Ch.3 Whaling and Shells Town


As we made our way out onto the deck, I toggled noisemaker and stopped the song much to Nami's relief. Cannonballs were falling all around the ship dotting the ocean with plumes of water. The clones keeping the crowd controlled had disappeared as we made our way up, they were unnecessary now.

As people tend to do, they'd scattered looking for safety in fear of the pirates. Alvida's ship will be in boarding range soon. I feel some nervous excitement from Nami as she gets a look at the situation standing a few feet behind me.

Turning to face her a thought has a kunai spinning on my finger, her eyes gleam in interest at getting to see another one of my abilities. Before she can question me on it, I send smug confidence and speak.

"It's OK Nami, I'm about to show you at least a little of what I'm capable of, let you know I'm not all talk. I'm beyond overkill for these small fry, but it'll be fun ShiShiShi!" Just being extra I pose dramatically flexing all my muscles, with an arrogant smirk.

Heh, after a moment it seems she likes what she sees, lust flares from her in a wave and she bites her lip sexily. I could just leave Alvida to some clones and make out with Nami… No that would be boring, besides I like Koby enough to want to save him myself so, Maxim… Yeah no, this is definitely hunting mice with a canon, unlike Mihawk though I'm enough of a petty bitch to enjoy it.

I spin on my heel and in a few steps reach the railing of the ship as a few more cannonballs close in. Carefully I keep my throwing motion slow enough for Nami to perceive.

As the kunai leaves my hand, I flex my will molding my chakra into the Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu. It multiplies the one kunai into thousands, resulting in a hailstorm of metal. An instant later the cannonballs explode, hit by the sheer volume of kunai. I'd angled the throw up slightly, causing the rest to riddle the rigging of Alvida's ship. Shredding it's sails and killing the unfortunate few who'd been climbing the rigging.

Feeling Nami's awe at what I'd just done, I spin back around to face her and give a theatrical bow before I speak.

"Teleportation time! I'll have a clone steal their loot while I do some whaling and grab Koby. Back in a sec kitten, ShiShiShi!"


In a blink of hiraishin my kunai is back in my hand, then gone. I stand up horizontally on the mast, using chakra to stick there in defiance of gravity.

All the clone kunai have poofed away.

The pirates are panicking at the display… Just a few are tending the wounded or dead. Scanning for a moment I see Koby and Alvida.

He's shaking in fright, just as panicked as they are.

She's scared but trying not to show weakness in front of her men. The dead giveaway of her fear is how silent she is.

I flex my conquerors haki, causing everyone but the two I'm here for to fall unconscious foaming at the mouth. Koby shrieks in fear and ducks down hands on his head, eyes closed, shaking. Alvida spins in a circle terrified at what is going on, she yells out, full of false bravado.

"Whoever's doing this show yourself you bastards!"

She tappers off and looks around confused as I toggle noisemaker. (Playtime By Silvervale.) to play at a low volume centered on her.

Once the lyrics hit, she goes pale.

I wait letting her stew in her fear a little longer. An excited grin coming to my face, this isn't much of a fight but I'm finally living my dream! I barely manage to stay quiet suppressing the cackle that wants to bubble out of me.

She grips her mace, swinging her head back and forth panicked looking for an attacker.

Picking my moment, I front flip off the mast landing behind her with a thud. She spins to face me, as I stand to my full height, hands in my pockets, looking down into her eyes.

The music stops, my laugh rings out.


She shakes a moment longer then, my laugh causes her rage to win out over fear. Raising her mace, swinging it at my head with a yell.

"I Don't know who you are bitch! But I'm Iron Mace Alvida and I'm gonna splatter your brains all over the deck for laughing at me!"

At her yell Koby manages to look over just in time. His eyes widening in horror as he thinks he's watching a someone die.

It comes down in what might as well be slow motion to me. As it nears my head I swing my left arm in a flash. The top portion turns to dust at my strike and she's left holding the nub of her weapon staring in numb shock.

