folded her arms. "And let me take a guess. We have to find it first?"

Selene's face turned grim. "Right."

A New Mission

Selene extracted a smaller parchment scroll, unrolling it to expose a drawing of an ancient ruin.

"Last seen, the Obsidian Key resides in the remains of Valthir's Hollow, far inside the Crimson Wastes."

Aeron scowled. "How far?" 

Selene let out a breath. "A minimum of a two-week ride. And the Order probably already on the road."

Aeron nodded, resolve settling into his chest. "Then we depart at dawn."

Selene paused, then dug into her robes and retrieved a small silver amulet, shoving it into his hand.

This will protect you from their spells," she said. "It won't hide you, but it will even the odds."

Kaela looked at Aeron. "I hope you're up for long journeys."

Aeron rolled his eyes. "I didn't exactly expect to remain in Ardentia for all eternity."

Selene's face was somber. "None of us have that option anymore."

As the flames danced in the dark subterranean room, Aeron figured something out.

This wasn't his quest alone anymore.

It was a war.

And he was right in the middle of it.