Chapter 15: As if a different person

The atmosphere in the conference room was a little stagnant for a moment.

  To be honest, no one believed that Su Nuan had the ability to drive these two projects. Seeing her full of confidence, everyone couldn't help but feel a little confused.

  In the end, it was Vice President Lin who made the final decision.

  "Okay, since Xiao Nuan has said so, we will give you a chance!"

  He still had that smiling face, covering up the greed underneath his face. "But if one of these two shows doesn't become a hit, you must follow our instructions and withdraw from the management of the company. Don't worry, Xiao Nuan, even if you're not here, I, your uncle, will help you take care of Yu Yin."

  Su Nuan turned her head and glanced at her expressionlessly.

  "Don't worry, there is no such possibility."

  She has confidence in her own abilities.

  What's more, if Vice President Lin could really manage voice, the company would not have been in such a mess in the two years when I was away.

  "Haha, then I hope you can do what you say."

  After Qin Xuefang pushed Su Nuan away, other shareholders immediately gathered around and looked at Vice President Lin with concern.

  "Director Lin, how could you agree to Su Nuan just now? What if she really makes these two programs a hit? Then wouldn't we be——"

  "How could such a thing happen!?"

  Vice President Lin glared at the man who spoke and said contemptuously, "We have already estimated the value of the show and movie she is interested in. There is no possibility of it becoming a hit, unless Su Nuan can bring her own resources. But look at her disabled appearance, what kind of strength can she have!"

  Vice President Lin didn't take Su Nuan's words seriously at all. He just thought that she was young and didn't know anything, and thought that making the show was too simple.

  "Don't worry, she is destined to lose this bet. By then, the power of the company will still be in our hands. When the time is right, we will just sell the shares in our hands and make a fortune!"

  There was an obvious greed flashing in his seemingly kind eyes.

  In the eyes of these people, Yu Yin had long been a waste product. They did not want to hand Yu Yin over to Su Nuan for management. They just wanted to take advantage of this last opportunity to squeeze out the last bit of value from Yu Yin so that they could take the money and run away.

  However, little did they know that Su Nuan had already guessed their little plans to a near-ideal level.

  "Xiao Nuan, you shouldn't have made that bet with Vice President Lin just now."

  Qin Xuefang took Su Nuan to visit the company, but her mind was still full of what had just happened.

  She couldn't help but feel a little worried: "I have also carefully looked at these two projects. If there is no big shot in charge, there is almost no possibility of revival. Xiao Nuan, why don't we go back and have a good talk with them? After all, you are Xiao Nan's only daughter. They will let you participate in the management of the company."

  Su Nuan turned her head to look at her and sighed helplessly.

  She knew that Qin Xuefang was genuinely concerned about the company and herself, but unfortunately, she thought too simply of people's hearts.

  "Aunt Qin, you have seen the losses I pointed out today. Do you think it is really caused by the bad market environment as Vice President Lin said?"

  Qin Xuefang was stunned, thinking suspiciously.

  "Isn't it?"

  Seeing Su Nuan shaking her head, she felt even more strange, "But those projects were personally managed by Vice President Lin. If it weren't for market rules, then wouldn't it be..."

  She seemed to have thought of something and covered her mouth in surprise.

  Seeing that she understood, Su Nuan slowly analyzed, "Yu Yin's foundation is not bad. Even if there is a loss, it will not cause such serious consequences. If someone hadn't embezzled money and deducted money from others, it would not have become the current situation!"

  When he said this, a cold light flashed in Su Nuan's eyes.

  This was the company her mother left for her, but now it was destroyed by this group of people!

  Qin Xuefang's face turned pale and then turned angry.

  "No wonder the company's business is getting worse and worse. I didn't expect that even the top management was involved in this!"

  "That's why I have to make some achievements to show them my strength," Su Nuan narrowed her eyes slightly, "otherwise, these old hands will definitely not let go of the management rights of the company."

  Although she could have directly asked to take over based on her status as the largest shareholder, the company did not belong to her after all. Doing so would probably trigger public outrage, and no one in the company would obey her orders.

  After much thought, I realized that only by making two hit products can I completely shut those people up.

  It was not until this moment that Qin Xuefang finally understood Su Nuan's good intentions, and she couldn't help but look at her twice in surprise.

  "Xiao Nuan, you can even figure this out. I am really impressed by you!"

  She clearly remembered that when she went abroad, Su Nuan was just an introverted and cowardly little girl who knew nothing about company affairs and could only follow the arrangements of others.

  After not seeing each other for two years, Su Nuan seemed like a different person.

  "During the past two years while I was abroad treating my leg injury, I also learned a lot about management." In order to cover up her strangeness, Su Nuan could only make up a lie.

  Fortunately, Qin Xuefang did not doubt it.

  She smiled with relief, "If your mother knew how smart and capable you are now, she would definitely be proud of you!"

  When talking about her mother, Su Nuan fell silent for a moment.

  After a long time, she raised her head with a determined look and said something.

  "Even if it's just for my mother, I will definitely bring Yu Yin back to life!"

  This thing is easy to say, but it is actually very difficult to do.

  Just as Vice President Lin said, the best way to revive these two programs is to invite big stars to increase popularity and discussion.

  He guessed that Su Nuan had just returned to China and had no connections or resources, so she would definitely not be able to find an artist.

  Little did she know that she just had an ace in her hand!

  Before leaving the company, Su Nuan made a special call to Sheng Jinyan.

  "Uncle, are you ready to talk now?"

  Su Nuan felt a little nervous.

  Sheng Jinyan is a movie emperor after all. Although he has rarely participated in programs since rumors spread that he was injured and confined to a wheelchair, people of his level never lack work.

  The environment on the other end of the phone was a bit noisy. After a few seconds, all the sounds suddenly disappeared, leaving only Sheng Jinyan's cold and steady voice.

  "I'm here, Xiao Nuan."

  The deep and magnetic voice inexplicably moved Su Nuan's heart.

  But she quickly came to her senses and carefully asked the other party to meet. "Uncle, what you said last time still counts. If it's convenient, I want to meet with you and talk about Yu Yin."

  Sheng Jinyan quickly understood what Su Nuan was talking about.

  "Okay, send me the interface address."

  He agreed even more smoothly than Su Nuan imagined.

  (End of this chapter)