Returning home

Liam's POV.

Arriving home to not meet my wife in the spacious living room, waiting for me, felt strange. Three years of our marriage, Jessica had always waited in the living room and would give me her best smile, looking and smelling nice.

In our early years of marriage, I would have her right there and then, even though I didn't love her. She was simply irresistible - the way she felt under me, I suddenly missed that.

"You're back!"

I snapped out of my reverie to see Zoey walking down the stairs. At first, I thought she was my wife, as a result of what she was wearing...

"Why are you wearing Jessica's stuff?" my brows furrowed. It was Jessica's gray lingerie - a short satin dress that stopped above her knees, opened at both sides with lace trimmings at the edges, with an open back... I didn't have to make her turn around to know the back was open, with two tiny crisscross straps.

I saw her face fall, head lowered, but I didn't care, I wanted answers. This lingerie was one that Jessica had confessed to like a lot, and pleaded with me not to break it apart...months back.

"What if I say she gave it to me?" Zoey replied, her gaze was still lowered to her toes.

"Why?" I pressed. "Why would she give it to you when you could easily buy one for yourself?" I frowned. It wasn't adding up. I wouldn't give anyone something that I cherished when I could easily buy them another.

"Are you thinking I stole it or bullied her to give it to me?!" She suddenly yelled, lifting her tear-filled face. Her aggrieved eyes stared back at me with disbelief. "Does she and I use the same size?!...I bought it! I didn't even know she has the same thing!... You're so impossible. I shouldn't have come here." She furiously wiped her face, turned and ran upstairs.

I stood there, stunned and ashamed. Indeed, Zoey was thick, tall, and curvy, unlike Jessica who was petite and has little of everything.

I'd admit, one of the many reasons I couldn't love my wife was because of how petite she was. I liked my woman to have something I could feel and press...something that would bounce around if she was on top of me, but Jessica didn't have any of that.

The sharp pain from my temple warned me to put a pause on my thinking. I winced at the pain and then, remembered why I was home to begin with, but as I turned to the direction of the guest room, my gaze subconsciously looked up the stairs, at the hallway, where Zoey had dissappeared into.

I felt bad. Why did I even make such a mistake - how could I mistake my wife's size?... Would Zoey be alright? I didn't want to think about it, but my conscience wouldn't let me. Zoey was in a fragile state at the moment, and shouldn't be emotionally disturbed.

I tried to not think about her as I made my way to the guestroom, but in the end, I failed. My heels turned and I found myself hurrying up the stairs.

I sighed at my helplessness. What I feel for Zoey was still very strong.

On getting to the door, it was slightly open. I could hear her soft whimpers seeping through the cracks. I pushed the door open and stepped in, closing it behind me. She was wiping off her makeup, by the dressing mirror.

When she lifted her gaze and locked eyes with me through my reflection on the mirror, my heart stirred with pity. She had dark cycles around her eyes.

Did she not sleep at all?

"Why are you here? Haven't you assumed the worst of me already?"

My tongue was tied. I couldn't find words. Indeed, I had, without thinking. I didn't know what got into me when I saw another woman in my wife's favorite dress. It immediately stirred anger inside me, even if that person was Zoey, whom I loved.

As my long strides devoured the distance, I stood behind her, my hand shot out to pat her shoulder. "That's not true... I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry."

She stood up and stood in front of me. Finally giving her a second look, I realized she was provocatively dressed. Her big boobs were sticking out and her hard nipples stood still, teasing me. When my wife wears it, she looked elegant and alluring, not sexily provocative.

Heat immediately raised inside of me, my heart beat accelerated. I took a step back and turned my back. "Put on something and come downstairs." I said. But as I was about to take another step, to leave the room, her arms wrapped around my waist from behind, like a vice, her breast pressed against my back.

Her perfume, a sweet, pungent smell, teased my brain, making my mind go blank. Her breath beside my ear made my hair stand on ends. My body reacted to the close promixity, electricity coursed through my veins.

I knew this was wrong, I shouldn't cheat on my wife, but I had no idea why I couldn't turn away from her. The weird but seductive smell I couldn't recognize, the places her hands were touching on my body drove me insane.

To be honest with myself, I've craved her for years. We didn't have a clean breakup, my grandfather forcefully separated us when I was away, and by the time I returned, she'd been forced to get married. Before I could even fight for us, my grandfather had forced Jessica on me.

For the past six months that Zoey had resurfaced in my life, we've both attempted to cross the thin line, but my marital status had held me back countless time, but now, I didn't know why I couldn't resist, like I've always done.

She's turned me around, and her lips were dangerously close to mine, I could feel her hot breath on my face, It was time to pull away, I told myself, but why was I anticipating what was to come instead?

"You want me too, Liam. Stop resisting it. We're made for each other," she whispered to me, the tone of her voice sending fluttering feelings inside of me.