Before she can say anything the same hand shoots forward grabbing her by the throat.


Picking her up like she weighs nothing, she doesn't to me. I pull her close and whisper in her ear.

"If you ever want to be great, come find me. I'm Monkey D. Reina, the woman that's gonna be Queen of the Pirates."

Pulling back I look her in the eyes as she chokes in confused shock.

I give her a smirk and nod.

Done with her I wind my arm back as if casually throwing a ball and launch her over the horizon.

Koby lets out a startled yelp at the sight and slumps to his knees.

I feel nothing but awe and lust from Nami as she watches from the other ship.

As I turn to Koby a thought has a clone appear and then disappear below decks to loot the ship.

His eyes follow the clone for a moment then move back to me. He shakes even worse, crying and pleading to me hysterically

"! Don't Hurt me! I didn't wanna be a pirate I wanna be a Marine! I don't wanna d."

He stops before he can get any further as he feels my hand calmly stroke his cute pink hair. He hadn't seen me move through his tears.

Looking down at another one of my favorite characters come to life, I felt nothing but gratitude for this chance. After a few seconds he calms down and stops crying somewhat. So, I pull my hand away and give him a smile and laugh as I speak, making my declaration again to him as I had Alvida.

"ShiShiShi! my names Monkey D. Reina! I'm gonna be Queen of the Pirates! So, your dreams to be a marine huh? I think I can help you with that! I've got a nakama waiting for me to recruit them in Shells Town. How about you come along with me and Nami before the marines get here and try to arrest us all. They sure as hell wouldn't let you join if they caught you on a pirate ship! And there's actually a marine base in shells town where you can join up so it's a win win!"

As I finish speaking, I reach my hand down to him.

Hesitantly with hope blooming in his eyes he takes it and stands up. Taking a moment to collect himself he speaks.

"Reina right? even though you're a pirate you'll really help me join the marines?"

I give him a reassuring smile and pat him on the head as I reply.

"Sure will Koby, you can count on me!"

His eyes widen at my declaration, but then his face scrunches up in confusion and he questions me.

"Wait how do you know my name I haven't introduced myself yet?"

Unable to repress another laugh I give him the only answer he's gonna get.

"ShiShiShi! future vision, anything else is a seeecreeet! Tehe"

I give an anime girl style cutesy laugh at the end, which in no way fits my tall amazonian body.

Koby gives me a puzzled expression but then looks at all the unconscious pirates around us. After a moment I see him give up trying to make sense of my craziness. Good that'll get him far with grandpa.

"Well… Ok then do you want me to get a boat ready so we can get out of here?"

Heh he just defaulted to calm helpfulness when completely confused! Shaking my head no I reply.

"No need, I just got memories from my clone letting me know it looted the ship and has already done that. Give me a moment I'll be right back."

Before he can reply I blink to the marker I'd placed on the railing of the other ship. Next to where Nami had watched from.

Wrapping my arms around her from behind causes her to jump slightly in shock but then relax back into my chest.

Warm feelings pass between us for a moment before she speaks musing still somewhat recovering from what I'd shown her.

"Reina that was amazing I've never seen anything like it. If that's what the grand line is going to be like I'm kind of terrified. But as long as I'm with you and nakama that have our back I'm also excited as wild as that sounds. We're really going to chase our dreams together, aren't we?"

I keep sending warmth as I reply.

"Yes we are kitten, every single one of our nakama has a dream that we're going to help them achieve. Just like they'll help us with ours."

I felt her calm acceptance before mentally shaking myself and getting to business.

"OK so the ship's been looted, the whale's been launched. Koby is hitching a ride with us to Shells Town to join the marines. Unless there's anything left for you to do over here, I'm going to take you over to the dinghy."

At the mention of loot, she jerks out of my arms spinning to look up into my eyes imploringly. Whoa, her eyes actually turned into Berri signs, huh neat. I Feel her greed and excitement as she begins to beg.

"Captain! where's the money give it to me! Please!"

