Drama at the airport

Jessica's POV.

Two years felt like mere days, yet the longing for Country A's serene atmosphere had grown unbearable. As I stepped out of the airport, I spread my arms wide, tilting my face toward the sky. Eyes closed, I breathed in deeply, feeling the richness of the air fill my lungs. A radiant smile spread across my lips as I exhaled. Life, since reuniting with my family, had taken on a beauty I never thought I'd know.

I'll never forget the story my family told me two years ago, about the day I went missing. I was only two years old.

Apparently, it was my brother's birthday, and he wanted to go to the just opened WonderWorld Amusement Park, at the time. I remembered nothing, but my family related the story as if it happened yesterday.

They said I threw a great fit, wailing in the crowd because I wanted to walk on my own. No candy, no amount of coaxing could silence me. In the end, my tantrum won. My celebrant brother held my hand tight, navigating through the crowds.

But then, panic erupted as an announcement sounded that terrorists had planted bombs, and the park must be evacuated in less than five minutes. Chaos ensued as people, in thousands rushed in every direction. My brother's grip on my hand faltered, and I slipped away, lost in the sea of frantic faces.

They searched for me everywhere and my brother had since then, become a shell of himself. He was just fifteen. My mom fell ill, an incurable sickness of the heart that was born from losing her only daughter, tangled with chronic depression.

But after my return, two years ago, happiness seemed to have returned to my family. My mother was finally responding to treatment and she's recovered greatly. My older brother, who was said to have stopped smiling ever since, had even started laughing boisterously. My dad, whom I was told was a jovial man, had picked up his playful skills. And my grandparents too, they never wanted me to leave their side for one second, but I had things to do.

Returning to Country A this time, was for two reasons. One, to revisit the orphanage and find clues. It was strange that whoever found me didn't take me to the authorities in Country M, rather, took me to a rundown orphanage in Country A, thousands of miles away from my home.

Was it a case of kidnapping, or was it a misguided attempt to protect me? The uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving a hollow feeling in my chest.

Another reason for coming was to complete my diploma, one that I was forced to suspend.

Thinking of how stupidly submissive I was back then, a chuckle escaped my throat. I thought being obedient and submissive was the best way to live, but what did I gain in the end?


My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice. How did he know I was back? No, the question should be, what was he doing here?

My family was aware that he'd been searching for me for two years, but wasn't that because his ego and pride was bruised?

I gritted my teeth and willed myself to not humiliate him. Turning my head in his direction, my breath caught in my throat.

Standing before me was the only man my heart had ever beat for. My teenage years, when I first saw him at the Mall with his friends trailing behind him, I was mesmerized and immediately fell in love. I found out he was the heir to the Crawford conglomerate and my heart shattered, knowing there was no way we could be an item, still I couldn't stop my feelings from growing stronger.

Just to see him again, I became a regular at the Mall, even taking a job as a sale's person, after all, I needed money for my tuition and Maddie's.

He was frequent in the Mall with his crew. Twice, our eyes met, but he remained oblivious to my existence. Yet, I reveled in those fleeting moments.

His chiseled jawline and piercing blue eyes left me breathless. His straight nose, symmetrical face and radiant smile captivated me. His rich, confident baritone voice sent butterflies tickling my stomach.

His assertive demeanor and domineering personality drew me in. Every gesture exuded strength and authority. He's Tall, with a powerful build, he commanded attention, just like now.

I cherished every detail, hopelessly enthralled. I thought he could only be my fantasy, then, fate intervened...miraculously, our marriage was set, but…

My gaze shifted, catching the figure walking over. My eyes sparkled, lips curling sweetly at the handsome and dashing man walking over with a few guards.

Kristen Spark, my brother's friend and Liam's rival in business.

"Oh my damsel! My little heart cannot take this profound surprise!" Kristen exclaimed, arms wide, inviting me for a hug.

