Going shopping

Jessica POV.

Hilda lived in a neighborhood plagued by building congestion and noise pollution.

The narrow streets were lined with towering buildings, their proximity to each other creating distress for someone like me who isn't used to such suffocating places.

The endless sounds of car horns blaring, people shouting, and the relentless chatter from the street food vendors and hawkers nearby made it difficult to find peace.

I stood there, becoming an eye candy for almost everyone walking by. Was it that they'd never seen a beautiful lady looking downcast, or was their interest in me all about my dressing?

My mind busied itself with anything and everything, except thinking about what Maddie did to me. To be fair, I willed it to stop thinking about my adopted family. Explaining to Hilda while crying again, soliciting pity was the last thing I wanted to do. Hilda had her own problems too, adding to her hefty troubles wouldn't be considerate.