It's a critical hit from being called captain again, apparently that really is a thing for me now. Fondly amused I attempt to placate her.

"You'll get your hands on it when we have the time Nami! We've got to get out of here before the marines show up remember?"

She pouted for a second then gave a reluctant nod. stepping in grabbing my arm she leans against me as she replies in a whine.

"Fine then let's go, the sooner we get out of here the sooner we can go through the loot!"

Her greed drew a laugh from me.


Then cannon fire rings out again. A marine ship coming in hot firing on Alvida's.

Nami tenses some, but in a blink we're next to Koby. He widens his eyes, but before he can react further I place a hand on his shoulder. Another blink and we're in the readied dinghy.

I feel Nami's surprise at the unceremonious teleportation before she catches on and steps to the tiller to steer the boat.

I start lowering the sail.

Koby is frozen in shock for a moment before slapping his cheeks and shaking himself then calling out.

"I'll untie the bow line!"

He shuffles forward in the cramped boat to do just that.

In the confusion of the canon fire we slip away unseen.


Nami's Pov.

That night as she takes her turn on watch Nami reflects over the last day.

This morning she'd woken up on that cruise ship lost in her own melancholy, but then Reina had shown up. The bond had happened, it was love at first sight.

Her own personal knight in shining armor… well more like a goofy bikini knight if she's being totally honest. Despite her weird abilities and origin which would have been terrifying to her just the day before. Nami couldn't find it in herself to be scared of Reina at all. After all she feels like she's known her all of her life thanks to the bond… If only then maybe Bel…

Shaking her head refusing to go down that dark path again. Nami reminds herself of her new situation by touching the now tattoo free skin on her shoulder. Their linked now and Nami couldn't be happier despite the strangeness.

The point is now she actually has hope, Reina will save her and her loved ones. After they recruit these mysterious nakama that Reina won't tell her anything about.

From where she's steering the boat she looks down at Reina's peacefully sleeping face. The woman was sprawled out in a pile of soft blankets she'd pulled from the nowhere. The same place the money is! Nami is sure of it.

She can't suppress her rueful grin, thinking back on those first few hours after escaping the marine ship. Her and their new traveling companion Koby had attempted to question Reina.

Nami of course had gotten an explanation on the cruise ship. But not enough of one! She'd wear Reina down! She'd noticed how the gorgeous woman reacted to being called Captain... Her Captain wasn't that a wild thought. She was a pirate now ha! Her Captain had stubbornly kept giving basic answers.

She even explained a little of the bond to Koby. That was embarrassing and Nami smacked her shoulder before she could say too much!

Then she used that noisemaker ability of hers to play a variety of goofy and embarrassing songs. Unable to resist Reina's good cheer, her and Koby had eventually both decided to accept the basic answers and move on.

Nami was especially able to not sweat the small stuff when from nowhere just like the blankets. Reina produced hot food and cold drinks! God as cheesy as it sounded, she really was head over heels for this woman already wasn't she? What would Nojiko or Genzo think?

Ohh well she'll just have to ask them when they get to Cocoyashi and Reina kills Arlong for her.

Still hardly able to believe that thought but knowing she can, she continues her watch.

A couple hours later she kicks Koby awake for his turn and then snuggles with Reina. Ignoring the small flash of embarrassment of Koby being able to see them. For the incredible comfort, warmth and safety of Reina

As she drifts to sleep radiating love, she feels Reina sleepily return the feeling and an arm wrap around her.

Nami is hopeful and safe.


The next afternoon as we dock in Shells Town. Nami is shaking me awake from my after-lunch nap.

"Reina wake up, we're here!"

As I wake up though something is wrong, there's no one around. What we can see from the docks looks like a ghost town.

Koby is the first to voice a timid question.

"Where is everybody? Did something happen to them?"

I don't answer as I spread my senses out over the town and the marine base in the distance. Almost all the nearby emotional signatures are already at or headed for the Base!