"My heart just skipped a beat. Are you sure I'm not in trouble?" my voice was light with laughter as I sauntered past Liam and accepted the invitation.

As I nestled deeper into Kristen's warm embrace, my skin crawled, as if ants marched up my spine, and the fine hairs on my neck stood on end. The scorching glare from behind radiated intense heat, like an open oven door. I recognized its source: Liam. His gaze bore into my skin, but I feigned ignorance, refusing to acknowledge the tension.

Suddenly, a vice-like grip wrapped around my wrist, ripping me from Kristen's arms. I stumbled backward, losing balance. Liam's grasp spun me around, positioning me behind him. His broad shoulders blocked my view.

"You don't touch another man's wife!" Liam thundered, his voice booming like a crack of thunder. Eyes turned toward us, drawn by Liam's explosive outburst.

My heart stirred, but it was for a tiny second before the erected walls stood stronger, shutting out every unwanted feeling.

"Are you alright? Has the war between us messed with your head that you could no longer differentiate between your wife and my fiancée?"

Shock flashed in my eyes as Kristen claimed to be my fiance. He wasn't. He was my brother's close friend, one that was asked by my brother to protect me. He'd come around Country M a few times in the last two years and each visit, my brother made sure I was there, helping us foster a good 'sibling' relationship.

But I wasn't angry, if anything, I was grateful. With this, I won't be caught up in Liam and Zoey's love story for the second time. Two years ago, I walked out of my marriage with my heart dug out. Two years later, I'm not going to pretend like nothing happened, like my child didn't die…

Liam's shoulders knotted, muscles coiling like a snake preparing to strike. His back remained rigid, a wall of tension separating me from the turmoil brewing within. The air vibrated with menace as he growled, "Repeat that."

Kristen's voice steady, unwavering, replied, "She's. Not. Your. Wife." Each word dripped with defiance, fueling Liam's ire.

My heart galloped, pounding against my ribcage like a frantic drumbeat. Fear crept up my spine, icy tendrils wrapping around my throat. I've never heard Liam sound so feral, so primal. The venom in his tone made my skin crawl.

Liam's fists clenched, knuckles white, as he slowly turned to face me. His eyes blazed, burning with a ferocity that made my blood run cold.

"Is it true?"

My heart leaped to my throat. I wanted to stare him in the eyes and say a loud yes, but I couldn't find my voice. My lips parted and closed. At that moment, Kristen's voice was like amnesty.

"Jess, come to me."

My head whipped toward Kristen, his urgent gaze locking onto mine. His hand stretched out, a lifeline in the turmoil. But Liam's grip only tightened, fingers like vice clamps around my wrist.

I trembled, heart racing, as the two men engaged in a silent battle of wills. Their eyes clashed, sparks flying like fireworks.

Kristen's voice took a different tone, dripping with menace. "Liam, do you have a death wish?" The undertone sent shivers down my spine.

Liam sneered, his smile twisted. "Let's see who dies first."

With a fluid motion, Liam stepped forward, fist cocked and ready to strike. Kristen mirrored his stance, shoulders squared.

The air electrified, heavy with anticipation. Bystanders scrambled backward, fearful of the impending explosion. Even their men were also having a face off, ready to pounce on each other.

My wrists ached, my head throbbed, trapped in the vicious tug-of-war.

"Enough!" Suddenly, I thundered. With a swift motion, yanked my wrist off Liam's grip. "Who do you think you are?" my glare was sharp as our eyes locked.

His eyes widened, lips parting to speak but no words dropped.

"As I thought." I mocked, my lips curling in disdain. "We're divorced, which makes us strangers. The next time you touch me like that, I'll sue you for sexual harassment."

"Mrs. Crawford!" Michael cried, his voice filled with indignation but I didn't spare him as little as a glance as I turned on my heels and walked towards the cars parked in front, belonging to Kristen and his guards.

I could hear Liam's haggard breaths behind me. My walls trembled, threatening to collapse, but I willed myself to not care, to not look back.