When people are in a big group it's usually impossible to sort out individual signatures. But in the center of the base, I feel one signature blaring all consuming Desperation! It's so deep it's almost as clear as the bond.

Feeling the rush of my emotions, Nami sends concern as she speaks.

"Reina? What's wrong? What is it?"

Snapping out of my fixation on my senses I know I don't have time to answer.

In a flash I launch a kunai at the base so hard that it doesn't make an arc. It flies straight and flat over the massive distance.

Igniting the air around it in a lance of fire as it flies.

Nami's eyes widen, I feel her shock at not even being able to see me move until my arm was extended from the throw.

Koby let's out a gasp.

NO TIME. A the clone appears to bring them along.

In a blink my kunai is in my hand, I'm midair a few feet over the base's wall.

I take in everything in an instant.

My eyes widen at what I see.

I hear a name being yelled.

I feel a wave pass over me.

My body moves on instinct.

My arm flashes again.

A kunai flies.

Another line of fire lancing out with it.

An axe cuts hair.


Zoro's Pov.

It had already been three weeks! Just one more weak! And that butt chin brat would let him go. They made a deal after all…

The only thing keeping Zoro alive was sheer determination and a promise. One he made to his rival all those years ago.

For not the first time he loses consciousness in his exhaustion.

His delirious mind couldn't help but wander back through his memories.

His rival Kuina always beat him. it had infuriated him at the time, only made him train harder. They'd shared a dream to be the greatest swordsman in the world. He never beat her not even once, not even the time they dueled at night with live steel. What idiot children they had been!

At the time when she had aired her grief at her gender. Zoro had only seen red, she was insulting all his hard work! Besides what did it matter if she was a girl? She was amazing!

That night they'd reaffirmed their rivalry and their shared dream.

Everything changed a week later, Kuina fell down the stairs. Apparently, she'd been carrying Wado up to her room after lessons to clean it. She'd fallen backwards down the stairs, her skull cracking when she hit the lower flight.

By some miracle Kuina barely survived, she was in a coma for three weeks before she woke up.

But when she did… she couldn't see. The fall had taken her sight, her recovery was slow. Zoro neglected his training to visit her as often as possible.

Kuina had kept up a brave face for almost year as she recovered, but finally one day she broke down screaming at him.

"Get away from me Roranoa Zoro! Leave and take your Dream with you! I can't have dreams now anyways! Not only was I born a girl but now I can't even see I'm useless!"

Zoro was shocked at her outburst, unable to respond as she continued her tirade, tears and snot rolling down her face. Her unseeing eyes somehow still meeting his.

"You hear me Zoro?! Leave! Take this! And your stupid dream with you!"

She blindly groped by her side for a moment. Then her arm came around hurling Wado Ichimonji into his chest.

The air was knocked out of him by how hard she'd thrown her once prized possession.

But even if it hadn't been Zoro was too devastated to have been able to talk. Tears and snot streaming down his cheeks, He clutched her sword to his chest.

Kuina stopped yelling, hands coming up to clutch her eyes painfully. Dissolving into wretched heart wrenching sobs.

Lost in his devastation and heart break, Zoro fled without a word.

The sliding door slamming behind him.

He'd ran until his feat bled, tears streaming down his face. Clutching Wado to his chest, right where she'd thrown it.

It must have been days later when he regained enough sense to take in his surroundings.

It was morning, he was in a strange place, leaning against a tree on the edge of a cliff, looking over the ocean.

Confused for a moment, he'd stood up wincing as his bleeding feet roared at him in pain.

The pain reminded him what happened, looking down he was still clutching Wado in his hand.

In a fit of rage and sadness he pulled his arm back to throw Wado into the sea. With a yell of rage his arm came forward with all the strength his exhausted body had.


However his yell of rage turned into a pained filled scream. He'd clutched Wado for so long that the ray skin wrap of the sheath had dug into the palm of his hand and stuck.

The sword came loose with bits of his skin still attached. As it unstuck it lost all the speed of his throw and clattered to the ground a short distance away.

In pain over his entire body Zoro sagged back down against the tree. Clutching his hand, hours later as the sun began to set he managed to stand again.

Finding that the cliff overlooked a port he'd made his way into town clutching Wado. He'd been too tired to throw it far enough to get it into the water he told himself.

Besides he needed money and the sword was worth a lot.

He'd stolen food that night still clutching Wado. He told himself he'd throw it in the ocean or sell it the next day.

In the end he'd spent a few years barely surviving, managing to earn passage on ships by doing menial labor. He kept up his training through it all, still clutching Wado. People had tried to take it or buy it, but he couldn't let it go.

Years later he'd become the most infamous bounty hunter in east blue. Known for his 3-sword style. The anger had quickly given way leaving only hurt.

Zoro had turned to heavy drinking to cope, still clutching Wado.

But then an old fire had risen up through the hurt. They had a Dream and no matter what even if, it's just so she'd hear about it somehow.

He was gonna be the World's Greatest Swordsman! He was clutching Wado as he yelled those words.

Along the way of sorting out his anger he'd forgiven Kuina for her words.

He realized she'd said them out of pure despair.

His biggest regret to this day was leaving without saying anything!

But his own shame and admittedly awful sense of direction meant he coul…


A stuttering voice reached Zoro.

His eyes twitched, as he regained consciousness. It wasn't the one he used to hear in his nightmares.

It was older, but the voice it was Kui…What? What?

As his eyes opened it took a second before he was able to focus them through the glare of the sun. Then he took in what had happened while he was unconscious.

The courtyard was littered with injured and dead marines.

Standing in front of him was a woman covered in wounds. She coughed up some blood as he made eye contact with her unseeing eyes.

Zoro's tired mind was suddenly the clearest it had ever been. He took in every possible detail in an instant. Kuina was standing in front of him!

She was an adult now, but her figure under the wounds from what he could see was much too skinny. She was wearing rags, even through all the blood he could tell they were threadbare. In her right hand a sword hung loosely, covered in blood. In the left hung a tattered umbrella.

As he stared in open mouthed shock, a serene smile spread across her face as she relaxed, despite her wounds.

Her face framed by long matted hair, tears trailing down it through the blood. She spoke low, clear. but haltingly this time and despite her smile pure sadness colored her voice.

"Zoro… I finally found you… I've been looking for years… I'm so sorry for what I said… please I just want to hear your voice again… Even if you hate me... please say something…"

Kuina trailed off and seemed to sag under her wounds as snot began running from her nose and her smile became shaky.

Zoro's mind didn't have time to process a reply as he noticed movement behind her.

The marine captain who had fallen behind her, silently stood his face a mask of contempt. His left arm hanging limp as his right arm… The one that ended with an axe! pulled back for a left to right swing right for Kuina's neck!

In the moments before the swing made contact, Zoro's emotions exploded in horror.

He watched the axe grow closer in slow motion.

Every muscle in his body straining as the post he was tied to began to snap!

But it wouldn't be in time!

The Axe was inches away now!

He lets out a desperate yell!

The only thing he could manage, her name!

With it came a wave of Conquers Haki.


Her smile stopped shaking as she heard his voice.

Her eyes rolled back in her head, knocked unconscious by his Haki.

If there was any more time, she'd have fallen clear but there's not enough time!

Morgan's eyes roll up in his head knocked unconscious by the wave of Conquers Haki.

But his arm especially weighted by the axe on the end of it, keeps its deadly momentum.

Zoro's senses are so heightened that even through his scream. As he fights to stay conscious through the wave of exhaustion that hits him. He hears it.

He hears as the Axe contacts Kuina's hair and begins cutting through it towards her neck.

He focuses on her unconscious face, knowing this moment will be etched in his brain for however long he has left to live.

The right side of his vision goes white. Still, he manages to see what happens next.

Zoro is horrified and despairing.


End note. Muahahahaha!